You know how the founders intended it to be since Conservatives always claim to be originalists.
What if everyone you hire sucks at their job?
Welcome to the government
That is pretty bad but don't lump all mail carriers together. The carrier we have goes out of her way to put packages in a safe dry place on our porch and if we receive a letter postage due she pays it herself and leaves a note.Completely real story. Last week I ordered a package and the company I ordered it through had USPS ship it. I was in my living room working when I hear the USPS truck pull up. No lie, the girl pulls up slides her door open, tosses a note out of the truck and begins to pull down my driveway. I ended up running out of my house and down my driveway to flag her down. She handed me my package and said, "oh I didn't think anyone was home." I walked back up and pickup the note she left. The note was the "no one here to sign, pickup package at closest USPS". First of all didnt need to sign for the package, 2nd of all she didnt even get out of her car and walk up my stairs and knock on my door to see if anyone was home. Literally pulled up, through the note out the door and drove off.
And you wonder why the USPS loses a ton of money every year while FedEx and UPS make profits. Whenever I hear about people wanting the government to run something (banks or internet), I always just think to myself, who actually prefers the USPS over FedEx or UPS? No one does because it sucks because its run by the least efficient corporation there is, the government.
Mash making a deposit in the spank bank.
Lol wutObama? Too soon but he is a Reagan mini me.
Lol wut
When my animals start telling me they want to be called transgender or anything but what they are they will be shot.Umm, okay.
Goes to show what kind of boys these liberals are raising today. They are getting what they deserve. Us older and conservative men not only can take care of you ladies but, "we can really take care of you".
Completely real story. Last week I ordered a package and the company I ordered it through had USPS ship it. I was in my living room working when I hear the USPS truck pull up. No lie, the girl pulls up slides her door open, tosses a note out of the truck and begins to pull down my driveway. I ended up running out of my house and down my driveway to flag her down. She handed me my package and said, "oh I didn't think anyone was home." I walked back up and pickup the note she left. The note was the "no one here to sign, pickup package at closest USPS". First of all didnt need to sign for the package, 2nd of all she didnt even get out of her car and walk up my stairs and knock on my door to see if anyone was home. Literally pulled up, through the note out the door and drove off.
And you wonder why the USPS loses a ton of money every year while FedEx and UPS make profits. Whenever I hear about people wanting the government to run something (banks or internet), I always just think to myself, who actually prefers the USPS over FedEx or UPS? No one does because it sucks because its run by the least efficient corporation there is, the government.
Tulsi is awful, still wood.
THE greatest postageWhile I agree in general about federal agencies, the fact that we can send a letter from anywhere to anywhere in a few days for 50 cents remains one of the greatest deals in history.
THE greatest postagedealripoff in world history is coming to an end. I'm not talking about APO, but rather..............
Trump Fights to Fix Shipping Rates That Favor China.
Did you know that it costs significantly more to mail a package to Boise from Boston than it does from Beijing?
According to the U.S. Postal Service, it costs around $20 to mail a small parcel weighing 4.4 pounds from one U.S. state to another, yet mailing the same package from China only costs about $5. Millions of Americans who have purchased consumer goods online from Chinese sellers for a few bucks, shipping included, have likely noticed this disparity first-hand.
This shipping differential is the product of the U.S. government subsidizing Chinese shipments. The government estimates USPS delivers Chinese goods at a 40% to 70% discount, losing money on each package it delivers.....
It might be time to readjust your expectations from the president then. If every one of them is awful, then maybe that is the baseline you should expect from your president. It sounds like you are expecting way too much from the position. Im curious, who do you consider to be not a great, but just average or good president?
Umm, okay.
I think it takes at least 10 if not more realistically 20 years to evaluate a presidents job. For some it may be 50 years or more. Reagan imo cannot be at the top of any list. People want to stroke him for his ending of the Cold War BUT honestly ending he Cold War made the world much more dangerous. During the Cold War it was USA vs Soviets. Now we have to contend with loose nukes, unprecedented terrorism really a geopolitical destabilization that gets worse by the year. Economically there was strong growth but that was spurned on by high rates and high inflation that was a lingering effect of the carter administration so he can’t be at the top either.
Clinton another one who in retrospect further damaged the country. Countless scandals, no response to terrorist, I mean al qaeda bombed our warship in Yemen and he did nothing. He basically left the USA vulnerable to a major terrorist attack but was more concerned about his scandals. Economically he rolled back protections enacted 70 years before him particularly glass steagal. Clinton’s policies really set the stage for the 2007-2008 economic crisis.
