How will they rule ??!

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He didnt. He made the claim it was better. Stay on course man, this isnt hard.

I wasn't only referencing blacks, I was referencing everyone. And yes some things are better for blacks, especially in the Deep South. All you're doing as looking at political positions, civil rights act, as an act was good.
But where have things improved? Are the black communities in Memphis, Detroit, St Louis, Baltimore, Cincinnati, LA, Oakland, Chicago better or worse?
Most people think the American Dream is dead, does that seem better?
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It's better for a lot of people who were previously institutionally discriminated against.
My mother lived 91 years and thought that the world was a much better place when she left it. She used to say "The good ole days weren't all that good". She had seen the Great Depression and a World War. Lynchings and cross burnings while the authorities looked the other way. Were people happier then?
I thought that people
I'm sure Trump with all his foreign policy genius will save us all. More middle aged white men kill random people in this country than those boogeymen terrorists.

yeah valedictorians and governors scholars are just clearly stupid. Why do you think Trump uses really small words to make sure his supporters understand what he's talking about. He can't use statistics because it would just explode your cranium.

You really have to twist your beliefs and morals to believe in whatever Trump is saying. He's going to have the best economy by limiting the ability of companies to do business with Muslims. He wants to put tariffs on goods from everywhere, although in the past he's talked about how great outsourcing was and how much money he saves doing it himself. HE WROTE AN OP-ED SPOUTING HOW GOOD OUTSOURCING IS...I mean who is the f'ing moron?

He will absolutely destroy the economy(well except for his businesses, he'll make sure of that). Unless you get rid of the Internet and technology, you cannot stop globalization. I mean Iran and North Korea can do it, so let's be more like those guys right?

More wars
More tax cuts
More spending
Fewer exports
More expensive imports
More money for his police state
Recipe for a robust economy right? I know...math is hard.

You cannot go back to the 80s or 60s, despite how much Trump promises you he can. He cannot bully the world into accepting one sided trade deals no matter what he tells you. But by all means follow the example of the UK and destroy your economy. At least you'll be able to yell at immigrants born in Indiana to GO HOME.

There are multiple problems with your post, but I will only address the three most glaring.

First, it's problematic that you baldly assert the more middle age white men kill people in this country at RANDOM than terrorists do. You should probably produce some statistics if you are going to make statements like that. Middle age white men are not disproportionately committing homicide, compared to most other groups (excluding women, of course), and, even if they did kill more people at random than terrorists, it's somewhat understandable given a probable ratio of 100,000 middle age white men to 1 terrorist in America. That said, I'm not aware of a lot of middle age white men killing people at random in this country- generally, when a random mass killing occurs in this day and age, it's going to be a YOUNG man, often, but not always white (examples, Va. Tech, Beltway Snipers, Orlando), and invariably mentally ill. See, Holmes, Loughner, Lanza, Columbine killers, McVeigh- none of whom were even close to middle aged.

Second, I have no idea why you believe that Trump would be more likely to get us into a war than his opponent. Trump is inclined to pursue an "America First" isolationist policy, whereas Hillary's newfound leftist platform does not extend to foreign relations. She is a neocon through and through and that's why neocons such as Bill Kristol prefer her to Trump. She supported aggression in every significant instance in which she had an opportunity to do so- Iraq, Syria, Libya, Bosnia, Kosovo, etc, and is guaranteed to have a more aggressive approach to Putin than Trump will. She is NOT Barack Obama and anyone who expects a similar foreign policy to the current one is going to be disappointed.

Finally, it's a bit premature, and that's putting it gently, to state that the UK has destroyed its economy.

As an aside, since when did so many liberals because such passionate supporters of globalization, oligarch, outsourcing, plutocracy, and the 1%? Is it because the MSM supports such things? I'm beginning to like Bernie Sanders and that significant portion of Labour voters that voted Brexit more and more. At least they stand by their principles.
Republicans when they walk outside the house these days:

Are you a joke? I cannot tell if you're delusional or just retarded.

Go find a safe zone and try and not "trigger" yourself over how white you are.
Thats a good response, and its honest. I think we need more open/honest dialogue.

