How will they rule ??!

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When it comes to specifics of conversations with foreign leaders, the president cannot be investigated or held to oversight by Congress. That’s literally the law, not an argument.
Maybe you have forgotten about the Nixon tapes which were filled with foreign leaders.
Executive privilege is a made up term Presidents use to hide shit. Nowhere in the constitution is this a thing. It is a doctrine not a law. It was never even used in court in its current form until the 60's. The only time it has ever been litigated by SCOTUS was Nixon and he lost. They ruled a President cannot claim privilege to hide evidence from congress. Clinton and Obama both tried to use Privilege to stop investigations, both failed miserably. Reagan didn't even try to use privilege in Iran-Contra because he understood it wouldn't work.
Because of Trump congress is going to have to finally actually put things like Executive Privilege into defined law.
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No I said his personal convos with foreign leaders are executive privilege not intelligence. The intelligence committee does not have oversight over executive privilege conversations.
^^^^ Schiff knows this too. That's why he's now threatening to sue. The last grasp of desperation.

Wanna bet on whether or not the courts give him access to Trump's personal conversations with foreign leaders?

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"I'm weary of being definitive about this, bc the recent pics that came out... I had not remembered"

Translation - There's definitely more. Only a matter of time.

BTW there are some hardcore racists who literally go their entire lives without ever wearing black face. So my question is who dresses in black/brown face on multiple occasions? What type of person does that repeatedly?
That is something I question also. Who dresses up like this and why do so many Democrats do it. Do they want to be black or what? Whatever the reason they look like fools.
Executive privilege is a made up term Presidents use to hide shit. Nowhere in the constitution is this a thing. It is a doctrine not a law.

And these same people who have constantly attacked and degraded our core institutions and norms daily for three years on their warpath to get Trump will look you dead in the eye and swear Trump's a threat to democracy.

Perfect example here. They've attacked basically every institution and norm trying to get Trump and gain power. Trump's the threat to democracy though.
This fool got owned. He is way over his head.

Because it is the IG's job to filter out any complaint that has no basis in reality. Its the entire point of the system. It allows federal intelligence employees to rat out corruption while also stopping them from using it as a political hatchet tool. The IG already ruled the Trump complaint was credible and serious hence why it was moved forward. The ICWPA is also a lot different from other whistleblower laws in that it doesn't offer an legal protections to the person. So they don't have much to gain with coming forward, can still lose their job. The ICWPA also allows the person to go straight to congress if they feel the DNI is not respecting a credible complaint which is what happened here.

For the IG to approve a complaint it has to meet this criteria.
(A) A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters[;]

(B) A false statement to Congress, or a willful withholding from Congress, on an issue of material fact relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity[; or]

(C) An action, including a personnel action described in section 2302(a)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code, constituting reprisal or threat of reprisal prohibited under section 7(c) in response to an employee’s reporting an urgent concern in accordance with this section.

If it was FAKE NEWS as Trump says then he wouldn't have Barr trying to block congress from seeing the complaint. Just like how if his tax returns were clean he wouldn't be suing everyone on the planet to block their release. If this was a Dem President trying to hide a whistleblower all you nutjobs would be flipping shit. But your Lord and Savior Trump can do whatever he likes.

No, you don't get it. The President of the United States is not just an average joe blow government employee. He is the Executive branch of the Govt, every agency in that branch works for him. Do you not understand or grasp that the intelligence services entire purpose is to provide the President with the best info for his decisions, that's it. If he wants to call you up and tell you the Nuclear codes, as President he can and there's nothing illegal about it.

Trump knows it's a political hack job, I wouldn't be upset if the whistleblower was accusing the President of something he can do.
Colt announces it will no longer make AR-15's for public sales. Redneck heads explode!
Not you know how many manufacturers there are? God you're an idiot.

If I was them I'd just replace it with wood and youd think it was a less scary even though there are larger caliber weapons like that
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Platinum, go ahead and book your ticket to whatever haven of liberal thought you want to go to the day after election day in November of 2020. Because it is your head that is going to explode if you remain here for President Trump's second term.
Both sides are guilty of being hypocrites because all they care about is keeping themselves and people of their ilk in power, or getting those of the opposite ilk out of power.

See Ivanka and using personal emails for government business after Trump campaigning on HER EMAILS!!1!.

Trump using executive orders left and right after the right bitched and moaned for years over Obama using EOs.

McConnell saying he'll fast track getting a SCOTUS judge confirmed during election year after not even allowing Merrick Garland to have a confirmation hearing.

Or the right always talking about states rights while they will constantly trample over states rights for things that they disagree with, like Trump preventing California from requiring more stringent environmental standards on automobiles all while having argued in court that the standards set in court by Obama were federal overreach, or the right trying to prevent states from expanding Medicaid

Etc. I could go on and on, both sides filled with hypocrites that are either oblivious to their hypocrisy, or, even worse, don't care when it fits their agenda.

You don't know the difference between a private citizens email and the Secretary of State's email?
Okay I think I figured this popcorn thing out. The man who threatened Joe Biden with a knife at the swimming pool was Justin Trudeau in blackface, AKA popcorn.

Who knew we'd get to talk Canadian politics for a day.

That pic of Trudeau in India cracks me up.

As well as this one where his son looks to be in some kind of hostage situation:

You don't know the difference between a private citizens email and the Secretary of State's email?

Wildcat Boston is a stupid asst college gym teacher. He doesn't have a clue. He doesn't even know what fascism is unless he looks up left wing whacko Wikipedia site and gets some distorted mental gymnastics definition
You won’t.

Some people (you) really only learn the hard way.

You’re in for a world of hurt beyond anything you can possibly imagine.

Pocahontas will just need to implement an even bigger wealth tax to pay off Dions student loans once the market craters. Should be a great time to be an American. Can’t wait.