How will they rule ??!

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Dwayne Meighan. Whewee. Mf'er is a diamond tipped band saw that cuts through you libs like a 6000 yr old oak.

I had no idea Proud Boys leadership were people of color.

Throws a pretty big wrench in that white nationalism bullshit
Yep. And make no mistake. I'm not defending the role the Proud Boys play in this nor the violence they're responsible for. Although I don't necessarily agree with their part in the violence I do believe they have every right to hold a rally without being physically attacked by a masked mob and can't blame them for defending themselves.

I'm just pointing out this whole "white nationalists" smear is complete and total garbage. Their members are very diverse and come from all walks of life. They describe themselves as Western Chauvinist. A term coined by the founder and former leader Gavin McInnes. It has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or even national origin.

Western Chauvinist is defined as a proponent of Western Civilization, someone who supports a secular government whose legal code is informed by Judeo-Christian ethics and whose origins lie in the Greco-Roman tradition of the Republic. Basically the West is the best. They're overzealous patriots and white nationalists of all colors.

That's why antifa hates them. Because they're pro America/pro West and they're not shy about it. It's not because they're white nationalists or white supremacists.

Most everyone knows by now that antifa are anti American, fascist, Marxist, commies who proudly wave the hammer and sickle. They're not shy about it. All it takes to provoke them into violence is waving an American flag.
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Yeah it's kind of a unique circumstance, but Trump's a unique guy. Going to have won because of hate for Hillary and lost because of hate for him. Current politics is ruled by hate all around. Easier to drum up emotion and thereby votes with hate than love. I prefer Bernie's positive message for the future of our country.
A message so positive that it inspired a man to shoot up a baseball field full of congressman. I mean, that's what we do right? We blame the person the shooter followed instead of the actual shooter. That's what your side teaches anyway.
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Manufacturing Mass Fascism Hysteria

If the neoliberal ruling classes expect to keep the American masses worked up into a white-eyed hysteria over “fascism” until November 2020, they’re going to need to get some better Nazis. The current Nazis are just not going to cut it. They are neither scary nor Nazi enough. OK, the militia ones look kind of scary, and that “Based Spartan” guy looks kind of … uh, weird, but most of them just look like regular old rednecks. How hard would it be to get them some brown shirts, or those khaki pants like they wore in Charlottesville, or some other type of Nazi-like uniform?

And some jackboots. People love those jackboots.

Seriously, the Resistance need to get their official narrative optics in order, and they need to do it without delay. Millions of liberals are standing by to be brainwashed into a year-long frenzy of manufactured mass “fascism” hysteria, but they are going to need some halfway convincing Nazis to spastically freak out over. A few hundred bozos in MAGA hats parading around with American flags does not exactly a Sturmabteilung make.

I’m referring, of course, to the latest “fascist invasion” of Portland that took place last Saturday, which, according to the corporate media, and Antifa, and local fascism experts, was supposed to be a veritable bloodbath. Heavily-armed white supremacist terrorists were flying in from around the country to indiscriminately murder as many “Black, Asian, Latino, indigenous, immigrant, Pacific islander, disabled, houseless, and LGBTQ persons” as possible. This white supremacist terrorist kill-fest was going to be revenge for the preventively self-defensive beating of Andy Ngo, “the most dangerous fascist grifter in America,” by Antifa militants earlier this month.

Ngo (who most people had never heard of until Antifa militants beat him senseless), although he poses as a legitimate journalist by writing for outlets like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Quillette, and so on, is allegedly a fascist intelligence asset in charge of compiling fascist “kill lists” consisting of the names of assorted well-known Portland anti-fascist figures (who most people had also never heard of until they claimed that Ngo had put them on his “kill list”).

Alexander Reid Ross, for example, an extremely influential “fascism expert,” outreach specialist, and geography teacher, who is hot on the trail of the Putin-Nazi plot to form a syncretic alliance of Assad-loving, Duginist, LaRouchian Nazis led by Max Blumenthal and Vanessa Beeley, or possibly Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson … or something more or less along those lines (see Ross’ seminal paranoid ravings, which the SPLC was forced to retract by Blumenthal’s fascist legal counsel.) Ross reportedly remains in hiding in a safehouse in an undisclosed location somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, presumably protected by the FBI, while he continues his important work.

