How will they rule ??!

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Counterpoint: Sounds like we need to address the need for common sense immigration reform that reflects who we are as a nation.
Bob McDonnell was in jail and had to the the SCOTUS to get his ginned up conviction thrown out.

HRC is the odds on favorite to be the next POTUS.

And people wonder where the anger comes from.
And here is one of her VP candidates from the same state, jail vs. collective yawn. Via politico.

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine took advantage of the state’s lax gift laws to receive an $18,000 Caribbean vacation, $5,500 in clothes and a trip to watch George Mason University play in the NCAA basketball Final Four during his years as lieutenant governor and governor, according to disclosures he filed.

Now a leading contender to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Kaine reported more than $160,000 in gifts from 2001 to 2009, mostly for travel to and from political events and conferences, according to disclosures compiled by the Virginia Public Access Project. The givers included political supporters, a drug company that soon after bought a facility in Virginia, and Dominion, the state’s biggest provider of electricity.
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I don't go to church, and I don't believe the past was some magical place.
I believe if we look around, and take a step back from what we take to be true that nothing has changed much.
What has changed is how we act and treat each other as a society. I just don't think all change has been for the better.
The world is no better now than it's ever been. Every age has had problems. The same character flaws that we are plagued with were just as much problems in the past. IMO, if anything, things are getting worse (overall) and will continue doing so.
I'm reluctant to say things are better for blacks, as I'm not in their shoes and thus not qualified to make that judgement. From my point of view, there seems to be less overt bias/discrimination in business and socially. When I was a kid, mixed marriage was taboo. Now.....I'd rather my kids marry a person of a different race than someone of the same race that is wrong for them. As for business, when I was a school administrator, I'd hire the person most likely to raise test fact if I'd thought osama bin laden had been that person, I'd have been out there trying to find him too.Thus revealing how I wrongly valued test scores and achievement over more important issues.

On the other hand, the building block of society, the family, is being broken down. IMO, that's the number one reason for the plight of blacks and whites. In business, greed has taken over where we used to have a stronger sense of nationalism. Much of what we now call tolerance is just a facade for not giving a rat about others.
Some things may be better, but overall, it's getting worse and will continue to do so.
Lynch meeting privately with Clinton is just another example of everything that is wrong with our government. Do not care what party you support, you cannot support this kind of incompetence and total disregard shown by the US AG. Everyone knows Bill is a scumbag, but to now have an AG compromise herself in a criminal investigation and act like everything is fine is downright scary. They are all criminals protecting criminals. Sickening

We The People have lost total control of our government and country.
This thing is far from other, sorry you left wing hacks. Just wait till the debates start. Scandal, after scandal will be pounded down her lying mouth. Benghazi will be the first stomping point.

I still think Hillary wins, but you're right. Trump is waiting, counting on the largest debate audience in history. His problem is during this downtime, he's not getting the free exposure he so desperately needs. And of course Hillary has the msm touting her every 5 seconds.

Not to mention, who you're voting for is very private for a lot of folks and not to mention with the way people perceive Trump voters and how they attack you if you say you're for Trump, it's not out of the question that a lot of people wouldn't admit it.

I absolutely believe there are alot of closet Trump supporters. I've said that for months. That's why none of the polls have been correct.

Highly misleading.

And no way this is real. Even Obama would be impeached, imo. D's would be done. Get real. Where's the proof? This would be the biggest news ever.

Right. It tries to make a connection that's plausible, but not certain. But even if true, the msm wouldn't care. Look how theyve swept benghazi under the rug.

Lynch meeting privately with Clinton is just another example of everything that is wrong with our government. Do not care what party you support, you cannot support this kind of incompetence and total disregard shown by the US AG. Everyone knows Bill is a scumbag, but to now have an AG compromise herself in a criminal investigation and act like everything is fine is downright scary. They are all criminals protecting criminals. Sickening

We The People have lost total control of our government and country.

Yep. But dems don't care. They'll cheer her on no matter what.
Robert McCoppinContact ReporterChicago Tribune
A suburban gun shop is conducting a raffle to benefit victims of the Orlando shooting massacre — and the prize is an AR-15 rifle.

