Remember when terrorists tore down a building 2 blocks from ground zero and built a 3 story Islamic musuem?
On May 19, 2016, Sharif El-Gamal secured Sharia-compliant financing for a 43-story building for "high-end" condos with room for a three-story Islamic cultural museum. A $174 million loan was secured from a consortium let by Malayan Banking Bhd. and includes banks from Kuwait, Italy, and an additional $45 million in financing from Saudi Arabia.[116][117]
I say terrorists, because by law, "sharia-compliant financing" means you pay fees to fund jihad. For NYC to allow something like this to happen is...well, it's what I would expect. We have forgotten 9/11, and we have spent years apologizing to and trying to appease terrorists. We didn't learn a thing.