How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Horse Hockey. Unless you like a dose of political crap with your sports and movies....TV? Yeah, right...
Tried watching the new season of Orange is the New Black, didn't take long for me to tune it out. They really went full on woke this season railing on wage discrimination, the Border patrol, you name it.
With few exceptions, the final round of public polling showed Clinton with a lead of 1 to 6 percentage points in the national popular vote. Every poll, even the state by state polls were within the stated margin of error.

Perhaps you should read this:

Your claim that "they were intentionally misleading" is simply hogwash. What does anyone, including the polling organizations gain by doing so?

You claimed in another post that showing that a candidate was behind might entice someone to stay home... the same can be said if you think your candidate is ahead and doesn't need your vote. What happens to teams that sometimes sit on their leads?

Lastly, if you think the polls are inaccurate, why does it bother you? Why are you worried about something you claim is meaningless???

Because it drives public opinion, if you think it doesn’t you’re nuts.
There were polls 10-14 days out from the election with Clinton up 7-10 points, that on the eve of the election were within the margins you listed. That is a complete joke, and anyone paying attention knew it.

The polling groups were intentionally misleading, either to sway voters or drive traffic on their sites, or both. Both or dishonest and do not accurately portray the actual electoral landscape.

The margin of error you listed of 1-6 points was the actual margin the entire race, yet since it wasn’t accurately portrayed it left a large portion of the electorate utterly shocked when Trump won.
It's not polls, it's how the data is presented. The MSM ran with the "Blue Wall" and the consistent lead that HRC had in national polls throughout the cycle. 538 consistently presented the data in a way that always gave Trump a real chance to win the election. Don't blame pollsters, they get paid to be as accurate as possible. Blame CNN, MSNBC, and their ilk for looking at the data and presenting it in a way that showed HRC as an overwhelming favorite. Anyone who has any knowledge of statistics knew Trump had a real chance.

The polls were what they were, the analysis was valid. Was there a reason why a percentage of people would lie to pollsters? I believe there was, and it wasn't a conspiracy, just people turning off their political brain to not stick out. Supporting Trump was / is a thought crime, and the best way to avoid an incriminating thought is to avoid thinking.

For me specifically, I remember our VP asking in a meeting "is anyone here a Trump supporter", I replied something like "I'm an anarchist, but I believe Hillary is the worst candidate ever."... awkward silence. It would have been better to just not think and not speak ever.

In 2016, sharing your support for Trump was the ultimate taboo. Until that environment changes, don't trust polls.
So because people lie to pollsters the conclusion is that pollsters intentionally falsify the results of their research?

The science and art of polling is ever changing because the world is ever changing...that's why there is a margin of error. The methods to contact people change, people become reluctant to be truthful... but they learn and adjust their models and methods. Never will they be perfect but rarely are the wrong outside of their known margin of error.
Horse Hockey. Unless you like a dose of political crap with your sports and movies....TV? Yeah, right...

You guys are so hung up on politics ALL THE TIME. Take off your Fox News hats sometimes, for Christ’s sake. I can’t imagine how much life must suck for people who can’t enjoy sports or entertainment without thinking about politics.
Because it drives public opinion, if you think it doesn’t you’re nuts.
There were polls 10-14 days out from the election with Clinton up 7-10 points, that on the eve of the election were within the margins you listed. That is a complete joke, and anyone paying attention knew it.

The polling groups were intentionally misleading, either to sway voters or drive traffic on their sites, or both. Both or dishonest and do not accurately portray the actual electoral landscape.

The margin of error you listed of 1-6 points was the actual margin the entire race, yet since it wasn’t accurately portrayed it left a large portion of the electorate utterly shocked when Trump won.

This post sucks according to all the polls I’ve seen.
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So because people lie to pollsters the conclusion is that pollsters intentionally falsify the results of their research?

The science and art of polling is ever changing because the world is ever changing...that's why there is a margin of error. The methods to contact people change, people become reluctant to be truthful... but they learn and adjust their models and methods. Never will they be perfect but rarely are the wrong outside of their known margin of error.

No. The results of a study are only as good as the inputs. If your objective is to understand what people think, and you socially penalize a certain perspective, the input will be garbage.
You should stop watching cable news and check out all the great stuff on Netflix, HBO, Prime, etc. There aren't enough hours in the day to watch all the great shows.
I watch about 1 hour of TV a day (not counting golf, baseball, football, basketball). And it's usually Parker Plays or Player Select or whatever kid show my 2 boys watch.

I get my news from many, many different Twitter follows.