I admit, I dont know the numbers on illegal immigration (besides a quick google search), so I am not sure how many of them are not being vetted.

Does remind me of a pic I saw:

I believe homeland security said that they did not have enough people or the ability to vet them properly which should alarm everyone concerned.
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I wasn't only referencing blacks, I was referencing everyone. And yes some things are better for blacks, especially in the Deep South, are blacks any better off today than 50 years ago? All you're doing as looking at political positions, civil rights act, as an act it was good.
But where have things improved? Is the black communities in Memphis, Detroit, St Louis, Baltimore, Cincinnati, LA, Oakland, Chicago better or worse?
Most people think the American Dream is dead, does that seem better?

Gotta love white liberals who like to pretend life for blacks is better while it clearly isn't. Making strides in social policy, ok. Other than that.

Higher incarceration rates than ever before
Higher unemployment rates than ever before
More blacks on government assistance than ever before
Complete breakdown of the black family causing disaster in these areas
Higher gang rates among black youth
higher drug use among black youth

it could go on and on.

Only a dumbass liberal could lead themselves to believe they've done anything to help the black communities while in control. Or, oh no, is all of that just personal responsibility now?

If Liberal policies help african americans, why are they performing so poorly after 60 years of it?
What's better for blacks? 70% of black children are born in a fatherless home. Crime and drug use is at record levels, home ownership is at low levels, unemployment is the highest of demographic, so is it better? Or do we just tell ourselves it is?

How's it better for women? All we hear is that there's a war on women, apparently they're still getting raped and abused at high levels, so what's better?

How was the non religious mistreated? No one cares whether you believe in God or not.

What I'm saying is we create these battles of injustice, that are fiction.

You want to talk about control, that's how you control someone, you make them feel everyone is against them...." But not me, I'm on your side" and you dumbasses fall for it.
Not sure if you're serious.
The problems you point out are true for all peoples. Drug use and promiscuous behavior are personal issues, not ones imposed upon people. If people make poor decisions that isn't injustice. If we block entry into neiborhoods, positions of employment, institutions of learning, if we present barriers to voting, if we pay people less based upon their race or gender, those things are all injustices and they were all very real in 1966. Still today there is study after study that shows that blacks are punished much more severely for crimes than whites committing the same crimes.
How you can call any of that "manufactured" and "fiction" is beyond me.

It is better for blacks and women because today they have infinitely more opportunities than they had 50 years ago.
Don't let any more in until we can figure it out or, you and the people on the left bring them to your homes and neighborhoods. That would quickly change your minds but it would be too late. Not necessarily a bad thing for the rest of us though.

This is why it is so easy for these elitist on the left to spew this BS. They get to act like they're for these people and are all about them because they don't have to live near them. They live in gated communities, they are protected and removed from the reality of these cultures. They choose to not see what happens when these people replicate the garbage they just left. That's why I feel if you're for economic refugees/invaders then YOU must house them and pay for them. Any politician that wants them needs to put them in his house.

I have also been on here before saying that I wish we would pull out of everywhere and just guard our borders and only help those who would at least foot half of the bill and spearhead any military operations with us being in support side by side.

Amen to this! I think the majority of us are behind this concept. I'm sick of us being the world's babysitter. The hell with the rest of these places needing us to fix their mess or take in their problems. Unless there's ever an imminent danger like a WW2 situation then we need to stay out of it and we certainly shouldn't help anyone else out without them paying for it.

Seriously, protect our borders. Use our troops for that. Line them up in Texas and in California and you'll halt a good portion of drugs and illegals.

As an aside, since when did so many liberals because such passionate supporters of globalization, oligarch, outsourcing, plutocracy, and the 1%? Is it because the MSM supports such things? I'm beginning to like Bernie Sanders and that significant portion of Labour voters that voted Brexit more and more. At least they stand by their principles.

I'm simply amazed that someone could be against the Brexit. How you could not want control of your own nation is beyond me and it's just another example of how effing crazy the people on the left are and how dangerous they are for our own nation.
Good lord cardkilla, a UNC employee group put out a list of micro aggressions that they feel need to be implemented, including asking someone to go play golf because it....