Obama? Too soon but he is a Reagan mini me. Got the economy back on track with spending but destabilized the entire Middle East. He has yet to be truly judged but early indications are that he was terrible for the world as a whole. Economically it’s hard to tell how bad Obama’s tenure hurt the country Bc he cooked the books in so many ways. I will give him this though. He stopped the severe bleeding on the recession.
Bush Jr. Lied about Iraq, spent like no other president before him but had to clean up Clinton’s mess of no action in the Middle East. He basically created a Petri dish for terrorism in the Middle East by going to war in Iraq. Bc of his spending we have trillion dollar deficits now.
Bush sr from that list may be the best of all presidents. While we encountered a minor recession economically and went to war he had the for sight to see that toppling Sadam would be very bad for the region. He and ford caused the least amount of damage imo.
Synopsis. They all suck. Some more than others. Trump isn’t close to entering an evaluation phase as he still has work to do. In the end though, Reagan was not a great president. The unforeseen consequences of ending the Cold War greatly destabilized the world. If you look at that list I’m sorry to say not one man on there was a real conservative. The Bush’s could have doubled as Dems and trump and Reagan at one point were Dems. Socially they have all failed us.
Reagan and Obama both inherited difficult situations.
The key difference is that Reagan actually enacted policies to get us out of the predicament while Obama did nothing... fortunately the country recovered in spite of him
Had a female Drill Sergeant come into the office today complaining that she and her husband (both Staff Sergeants) will be going to Korea an about 6 months and that she did not want to go back there. When ask why she did not like Korea she said "Korea was great but, when we were there I had to actually work and go to the field for a week or two at a time". She said she was tired of having to work and when her husband makes E-7 (Sergeant First Class) she was getting out and living off of him. She is about 26 or 27 and came in the Army when she was 18. No kids yet, thank God.
BINGOAs someone who has hired a lot of people over the years, all I can say is that hiring a crapshoot. Someone can interview like a champion and have great credentials, yet turn out to be a poor performer. Conversely, I've hired people out of "necessity" who I thought might just be stopgap fillers who turned out to be excellent.
IMO, the mark of a good leader isn't one who nails every hire - that's not feasible. A good leader is one who recognizes he made a bad hire, rectifies it, and replaces the bad employee. Not admitting you effed up and allowing an underperforming employee to continue to disappoint you is weak.
Uh, those financial regs HURT the recovery... they didn't help. I know, I've worked in this business for 32 years.Both left the world far worse by ending wars in which there was no post war strategy. As soon as the Cold War ended the bs in the ME began. As for economic policies I don’t agree. Obama with a Democratic congress enacted severe regulations on banking and finance which did stabilize the economy. Now people can argue about those regulations and Obamacare but saying he did nothing is inaccurate. I know my democratic friends would say Reagan was no economic savant either.
Hope we can do the same after fat Nixon leaves in 20Reagan and Obama both inherited difficult situations.
The key difference is that Reagan actually enacted policies to get us out of the predicament while Obama did nothing... fortunately the country recovered in spite of him
While I agree in general about federal agencies, the fact that we can send a letter from anywhere to anywhere in a few days for 50 cents remains one of the greatest deals in history.
Reagan cut taxes and deficit spent, which works well when assets are undervalued.Both left the world far worse by ending wars in which there was no post war strategy. As soon as the Cold War ended the bs in the ME began. As for economic policies I don’t agree. Obama with a Democratic congress enacted severe regulations on banking and finance which did stabilize the economy. Now people can argue about those regulations and Obamacare but saying he did nothing is inaccurate. I know my democratic friends would say Reagan was no economic savant either.
Dodd Frank did not even pass until summer of 2010. The govt buying all the bad debt and throwing a $1T or pork into the economy plus the Fed keeping rates at near zero for several years pushed the recovery. Regulations did nothing.Uh, those financial regs HURT the recovery... they didn't help. I know, I've worked in this business for 32 years.
His regs choked off the IPO market... which is how newer, younger companies get access to capital markets.
And allowing the DOL to gain oversight over our industry... well, let's just say there's a reason his regs have been rolled back lol.
The average Joe has no idea as to the incompetancy of the Obama regime.