My wife is a movie honk, so I do go to the theatre often. That's my point of reference when I flush your take down the toilet. Hollywood is AWFUL.
When Netflix signed up Susan Rice and the Obamas, I cancelled Netflix.

Too bad. Your narrow mindedness is robbing you of the chance to watch great shows that have nothing to do with politics.

Do you boycott any company that supports democrats? If so you wouldn’t have a phone or the internet or a computer or a car or anything else.
You guys are so hung up on politics ALL THE TIME. Take off your Fox News hats sometimes, for Christ’s sake. I can’t imagine how much life must suck for people who can’t enjoy sports or entertainment without thinking about politics.
How can you be so wrong so many times. This is called fighting back. I know you Libs are use to not being challenged, spread lies all the time with the media covering for you. We finally found someone that fights back and I love it
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Too bad. Your narrow mindedness is robbing you of the chance to watch great shows that have nothing to do with politics.

Do you boycott any company that supports democrats? If so you wouldn’t have a phone or the internet or a computer or a car or anything else.
I do not. I didn’t watch it much anyway, but that drove me over the edge
I watch about 1 hour of TV a day (not counting golf, baseball, football, basketball). And it's usually Parker Plays or Player Select or whatever kid show my 2 boys watch.

I get my news from many, many different Twitter follows.

My wife is a movie honk, so I do go to the theatre often. That's my point of reference when I flush your take down the toilet. Hollywood is AWFUL.

What movies in particular have you seen that are AWFUL and what specifically was AWFUL about them?
How can you be so wrong so many times. This is called fighting back. I know you Libs are use to not being challenged, spread lies all the time with the media covering for you. We finally found someone that fights back and I love it

LOL. Another tool who gets joy from a 75 year old child’s Twitter rants.

What are you doing to fight back? You canceled Netflix!? What a patriot. The country is better due to your sacrifice.

"Antichrist" is the #1 trend on twitter. I click on it to see what its about. And its a bunch of libs claiming that Trump is the Antichrist. Seriously.
Jews voting Democrat goes back many decades but it makes absolutely no sense.

I’ve mentioned this here before, but I had a conversation on this exact topic with a Jewish coworker. She is Jewish to the max. Lived in Israel, will move back there. Surprisingly, she knows I’m not religious at all and that I think some of the shit she believes is crazy, but she is the only person I ever discuss religion with.

That said, she listens to Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis, and per her, most real Jewish people are conservatives. Same way you can have a lot of liberal “Catholics” who just so happen to support the Democrat party murdering babies.
Excellent analysis. I will now stop watching everything due to your detailed feedback.
I didn't ask you to, but glad to know I command that type of respect.

Enjoy what you like. I, personally, enjoy watching sports, playing golf, drinking beer/smoking trees, grilling out, sex, swimming, fishing/hunting, going out to eat, and working with/coaching my kids in their own sports (I let the wife handle most of the academics).

I don't mind wading through the Twitter mud, listening to sports talk radio, and watching the occasional episode of The Office and TPB on Netflix.

But, I am getting older and becoming the old man yelling at clouds. New shit just doesn't appeal to me.

Again, I appreciate the repsect you are giving me, but please feel free to continue to enjoy what you like......even though I think it's garbage.
With few exceptions, the final round of public polling showed Clinton with a lead of 1 to 6 percentage points in the national popular vote. Every poll, even the state by state polls were within the stated margin of error.

Perhaps you should read this:

Your claim that "they were intentionally misleading" is simply hogwash. What does anyone, including the polling organizations gain by doing so?

You claimed in another post that showing that a candidate was behind might entice someone to stay home... the same can be said if you think your candidate is ahead and doesn't need your vote. What happens to teams that sometimes sit on their leads?

Lastly, if you think the polls are inaccurate, why does it bother you? Why are you worried about something you claim is meaningless???
Most of the polling data showing Hillary Clinton with a 6% point lead occurred before James Comey’s late October announcement that more Clinton emails were being looked at. The narrowing of the margin was a result. Comey swaying swing voters + Russian tampering = Trump presidency.
Because it drives public opinion, if you think it doesn’t you’re nuts.
There were polls 10-14 days out from the election with Clinton up 7-10 points, that on the eve of the election were within the margins you listed. That is a complete joke, and anyone paying attention knew it.

The polling groups were intentionally misleading, either to sway voters or drive traffic on their sites, or both. Both or dishonest and do not accurately portray the actual electoral landscape.

The margin of error you listed of 1-6 points was the actual margin the entire race, yet since it wasn’t accurately portrayed it left a large portion of the electorate utterly shocked when Trump won.
Bill, a fraction of 1% swung the election.
I swear, trying to explain anything to you is like trying to teach physics to a 2 yr old.