The semi-automatic weapon that Second Amendment Sports in McHenry plans to give away is similar to the gun used in the June 12 Orlando attack that killed 49 people and wounded dozens more in a gay nightclub.
Robert McCoppinContact ReporterChicago Tribune
A suburban gun shop is conducting a raffle to benefit victims of the Orlando shooting massacre — and the prize is an AR-15 rifle.

The semi-automatic weapon that Second Amendment Sports in McHenry plans to give away is similar to the gun used in the June 12 Orlando attack that killed 49 people and wounded dozens more in a gay nightclub.
Truth really is stranger than fiction.
According to whom? A bunch of white guys? You completely overlooked my point, or are unable to open your mind to something different than you've been taught. You like most white people think the only way people can be happy is to be just like white's.

I said society as a whole was much happier 50 years ago.
I'm not sure how you measure that metric. 50 years ago I was a kid that didn't have a care in the world so I was probably happier but then again my brother and more so my parents were worried about and doing everything possible to keep my brother from being drafted and sent to Vietnam. My dad said that he had seen enough death and slaughter on D-Day and didn't want his son to experience what he had seen. I'm sure that many other families had those same fears and worries.

Also, not that I really understood it at the time but we were also a lot more fearful of thermonuclear war in those days. To the point that they would have us run drills in school where we had to get under our if that would save us. Civil defense shelters were stocked and signage displayed telling us where to go in the event of said disaster.

We also had a lot less information in those days. We got 30 minutes of national news, less when commercials were figured in, per day on TV. We didn't have talking heads telling us daily that everything the POTUS does is somehow evil and or wrong. The message was a lot more controlled. That said, there sure were a lot of riots and protests during that period. Presidents, presidential candidates and civil rights leaders and protesting college students were being assassinated. There were a lot of pissed off people in the 60's.

You've tried to make the case for blacks not being better off. Ok, go find me a quorum of blacks that will agree with you. Find some that would trade today's problems for those of 1966. Same with women. We can find people who think the moon is made of cheese so I am sure there are some that may agree with you but I highly doubt the majority would do so. Blacks, women, gays...add those up and we're talking a significant portion of the population.
Rasmussen...Trump up 4 and a 9 point swing over two weeks.

What's awesome about this poll is they have Trump leading among Hispanics and Asians 44 to 33% over HRC. That whole "we're building a wall" didn't hurt him at all. Trump is gonna win the Hispanic vote like he said.
Fuzz, You're missing my point, we have been coached and taught that we are so much better off today, how many women actually felt oppressed in 1966? Hell, my 25 year old sister that's a journalist in NYC thinks she's oppressed now, and she thinks that because she's been taught to think it.

Treatment of Blacks in the South is definitely better today, but people of all races are struggling mightily right now. In my opinion the fix to many of our ills socially, environmentally and economically is better employment. A job is the path to being truly free, and I'm sorry I've been all over the place with this, but it's important to me.

Didn't know someone could be this ignorant....Unfortunately Tomi has just as much air in her lungs as she does her head...
What's awesome about this poll is they have Trump leading among Hispanics and Asians 44 to 33% over HRC. That whole "we're building a wall" didn't hurt him at all. Trump is gonna win the Hispanic vote like he said.

Several polls have shown to be tainted with overwhelming numbers of democrats polled. You can throw NBC polls in the trash this year. Several others as well. Even averaging those in, RCP has the average essentially within the margin of error. What's more awesome is the key battleground states. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida are all under 4 points for Clinton. When you take into account the inaccurate left leaning numbers, it's a tie with a huge portion of independents undecided. Clinton cannot get to 50% and that's great news for trump.

After his politically incorrect comments, the media hammering him relentlessly, and Clinton being a known politician, it's still a tie. Not one debate has been had yet.

I'm loving democrats sleeping on this one. Plus we are one more large scale terrorist attack on home soil from Clinton being out of the race completely.

I can't believe democrats would support someone so evil and corrupt. Everything that party ran on in 2008 was an absolute lie. They support what they claimed to hate. I can't wait until you have to watch trump dismantle everything Obama did through executive order.
Jesse Williams is a huge racist. I did enjoy the black folks bitching about cultural appropriation to JT afterward for "stealing their genius."

