How will they rule ??!

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Good to see the Attorney General of the US, the woman who will ultimately make the decision not to pursue criminal charges against Hilary Clinton, having a secret meeting with Bill Clinton.

The fix has always been in. They aren't going to allow the Obama years to be followed up by Trump or a RINO, etc.
^ No conflict of interest with the AG/Clinton secret meet.

You jumped into a conversation where he said it was better for blacks 50 years ago, which isnt true. Not sure what conversation you are having with yourself though. Must be a good one.

According to whom? A bunch of white guys? You completely overlooked my point, or are unable to open your mind to something different than you've been taught. You like most white people think the only way people can be happy is to be just like white's.

I said society as a whole was much happier 50 years ago.
Brexit scares liberals because it's a sign that Trump has a chance. The same rationale. That's why they're terrified and denouncing it with every ounce of energy.

Neither party cares about this because there is no money to be made in fixing it

And more importantly, not enough votes in fixing it.

Muslims hate all non-Muslims. Why anyone should try and pander to them is beyond me. They are a cancer on society. These are pure evil to its truest form. They do not belong in western civilization at all as they are completely conflicting ideologies.

They're aren't necessarily pandering to Muslims. Their voting block isnt big enough to matter. They're doing everything to avoid telling the truth about radical Islam, because otherwise it shows Trump was right all along.

Dems would rather see us all burn rather than have Trump get an ounce of credit.

It's the oddest thing. The man who was largely elected by Anti-war rubes who were fed up with he Middle East and believed his promises of getting out - well, terrorism is as alive as ever. Maybe more so. The frequency is alarming. And, he's basis all saying *the exact same shit* every president before him as said, usually just in a more general and bullshit way like his statements today.

Remember when we were told that if we would just elect Obama, the world would love us?

Good to see the Attorney General of the US, the woman who will ultimately make the decision not to pursue criminal charges against Hilary Clinton, having a secret meeting with Bill Clinton.

Laughable. But did any reasonably intelligent person expect anything less?
I said society as a whole was much happier 50 years ago.

Please submit objective evidence for this claim. A cursory, subjective observation suggests that's a rather optimistic view of that time. During the 60's we were in the midst of the Vietnam War, were a hair away from nuclear war, the Civil Rights movement, started the "War on Poverty," and witnessed the assassination of national figures.
the world has ALWAYS been chaotic. we now have the technology to bring that chaos to everyone in a real time 24/7 opinionated news mind fu**cking manner. so it seems worse now. the world is smaller because of it. everyone's problems are at the forefront for everyone to see. but times are not better or worse than before. just different. humans are a species that breeds on chaos. so those that believe we can attack problems with love and harmony to achieve utopia are usually the first to go. kill or be killed. it isn't ideal. but we haven't done anything since the beginning of our existence up until current events to prove we are changing any time soon. so what are ya going to do? self preserve and hope for the least amount of collateral damage in the wake. move on. rinse repeat.
so the markets have rebounded nicely "as brexit fears recede". so that didn't take long. what happened to the fire and brimstone i was patiently waiting for?
Have a feeling "Brexit" is going to disappear faster than "Omar Mateen Muslim Terrorist" in the media the meantime, be on the lookout for any trannies that only shop at Christian bakeries being denied dick birthday cakes. Sad!
We can't agree on everything Willy, where would the fun be in that.

I just don't see a bright future for the Country if things stay the same, maybe this is what the late 70's felt like, but I'm an optimistic person by nature, and I'm fed up.

ha! true as Caitlyn Jenner having a penis.
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So what are we going to learn about this come 2020? Obviously this thing isn't gonna go back to the Tea Party days, so what does Trump do that will shake the demos for the next election. I want a knock out in 2020. Someone that will take Hillary off the throne.
So what are we going to learn about this come 2020? Obviously this thing isn't gonna go back to the Tea Party days, so what does Trump do that will shake the demos for the next election. I want a knock out in 2020. Someone that will take Hillary off the throne.
The long they are in the tank and can focus on killing one guy it is tough sledding for the GOP in the POTUS elections.
House just shot down a bill to provide funding for zika research.
Mostly because it had all kinds of other weird, unrelated provisions in it, because you know, politics…
Our legislative branch is so effed.
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So what are we going to learn about this come 2020? Obviously this thing isn't gonna go back to the Tea Party days, so what does Trump do that will shake the demos for the next election. I want a knock out in 2020. Someone that will take Hillary off the throne.

According to Quinnipiac poll out today it's 44-42 for Clinton. In the margin of error.

I'm not counting trump out for 16.
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This thing is far from other, sorry you left wing hacks. Just wait till the debates start. Scandal, after scandal will be pounded down her lying mouth. Benghazi will be the first stomping point.
According to whom? A bunch of white guys? You completely overlooked my point, or are unable to open your mind to something different than you've been taught. You like most white people think the only way people can be happy is to be just like white's.

I said society as a whole was much happier 50 years ago.

I'm not saying you're an evil person, and probably not even aware of your biases, most aren't. You probably go to church, are a good father, give to the poor, etc.

What I am saying is we often look at the past as some magical place, and the future as some doomsday, but for many people, it's not that way.

A lot of the values were good, but as a whole, there were very wicked things.

Blacks had restricted freedoms, same as women, minorites, gays and any other non-white. We as a society had to fight through to obtain those rights. It was oppression.

50 years from now, children won't believe that gays had to fight for an equal shot at marriage.
This thing is far from other, sorry you left wing hacks. Just wait till the debates start. Scandal, after scandal will be pounded down her lying mouth. Benghazi will be the first stomping point.

I saw someone suggest that Trump should bring up the families of the Benghazi victims on stage and then recite what Hillary told them face-to-face when their sons died. She's a total POS.