I'm not sure where you think you had such a great perspective on the streets of Podunkville, Ky. How wide and diverse is your sphere of influence?

Frankly, you just pull stuff out of your ass. What polling organization it trying to push people to their site and why? Bill Silvers is about the only one that is even half way commercialized and it utilizes the data from other polling organizations and offers analysis for data nerds. Hell, most of the polling organizations don't even post their own polling data on their own websites. Beyond that, if you ever knew anyone who worked for any of those organizations they are filled with math/statistics nerds who know how to crunch numbers but wouldn't know Donald Trump from Donald Duck. Come to think about it, there isn't much difference.

I take it that you never took a college level statistics class. Go find one at your local community college and learn something about sampling. As it is it sounds like you're already trying to make excuses if DJT loses in 2020. It's always someone else's fault and not possibly the fact that he has acted like a spoiled child and people are over it.
isn't it funny how this works. I always wondered what Chick-fil-A was doing to make their stores the best in my town , your town and every town.. Turns out it was the liberal boycott that made their stores cleaner and the food the best in fast food. A place without liberals is heaven on earth and cleaner.

Another dumbass post from Sawnee still thinking only republicans eat Chickfila. Quick, while you are at it, show the picture of the packed Trump rally you went to last year
You guys are so hung up on politics ALL THE TIME. Take off your Fox News hats sometimes, for Christ’s sake. I can’t imagine how much life must suck for people who can’t enjoy sports or entertainment without thinking about politics.

To include those who regurgitate talking points. Fox is so far from the Right...
I’ve mentioned this here before, but I had a conversation on this exact topic with a Jewish coworker. She is Jewish to the max. Lived in Israel, will move back there. Surprisingly, she knows I’m not religious at all and that I think some of the shit she believes is crazy, but she is the only person I ever discuss religion with.

That said, she listens to Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis, and per her, most real Jewish people are conservatives. Same way you can have a lot of liberal “Catholics” who just so happen to support the Democrat party murdering babies.
Most "real Jewish people are conservatives" but abortion is legal in Israel and is covered by their universal health care system. Go chew on that one.

Frankly, your friend's opinion of other Jews is no better or worse than any Christian's opinion of other Christians.
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Bill, a fraction of 1% swung the election.
I swear, trying to explain anything to you is like trying to teach physics to a 2 yr old.

I'm not sure where you think you had such a great perspective on the streets of Podunkville, Ky. How wide and diverse is your sphere of influence?

Frankly, you just pull stuff out of your ass. What polling organization it trying to push people to their site and why? Bill Silvers is about the only one that is even half way commercialized and it utilizes the data from other polling organizations and offers analysis for data nerds. Hell, most of the polling organizations don't even post their own polling data on their own websites. Beyond that, if you ever knew anyone who worked for any of those organizations they are filled with math/statistics nerds who know how to crunch numbers but wouldn't know Donald Trump from Donald Duck. Come to think about it, there isn't much difference.

I take it that you never took a college level statistics class. Go find one at your local community college and learn something about sampling. As it is it sounds like you're already trying to make excuses if DJT loses in 2020. It's always someone else's fault and not possibly the fact that he has acted like a spoiled child and people are over it.

It's great you are still so butthurt. [roll]
Most Jews do not practice. Like Cosby said, most Catholics (even a large percentage who actually go to Mass) are actually apostates or, at best, heretics. Walking up to them and asking for their religion based opinion on something is like asking Platinumdumb how the tax rate works. You'll get a lot of words with no substance
+ Russian tampering = Trump presidency.


If it wasn't so funny it would be sad.

Quick question - which do you think had more influence?

1. $150,000 worth of Russian FB memes that not 1 American was involved with.


2. The democrats using fake Russian intel so they could a get a secret warrant from a secret court to illegally spy on a republican candidate/campaign. Then, when spying on him and his campaign came up empty, using that fake intel in an attempt to overthrow him.

The tears are my life blood. Keep it up!
LOL. Another tool who gets joy from a 75 year old child’s Twitter rants.

What are you doing to fight back? You canceled Netflix!? What a patriot. The country is better due to your sacrifice.
Fighting back is what I do with you Libs on here, make you look like the idiots you are. At least I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.
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Most "real Jewish people are conservatives" but abortion is legal in Israel and is covered by their universal health care system. Go chew on that one.

Frankly, your friend's opinion of other Jews is no better or worse than any Christian's opinion of other Christians.

We just quoting people’s posts and making irrelevant statements now?