How will they rule ??!

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My father passed in July so I guess I can admit now that he too was a democrat. I suppose I was too when I was young, very young. We would argue about politics every now and then when he was feeling froggy and would say something to get a reaction out of me.

One day we were riding along and I asked him if he was in favor of abortion. He said no.
I asked him if he thought only the police should have guns. He said no.
I asked him if he thought people should be able to just walk across our borders and get all the benefits. He said no.

I said "then you're not a democrat, dumbass, because those are the things they want.

A couple of weeks before he died he told me that he had been thinking about it and even though he didn't like Donald, he would probably vote for him in 2020. I told him that I knew he would, just like he voted for him last election. He said he didn't vote for Donald. I asked him who filled out his ballot for him? He just laughed.
Sorry to hear about your father man.
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Caught about 5-7 minutes of Cuomo's radio show on POTUS channel, terribly bad...I don't know how anyone can take more than 5 minutes of listening to that.

In the short time I was listening he brought up the Fredo incident. Said he didn't like the way Trump 'weaponized his followers for bigotry. Come after me in front of my family. To come after Italians.' Unreal how stupid everything he said was.
He won the 1st time bc be was black..the 2nd time bc all of his shittiness was covered up. The media and press refused to ever question anything he did...which is what leads to trump.

Have any dems ever wondered why it took trump to be president for journalists to discover things that were going on under locking kids in cages. Where were all these "hard working truth tellers" ? I'd assume spying on journalists was a threat to the the free press...but it was totally cool when the God King was in office. What else did they keep from us? Any dem that cant understand how trump became president is in a delusion that cant question their "team"

Which @Ed323232 wants a monarch, so it makes sense for him not to question anything.
+2 Points for a good post.
-3 For tagging Ed.
You're falling into the trap of rich vs poor which is what kills me. It's what politicians on both sides do while giving only lip service to a besieged middle class.

This country (and all countries for that matter) are effectively dead without a strong vibrant middle class. I've used Mexico as example A for years now. The health of a nation is directly determined by the health of its middle class.

Republicans are looking out for the rich. Democrats pander to the poor and offer up $15 minimum wages. So you wind up with rich vs poor with the middle class continuing to be completely destroyed.

Every time you hear Republican proposals to help the middle class via tax policy or whatever, it essentially is a giveaway to the rich. Every time you hear a Democrat talk about policies to help the middle class, it actually is more handouts to the poor. Then each political party uses the opposite for their fodder... the Republicans demonize the poor to scare the middle class and the Democrats demonize the rich to make the middle class feel like they've been had.

So you wind up in this endless cycle of the middle class getting screwed and effectively all passable legislation winds up benefiting the rich and/or the poor as that's where both parties are entrenched. Of course all the lip service goes to the middle class. Especially at election time.

Sorry to hear about your father man.


Sorry to hear. I hope you are doing okay. I lost my father this summer to cancer.

Same here ymm. Lost mine 15 years ago, it sucks. Hang in there man.

Thanks guys, but if I wasn't alright with it, it wouldn't be good since I'm the one who made the decision to basically pull the plug. Realistically he should have died in 2015 but I made a decision to have his leg amputated to save his life. I didn't know how he would take it when he realized what I'd done, but I thought I should take the chance. He thanked me many times for doing it over the last 4 years.

He was 87 years old and had fought a good fight. He was at the point where he was spending more time in the hospital than not and he was just miserable. We had discussed him stopping dialysis in the week prior.

Hate to see him go but that is the cycle of life. I live in a real world.
What's with all the mental health needs and marriage counseling for these liberal snowflakes. These people cannot live and make it in the real world. Heaven forbid Islam ever gets hold in the country. These women would commit suicide after seeing their men on the left just giving in to the demands of Islam. Pathetic. It really is sicking to see how weak these people are.
Thanks guys, but if I wasn't alright with it, it wouldn't be good since I'm the one who made the decision to basically pull the plug. Realistically he should have died in 2015 but I made a decision to have his leg amputated to save his life. I didn't know how he would take it when he realized what I'd done, but I thought I should take the chance. He thanked me many times for doing it over the last 4 years.

He was 87 years old and had fought a good fight. He was at the point where he was spending more time in the hospital than not and he was just miserable. We had discussed him stopping dialysis in the week prior.

Hate to see him go but that is the cycle of life. I live in a real world.

Sorry to hear that. You’re a good son.
Thanks guys, but if I wasn't alright with it, it wouldn't be good since I'm the one who made the decision to basically pull the plug. Realistically he should have died in 2015 but I made a decision to have his leg amputated to save his life. I didn't know how he would take it when he realized what I'd done, but I thought I should take the chance. He thanked me many times for doing it over the last 4 years.

He was 87 years old and had fought a good fight. He was at the point where he was spending more time in the hospital than not and he was just miserable. We had discussed him stopping dialysis in the week prior.

Hate to see him go but that is the cycle of life. I live in a real world.
I know we are on opposite ends of the fight but I'm sorry for your loss.
What a sad state of affairs. CIA withdrawing high level spies because the President can't shut the **** up.

A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy.
At the time, then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo told other senior Trump administration officials that too much information was coming out regarding the covert source, known as an asset. An extraction, or "exfiltration" as such an operation is referred to by intelligence officials, is an extraordinary remedy when US intelligence believes an asset is in immediate danger.
^Literally posted fake news and will be too much of a pussy to admit it.
My father passed in July so I guess I can admit now that he too was a democrat. I suppose I was too when I was young, very young. We would argue about politics every now and then when he was feeling froggy and would say something to get a reaction out of me.

One day we were riding along and I asked him if he was in favor of abortion. He said no.
I asked him if he thought only the police should have guns. He said no.
I asked him if he thought people should be able to just walk across our borders and get all the benefits. He said no.

I said "then you're not a democrat, dumbass, because those are the things they want.

A couple of weeks before he died he told me that he had been thinking about it and even though he didn't like Donald, he would probably vote for him in 2020. I told him that I knew he would, just like he voted for him last election. He said he didn't vote for Donald. I asked him who filled out his ballot for him? He just laughed.
There are many of us who were raised in Democrat families and had parents who would not vote for the opposition party under any circumstances. Down South we call them Yellow Dogs. My grandfather would not allow his daughters to date a Republican. My father was the same way. He died in 1990 and never voted for Republican in his life but he was very, very conservative. I was the first in my family's history to vote for a Republican and that was Ronald Reagan in 1980. .My uncle wanted to fight me over it but I talked him out of it because I would have hurt him pretty bad. The last Democrat I voted for was Jimmy Carter and that was the first time he ran, 1976. My dad was against abortion, hated taxes and wouldn't think about gun control. He also hated an all powerful federal government. Since he died in 1990 the Democrat party has gone to hell. It is demonic, hateful, anti-American and rotten to the core. When you drift to socialism that is what happens. If dad were alive today I can't imagine he would vote Democrat. .
Was it the most hilarious and pathetic irony seeing Trump make up stories of Dem Voter fraud while campaigning for a race where the GoP got caught cheating in the primary and general election?