“assumes employees have the financial resources/exposure to a fairly expensive and inaccessible sport.”

Seriously, what is wrong with you? (pls list only top 5 for brevity)

When are people going to stand up and say enough is enough with these speech codes and trying to tip-toe around the constantly offended crowd? The hell with all of these people.
Not sure if you're serious.
The problems you point out are true for all peoples. Drug use and promiscuous behavior are personal issues, not ones imposed upon people. If people make poor decisions that isn't injustice. If we block entry into neiborhoods, positions of employment, institutions of learning, if we present barriers to voting, if we pay people less based upon their race or gender, those things are all injustices and they were all very real in 1966. Still today there is study after study that shows that blacks are punished much more severely for crimes than whites committing the same crimes.
How you can call any of that "manufactured" and "fiction" is beyond me.

It is better for blacks and women because today they have infinitely more opportunities than they had 50 years ago.

Then where are the results of things being better? And I did not in my original post single out blacks, I said everyone.

I didn't say there weren't injustices in 1966, you simply point to headlines and newsmakers and claim"see how much better things are today" when in reality things are worse everyone.

The left NEEDS division to win elections, and they push this point constantly. Until we can actually discuss topics of race, and admit that while some things are better, other things that are equally important are MUCH worse then it will never get better. We'll just be in a constant spin cycle.

Back a few years ago I was listening to a sports show on the radio. They were discussing Jackie Robinson, and the impact he had in MLB. I had always looked at it as a white man, that it was an amazing step forward for the Nation.
On this show one of the announcers was black, and he had an entirely different aspect. He said Robinson entering MLB was the end of the Negro Leagues, these were situated in Black communities, helped bring those communities together, were owned by black men, were a point of pride for the black community, and when Robinson broke the barrier those teams dissolved.
I had never thought about it in that frame before, and that has always stuck with me.
This from Pew (2013) seems relevant:

"According to the survey, about half of all whites (48%) but only a third of blacks (32%) say “a lot” of progress has been made in the past 50 years to achieve equality between the races."

Apparently black people aren't nearly convinced as whites that things are a lot better than in the 60s......I note that was before the spike in unrest over Ferguson, etc. My guess is the number would be even lower than 32% now.....
Gotta love white liberals who like to pretend life for blacks is better while it clearly isn't. Making strides in social policy, ok. Other than that.

Higher incarceration rates than ever before
Higher unemployment rates than ever before
More blacks on government assistance than ever before
Complete breakdown of the black family causing disaster in these areas
Higher gang rates among black youth
higher drug use among black youth

it could go on and on.

Only a dumbass liberal could lead themselves to believe they've done anything to help the black communities while in control. Or, oh no, is all of that just personal responsibility now?

If Liberal policies help african americans, why are they performing so poorly after 60 years of it?

Ok. As an Afro-American male, Please allow me to weigh in on some of this.

Most of the problems in those cities is due to entrenched poverty. Neighborhoods have been poor for generations and many have just given up. The stupider resort to crime and gangs and most blacks look upon these idiots the same way i'm sure most of you look at the racist idiots at Trump rallies.

Neither party cares about this because there is no money to be made in fixing it. And, unlike a lot of people, I don't believe liberals are massively less racist than their conservatives counterparts. (not saying any group is overall racist.....we all have our bad eggs race/party notwithstanding.) They just go about it differently.

And while i'm on my sturdy soapbox......

I don't trust anyone who just mindlessly repeats talking points, regardless of party, especially if they really don't believe in them.

How about we allow both unrestricted gun ownership and unrestricted abortions? Make both parties happy and pissed at the same time.

Rapists have evolved past the point of pretending to be transgendered to get at victims. smh

Cal will get another final four this year and Stoops will prove the haters wrong and get 7 wins.

Both Hillary and Trump tend to rally the worst type of people from their respective parties and both need to be replaced.

Batman is over-rated. There I said it.