No word yet if blacks will stop straightening their hair, making themselves blond, speaking English or using technology and other things created by whites in this society.

Eff Jesse Williams and the constant blaming of white while ignoring the plethora of self inflicted problems in the black community.
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Cracks me up too that she thinks the Civil War was solely for abolishing slavery..... Not quite.... it was a small part of a much bigger agenda.
Jesse Williams is a huge racist. I did enjoy the black folks bitching about cultural appropriation to JT afterward for "stealing their genuis."

No word yet if blacks will stop straightening their hair, making themselves blond, speaking English or using technology and other things created by whites in this society.

Eff Jesse Williams and the constant blaming of white while ignoring the plethora of self inflicted problems in the black community.

Lol, do explain these "self inflicted problems". You think black people want to be arrested at a much higher rate than whites? You think they want to be sentenced to death 2x more than whites for murder? You think they want to be frisked, pulled over, detained for things white people get off with warnings? They want to face hiring inequality on the basis of a name? They just bring all this on themselves eh? Blacks make up 16% of this countries population and account for 67% of the incarcerated population. So black people are just born criminals. That ya know all those years of enslaving, beating, raping, lynching, killing, denying them of food, housing, turning them away from hospitals, detaining them on trumped up charges could possibly have been a tad bit of a set back?

And dont even try and say "blacks commit more serious crimes" or whatever.....its the same damn charges and the same representation... just one gets the raw end of the deal more than the other..... a lot.... Yeah, pretty Stanford white boy is just too good/promising to put in jail for a long time for a 16 year old black kid with a 4.2 GPA and academic offers to Cal-Berkley....lets wrongfully throw his ass in jail for something he didn't do... I mean, he black so how "promising" of a future can he possibly have? Right?
Lol, do explain these "self inflicted problems". You think black people want to be arrested at a much higher rate than whites? You think they want to be sentenced to death 2x more than whites for murder? You think they want to be frisked, pulled over, detained for things white people get off with warnings? They want to face hiring inequality on the basis of a name? They just bring all this on themselves eh? Blacks make up 16% of this countries population and account for 67% of the incarcerated population. So black people are just born criminals. That ya know all those years of enslaving, beating, raping, lynching, killing, denying them of food, housing, turning them away from hospitals, detaining them on trumped up charges could possibly have been a tad bit of a set back?

And dont even try and say "blacks commit more serious crimes" or whatever.....its the same damn charges and the same representation... just one gets the raw end of the deal more than the other..... a lot.... Yeah, pretty Stanford white boy is just too good/promising to put in jail for a long time for a 16 year old black kid with a 4.2 GPA and academic offers to Cal-Berkley....lets wrongfully throw his ass in jail for something he didn't do... I mean, he black so how "promising" of a future can he possibly have? Right?


Wow... you found 1 thing to support your argument.... Want a cookie? I could literally overwhelm you with data that show specifically black men are disproportionately arrested and convicted in this nation as a whole. That is a fact. Will there be some exceptions...yes... but the overwhelming national data gathered by the FBI in the UCR says otherwise.
Jesse Williams speech was one of the more racist things I've seen in awhile. I'm just surprised he didn't break out crackers or honky.

Explain to me what makes it racist? Now if he would've got up there and said we got dumb cracker ass white boys killing us black folk and slapped steriotypes etc... thats racist. He simply stated facts. White people that then get up in arms and defensive and call him racist must have a guilty conscience...
Cracks me up too that she thinks the Civil War was solely for abolishing slavery..... Not quite.... it was a small part of a much bigger agenda.

So you don't consider the Confederate Battle Flag racist, since slavery was only a small part of the war?
Explain to me what makes it racist? Now if he would've got up there and said we got dumb cracker ass white boys killing us black folk and slapped steriotypes etc... thats racist. He simply stated facts. White people that then get up in arms and defensive and call him racist must have a guilty conscience...

If you disagree with me that's fine but if you want to call me a racist have the damn balls to do it straight up rather than guilty conscience innuendo.

I don't have a guilty conscience I can assure you of that.
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