Can't wait to see the moderators in the debate. I'm sure they will be just as good as this fat bitch was when she helped Obama side step Romney's point.
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Polls for either party remind me of a UK fan poll pre-season predicting the number of football victories..........wildly optimistic and usually inaccurate

Not to mention, who you're voting for is very private for a lot of folks and not to mention with the way people perceive Trump voters and how they attack you if you say you're for Trump, it's not out of the question that a lot of people wouldn't admit it.
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I don't go to church, and I don't believe the past was some magical place. I also happen to have 2 younger brothers that are as black as our a President, and I love them like sons. One is prison right now, not because he is black, but because he started taking drugs, and broke the law. My opinion isn't from a race stand point, it's from what I have seen in the world.
I believe if we look around, and take a step back from what we take to be true that nothing has changed much.
What has changed is how we act and treat each other as a society. I just don't think all change has been for the better.
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The long they are in the tank and can focus on killing one guy it is tough sledding for the GOP in the POTUS elections.

Yeah, that has to be fixed. Not sure how that happens. Seems likes too many young kids are too stupid to understand what's going on. I mean there are 14 yr olds who are voting in 2020. Yikes,
I don't go to church, and I don't believe the past was some magical place. I also happen to have 2 younger brothers that are as black as our a President, and I love them like sons. One is prison right now, not because he is black, but because he started taking drugs, and broke the law. My opinion isn't from a race stand point, it's from what I have seen in the world.
I believe if we look around, and take a step back from what we take to be true that nothing has changed much.
What has changed is how we act and treat each other as a society. I just don't think all change has been for the better.
That's fair.
I saw someone suggest that Trump should bring up the families of the Benghazi victims on stage and then recite what Hillary told them face-to-face when their sons died. She's a total POS.

Can't wait to see the moderators in the debate. I'm sure they will be just as good as this fat bitch was when she helped Obama side step Romney's point.

Romney had a knockout blow to Obama on his comments and Crowly bailed him out. I'll never forget it as long as I live. This plus Christies hug and Romney's disappearing act 2 weeks before the election put Obama back in.

CNN shouldn't be given a platform for debates.
Romney had a knockout blow to Obama on his comments and Crowly bailed him out. I'll never forget it as long as I live. This plus Christies hug and Romney's disappearing act 2 weeks before the election put Obama back in.

CNN shouldn't be given a platform for debates.

I knew after Hurricane Sandy and Christie's crap that it was over. I'm not a fan of Romney but he absolutely demolished Obama in that first debate before the CNN one.
I knew after Hurricane Sandy and Christie's crap that it was over. I'm not a fan of Romney but he absolutely demolished Obama in that first debate before the CNN one.

Yea Christie destroyed his chances at the POTUS ambitions with that one move. I know I said I'd never vote for him based in that alone.

Romney can suck a d****. The betrayal I feel towards Bush and Romney will never go away. To think I backed bush with such fury while in college makes me sick today.

They don't get it. It's not their party, it's Americas party. I wasn't on the trump train originally but I've always been ABD (anybody but democrats) first. The reason the left is winning nationally right now has more to do with unity than most realize. Conservatives play politics putting principles first. Liberals just play the game.
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That's not what that article says.

They are making the assumption this guy was protected by the federal government because he participated in the Obama administration program to supply drug cartels with high powered weaponry.

So far we just know the guns the Obama administration provided to drug cartels have been used to murder at least one American, and countless Mexicans. One of Obama's guns may also have been used to murder people across the world in France, but I doubt we'll ever know for sure.
Read it again Bill.

One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

A Report of Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, “off book,” Judicial Watch’s law enforcement sources confirm. Federal agents tracing the firearm also found the Phoenix gun owner to be in possession of an unregistered fully automatic weapon, according to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.
I mean there are serial numbers on those guns unless they have been filed off.

But don't know why they would need to get fast and furious guns when they scored a pretty good supply of American weapons when they went into Iraq. FFS, Iraqis think ISIS and America are partners
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Good to see the Attorney General of the US, the woman who will ultimately make the decision not to pursue criminal charges against Hilary Clinton, having a secret meeting with Bill Clinton.
It was "secret", but it wasn't "planned". Bill just accidentally ended up on her private plane. Since he was already there, they chatted about airport food and the weather.

An aide to Bill Clinton confirmed to CBS News that the meeting wasn't planned in advance: President Clinton saw the attorney general on the tarmac and wanted to say hello, so he boarded her plane to talk.
Read it again Bill.

One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

A Report of Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, “off book,” Judicial Watch’s law enforcement sources confirm. Federal agents tracing the firearm also found the Phoenix gun owner to be in possession of an unregistered fully automatic weapon, according to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.

I read it perfectly fine.

Nowhere does it say this gun was actually one of the guns the Obama administration supplied.

It says the gun came from Phoenix.
The gun came from a gun owner who sold it off books.
That gun owner probably participated in Obama's program to supply Mexican drug cartels with murder weapons.

It does not say this particular gun was one that Obama intended to be used to kill Mexicans and Americans with his gun supply program but instead made it to France.

You know damn well, if this gun wasn't one of the particular murder weapons Obama supplied, that's all the left is going to latch on to. "Those crazy right wingers trying to peg a terrorist attack on Obama." They'll completely ignore, and have already, the fact that Obama has in fact supplied murder weapons to drug cartels to use on Mexicans and Americans.
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The investigative follow up of the Paris weapon consisted of tracking a paper trail using a 4473 form, which documents a gun’s ownership history by, among other things, using serial numbers
I mean there are serial numbers on those guns unless they have been filed off.

But don't know why they would need to get fast and furious guns when they scored a pretty good supply of American weapons when they went into Iraq. FFS, Iraqis think ISIS and America are partners

Good point. Isn't that the sole reason we were in Benghazi in the first place?