A real Christian should actually ACT like he/she believes God is watching them.
Not sure if you're serious.
The problems you point out are true for all peoples. Drug use and promiscuous behavior are personal issues, not ones imposed upon people. If people make poor decisions that isn't injustice. If we block entry into neiborhoods, positions of employment, institutions of learning, if we present barriers to voting, if we pay people less based upon their race or gender, those things are all injustices and they were all very real in 1966. Still today there is study after study that shows that blacks are punished much more severely for crimes than whites committing the same crimes.
How you can call any of that "manufactured" and "fiction" is beyond me.

It is better for blacks and women because today they have infinitely more opportunities than they had 50 years ago.

Study after study shows blacks make up 13% of the population and account for well over 50% of the crime. A large portion of black criminals are multiple offenders and thus receive larger sentences in most cases. But don't let common sense rule the day. Keep truckin!

13% population.
50-60% of the crime rate.

Let it sink for a moment.
What is the difference between nazis and muslims? I see a lot of similarities.[/QUOTE

As I've said in the past on this topic, both are radical ideologies destroyed and outlawed by a coalition of nations. In the case of radical Islam, it's eradication is still in the (near) future and most likely will happen under the umbrella of a United Nations coalition.

As radical Islam continues to be a disruptive force all over the world, and continues to threaten the trend toward globalization (Brexit notwithstanding) - the nations will eventually act in their own self-interest to eliminate this threat to worldwide stability.

The only thing we are waiting on now is the Islamic equivalent of the invasion of Poland.
Ok. As an Afro-American male, Please allow me to weigh in on some of this.

Most of the problems in those cities is due to entrenched poverty. Neighborhoods have been poor for generations and many have just given up. The stupider resort to crime and gangs and most blacks look upon these idiots the same way i'm sure most of you look at the racist idiots at Trump rallies.

Neither party cares about this because there is no money to be made in fixing it. And, unlike a lot of people, I don't believe liberals are massively less racist than their conservatives counterparts. (not saying any group is overall racist.....we all have our bad eggs race/party notwithstanding.) They just go about it differently.

And while i'm on my sturdy soapbox......

I don't trust anyone who just mindlessly repeats talking points, regardless of party, especially if they really don't believe in them.

How about we allow both unrestricted gun ownership and unrestricted abortions? Make both parties happy and pissed at the same time.

Rapists have evolved past the point of pretending to be transgendered to get at victims. smh

Cal will get another final four this year and Stoops will prove the haters wrong and get 7 wins.

Both Hillary and Trump tend to rally the worst type of people from their respective parties and both need to be replaced.

Batman is over-rated. There I said it.

A real Christian should actually ACT like he/she believes God is watching them.

All pretty true to an extent except the guns and abortion thing, and a few others. Lol

It will take the people in those neighborhoods coming together and putting an end to the drugs, criminals, gangs, and way of life. Unfortunately there isn't a "political cause" that is going to help. We've tried liberalism in these cities for over 60 years in some cases. You have to admit, they do not work. And if people aren't ready to wake up to it, it's going to continue to go downhill. Conservatives don't claim to have policies that will stop all the problems. They just have "a way" out of the mess. There's a difference.

I don't see most African Americans confronting the problems cited as you do. I certainly don't see most of them sick of it. I see this daily in my line of work.

The only kids I've ever been able to help get out of the gutter from the hood are the ones whom accepted full responsibility and wanted a better way. The idea that telling people they are victims, oppressed , where an evil
White ghost is waiting to victimize them certainly isn't going to work. In my experience only the self aware that reject that idea can actually succeed.

Unless you're a black lawyer who makes a living off of it.

There's lots of problems plaguing the black communities that only black people can solve. Unless you want reparations there's nothing else America can do but level the playing field for all.
When analyzing anything I always do a quick off the cuff cost/benefit and I can't think of a single benefit from having more possible terrorist here. You can can they aren't the majority and who knows who is the terrorist, and that's why I'm just fine keeping them all out.

There isn't any benefit from the "good" ones to even bother worrying about the terrorist.

