How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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This eerily resembles reporting a dissident to an apparatchik in the U.S.S.R.

I would write back, cc HIS editor, and ask him how someone whose vocation is the press could so blatantly and ruthlessly attempt to silence the freedom of speech of a college professor over an innocuous insult basically shared with a handful of friends.
Same guy.

I didn't get banned loser. If you don't believe me ask a mod.
He can't read and understand at the same time. Reading comprehension was never his strong point.

For pEDo: Had a paid account and then drop it for a non paying account therefore changing his sig.:okay:
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I think I’ll listen to Cramer’s advice loooooooong before I listen to yours. I think he’s a tad more qualified to make those kinds of statements.

What? But platinum works at UPS and just got $2 mil inheritance that he didn't pay his fair share. You're going take financial professional's opinion over platinum's? That's crazy, mister.
Someone will need to start up the Obama Body Count. "Michelle" Obama's fashion designer who would tuck and hide her penis was found murdered.


Also the woman who "certified" Obama's fake birth cert died in a plane crash.

Also Obama's gay lover, Michael Young, was killed along with 2 other gay men within 11 months before Obama's presidential campaign
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Construction crews continue work on the new border wall system along the SW border near San Luis, AZ. In partnership with @USACEHQ, CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020.

You fools.

Everybody knows they are only repairing existing fencing.

Construction crews continue work on the new border wall system along the SW border near San Luis, AZ. In partnership with @USACEHQ, CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020.

You fools.

Everybody knows they are only repairing existing fencing.



Let them focus on the real issue like a guy saying a guy said Trump asked if we can bomb hurricanes, or how Melania looks in a picture with Fidel Castro’s bastard.
Climate Change flops at the G7 and the lefties can't blame Trump. The U.S. is the only G7 member that has substantially cut its CO2 emissions (thanks to a booming natural gas industry). All the other climate cry babies are doing nothing because they know it will cripple their economies. It makes the lib/dims Green New Deal look even more insane.

"Why, despite the urgency of dealing with climate change, aren’t more countries making big cuts to their emissions? The most succinct explanation can be had by understanding what Roger Pielke Jr. has dubbed the Iron Law of Climate Policy: “When policies on emissions reductions collide with policies focused on economic growth, economic growth will win out every time.”
I can hear the gnashing of teeth now!
False. They are just following up on the findings of judge below:

Judge Who Jailed Manafort Also Cleared Hillary Clinton In Benghazi Case. The judge appointed by Barack Obama who put Paul Manafort in jail previously cleared Hillary Clinton of responsibility for the deaths of four American servicemen in Benghazi, Libya in 2012. Manafort was put in jail for allegedly engaging in witness tampering,...
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Construction crews continue work on the new border wall system along the SW border near San Luis, AZ. In partnership with @USACEHQ, CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020.

You fools.

Everybody knows they are only repairing existing fencing.

Did Mexico pay?
I can hear the gnashing of teeth now!

False. They are just following up on the findings of judge below:

Judge Who Jailed Manafort Also Cleared Hillary Clinton In Benghazi Case. The judge appointed by Barack Obama who put Paul Manafort in jail previously cleared Hillary Clinton of responsibility for the deaths of four American servicemen in Benghazi, Libya in 2012. Manafort was put in jail for allegedly engaging in witness tampering,...

Slow military response my ass. The only thing in this world that can hang up the United States Military or in this case a CIA base right down the road with former spec op guys ready to rock and roll, is the United States government.

The CIA and its special contractors are not slow. When they want to be somewhere and get something or someone, they get it done. Same goes for the united states armed forces.

The only reason the military would be slow in anything they want to do or stand down from doing it altogether would be because of suits and ties. Whether or not it was Hilary specifically, the fact is Benghazi happened, lives could and should have been saved. It was an absolute shame and embarrassment on a global scale.

I find it interesting that there is not one specific person or people who have been found as responsible for something that actually happened when it comes to Benghazi.

"Slow military response" took them 7 years to come up with that explanation.

When it comes to something as fantastical as the President being in cahoots with Russians, and quite possibly being an agent of the Kremlin himself, by god it doesn't take long to find specific individuals and prosecute them, dossiers about prostitutes pee peeing, etc...
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Let them focus on the real issue like a guy saying a guy said Trump asked if we can bomb hurricanes, or how Melania looks in a picture with Fidel Castro’s bastard.
Right. If no one know then no one will realize tax dollars are paying for it and not Mexico.
As long as we’re securing the border, I’ll happily argue with lefty morons all day about whether or not Mexico should be paying for it.

Far more of my tax dollars go to much more worthless shit on a daily basis. Border security is one item of federal spending I can actually get behind.