I mean if it was Whites, Mexican, Black, Chinese, Japanese, and quite a few other nationalities I can think of a lot of benefits for but not the middle eastern muslims(and before you come back with how do we know who is who) or all Muslims IF that makes it easier.
Obama must hate when there are terror attacks in other countries, because he can't blame republicans or the NRA for it.

when radical Islam knocks at it's own door is the perfect opportunity for Obama to show just exactly how ambivalent he can be to it and you think he will hate it why exactly?
I've always assumed one of the big reasons they hate us, has been our support for Israel since 1948.

Muslims hate all non-Muslims. Why anyone should try and pander to them is beyond me. They are a cancer on society. These are pure evil to its truest form. They do not belong in western civilization at all as they are completely conflicting ideologies.
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More words would really help a lot of people get their points across. But maybe add chapter numbers for organization.
Muslims hate all non-Muslims. Why anyone should try and pander to them is beyond me. They're are a cancer on society. These are pure evil to its truest form. They do not belong in western civilization at all as they are completely conflicting ideologies.

I thought it was because we were fighting in Iraq. I could have swore I heard liberals claim if we'd just pull out they'd leave us alone.

"Let them fight over there amongst each other and get out." - John Murtha

Treason lobby just can't come to grips with the idea that most Muslims are not supporters of peace and a huge minority want us all dead.

How long will it last.
She's gonna show her sniz at the next trade summit and any CEO who won't move work back to the U.S. must look at those droopy, dusty, beef curtains for at least 12 hours.

I'm not in this convo, but if we go back 50 years to 1966:

Things have changed for the better for:

Blacks, gays, women, non-religious people

Things have changed for the worse for:

White dudes, evangelicals.

I see why the red team is so pissed now. As demographics change, one group no longer rules all. More people of various ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds are sitting at the table. Some folks are good with it. Others resist change at every opportunity. I guess it all depends on perspective.

You do realize that everything is progressing according to biblical scripture right? You're basically saying scripture is accurately depicting the beginning of the end. This is how it unfolds.

Those people you want sitting at the table couldn't care less about you or your perceived "tolerance". Most of them just want the power for themselves. We're all humans.

Aiding people who hate you simply because of your skin color or nationality isn't going to help you, no matter the "acceptance" that makes you feel good.

Just saying.
All pretty true to an extent except the guns and abortion thing, and a few others. Lol

It will take the people in those neighborhoods coming together and putting an end to the drugs, criminals, gangs, and way of life. Unfortunately there isn't a "political cause" that is going to help. We've tried liberalism in these cities for over 60 years in some cases. You have to admit, they do not work. And if people aren't ready to wake up to it, it's going to continue to go downhill. Conservatives don't claim to have policies that will stop all the problems. They just have "a way" out of the mess. There's a difference.

I don't see most African Americans confronting the problems cited as you do. I certainly don't see most of them sick of it. I see this daily in my line of work.

The only kids I've ever been able to help get out of the gutter from the hood are the ones whom accepted full responsibility and wanted a better way. The idea that telling people they are victims, oppressed , where an evil
White ghost is waiting to victimize them certainly isn't going to work. In my experience only the self aware that reject that idea can actually succeed.

Unless you're a black lawyer who makes a living off of it.

There's lots of problems plaguing the black communities that only black people can solve. Unless you want reparations there's nothing else America can do but level the playing field for all.

It seems to me that strong male role models in these communities are worth their weight in gold. Preferably fathers, but also pastors, or any solid male role model.
The Obama admin & folks being asleep at the wheel, show you how quickly radicals can change your country and society.
Did y'all hear his statements? Crushed it, tbh.

- horrific attack
- we all stand with Turkey
- US is doing everything in its power to ensure attacks like this do not happen again

Can't argue that, huh. Man he's good at speaking.
It's the oddest thing. The man who was largely elected by Anti-war rubes who were fed up with he Middle East and believed his promises of getting out - well, terrorism is as alive as ever. Maybe more so. The frequency is alarming. And, he's basis all saying *the exact same shit* every president before him as said, usually just in a more general and bullshit way like his statements today.
It's the oddest thing. The man who was largely elected by Anti-war rubes who were fed up with he Middle East and believed his promises of getting out - well, terrorism is as alive as ever. Maybe more so. The frequency is alarming. And, he's basis all saying *the exact same shit* every president before him as said, usually just in a more general and bullshit way like his statements today.

There have been more terrorist attacks under his watch than any other president.

The left likes to champion themselves as intellectually superior yet they have the dumbest groups among their voting blocks and fall for the dumbest BS.

-Want the black vote?
No problem. Make some Jay Z references, comment about sports, play to their inner paranoia that there are no problems in their community and all of their failures stem from racist whites. Talk about a bunch of free crap.

- Want the college-age vote?
The easiest to get. We already have constant leftist advocates who get to preach their BS political views to them on a daily basis and they're so young, stupid and impressionable, they will eat it up and adopt those views as their own. Then just preach to them about free college, minimum wage going up, make the whites ones feel guilty about their skin color and then indoctrinate them to always support every leftist cause or they're a racist. Make sure they hear no other opposing thought. This group is only against war if it's viewed from Republicans. They will never even know what the left has done.

- Want the Latino vote?
Keep dishing out those entitlements. Sure, many of them can't speak English and have a third world mentality so we'll just say anyone who thinks they should assimilate is racist. We'll get them to ignore the fact that 80 percent of Mexico is Catholic and have conservative moral views and have them vote for the same party that is all for abortion. Just claim a protection of the border is racist and make sure they forget about the legal immigrants from year's past.

- Want the gay vote?
Easy as pie. Just walk in a gay pride parade and act like you were always for gay marriage. They won't bother caring what you said 8 years ago. Make sure they know their enemy is the right and Christians so they don't pay attention that you're bringing in millions of people from a backwards culture that believes homosexuality should be illegal and punishable by death.
It's the oddest thing. The man who was largely elected by Anti-war rubes who were fed up with he Middle East and believed his promises of getting out - well, terrorism is as alive as ever. Maybe more so. The frequency is alarming. And, he's basis all saying *the exact same shit* every president before him as said, usually just in a more general and bullshit way like his statements today.
Waterboarding = War Crimes
Droning the shit out of them = :cool2:

Condi Rice = boycotted
Hillary = [banana]
Did y'all hear his statements? Crushed it, tbh.

- horrific attack
- we all stand with Turkey
- US is doing everything in its power to ensure attacks like this do not happen again

Can't argue that, huh. Man he's good at speaking.
That teleprompter was working overtime.

Or did you edit out all the "...uh, well, uh, wha, uh, well, I..., uh..."?
There's obviously a reason he does it. Could seem like he's more thoughtful. More calculated. More concerned, absolutely. He is very concerned every time he speaks. The look in his eyes, his eyebrows. He's very great that.

This same concerned shit is what propels the media bullshit. Just go home tonight and watch the drama unfold as your local newscasters tells you the horrific and troubling story about a 4 year old who wondered outside of their yard but thankfully neighbors contacted law enforcement and omg you see how concerned my eyebrows look???!! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT HORRIFIC THINGS COULD HAE HAPPENED TO THIS GIRL OF THR POLOCE DID NOT DO THEIR JOB!?!! OMG SO CONCWRNZ ME GREAT!!!!

It's over dramatized bullshit and it also props up the machine/media/politicians/whoever as "saviors". Oh thank god somebody cares because these stupid citizens can't fend for themselves, obviously, that's why we elect politicians to look out for us, obviously.

It's amazing comedy if you don't focus on the sick reality of it.
You jumped into a conversation where he said it was better for blacks 50 years ago, which isnt true. Not sure what conversation you are having with yourself though. Must be a good one.

Jumped into a conversation on a message board? Ya don't say?

You've had a rough time jumping back into this thread...I now understand your long hiatus.
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Nipping at the tail of the snake with drone strikes in Yemen and Syria when the head of the snake must be crushed in Saudi Arabia.

I guess things aren't quite ready but when that happens you will know - times, they are a changin'.