And then there are the notorious Proud Boys, a gang of self-described “Western chauvinists” who apparently haven’t been laid in years. According to the SPLC (which has designated them an official “hate group”).

Such is the caliber of the cast the Resistance are featuring in their “fascism” fantasy. As you can see, it’s not exactly the A-list. If they’re going to stick with the “fascism” hysteria from now until November 2020 (which is really the only option they have left, what with “Russiagate” having blown up in their faces), the least they can do is get some real Nazis, and some semi-respectable Nazi hunters, and cut out this pathetic Portlandia nonsense.

The Resistance owes liberals at least that much, especially after making them look like fools by leading them on for three years with their ridiculous “Russiagate” hysteria. Sure, the “fascism” hysteria is an easier sell, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to sell it. It’s not like they can just abruptly switch from the “Russiagate” narrative to the “fascism” narrative (as if their Russiagate hoax had not just been exposed) and expect liberals to go along with it like the members of some enormous cult.

Or, I don’t know … maybe they can. The New York Times certainly appears to think so. Check out this exchange between executive editor Dean Baquet and an anonymous staffer at an emergency in-house “town hall” meeting convened after The Times changed a page one headline because it didn’t paint Trump as racist enough.

For anyone not entirely fluent in Pulitzer-winning Professional Journalism Speak, that translates roughly as “OK, no more Russia stuff. We’re switching to the fascism and racism stuff, and we’ll be hammering on it until Trump is history.”

Which is fine with me. I don’t like Donald Trump. And Americans are certainly racists … uh, working class Americans, that is. Sorry, whiteworking class Americans, not Black people, or the staff of The New York Times, or the neoliberal ruling classes. Unless they’re disabled, or houseless, or Latino, or indigenous, or LGBTQ (i.e., the white working class Americans, not the ruling classes). In which case, they get a pass on the racism. But the rest of us are all white supremacists, and homophobic anti-Semites, and xenophobic racist transphobes, and … well, basically, a bunch of Nazis.

What? You don’t believe that most white Americans are Hitler-loving, Sieg-heiling Nazis who want to mass murder all the Jews and the Mexicans and re-enslave all the African Americans? How do you think Donald Trump got elected? Somebody stole the presidency from Clinton. If it wasn’t the Russians, it had to be the fascists! I mean, after all, who else is there?

How so?
It encourages voters to get out and support him.
People bitching about polls is the same as people who bitch about lines set on games. First, they have no effect on the actual game/election. Second, polling organizations are businesses who’s reputation and worth is based on their products. There is no incentive for them to be wrong.
False and proof that you don't know anything about psychological warfare/mind control and brainwashing. Promotional gimmicks work on the weak minded (your proof of that here). Sure it could backfire and did in the last presidential election which once again proves the left is dumber than a box of rocks or insane.
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Lol Bernie is one if the most negative people in Congress. Everything is terrible, we are all doomed, everyone is In the gutter, everyone is evil and greedy and none of us can function without the govt.

Think about that premise- regular citizens are unable to function and cannot govern themselves so his solution is to have regular citizens that work in govt make rules.

The message from dems is all around negative. Everyone is awful, everything is mean and racist and unfair.

Btw, I'm unsure why you think he would accomplish anything. The legislative branch, his and most of the other candidates current job, is the one that is supposed know...legislate. We dont have a monarch nor some breadline communist power hungry figure which he is. Hes only passed around 1% of legislation hes introduced and hes literally done nothing in the Senate the last few years...ranking last in almost every category. Hes worthless. He spent a life living off taxpayers...ppl learned who he was a couple years ago, used his position in office to profit and become a millionaire, and desperately wants to control anything he can. He'll be gone from the national seen in the next year. However he'll still be in the Senate until he dies desperately grasping for power all the while not having even the most entry level understanding of economics.
He epitomizes the new left, today's youth and older democrat/socialist who have bought into the money for nothing mindset. Free is great because's free!
Yeah it's kind of a unique circumstance, but Trump's a unique guy. Going to have won because of hate for Hillary and lost because of hate for him. Current politics is ruled by hate all around. Easier to drum up emotion and thereby votes with hate than love. I prefer Bernie's positive message for the future of our country.

This is America. Total coincidence that the media is pushing gender dysphoria at the same time, nothing to worry about.

Besides the obvious homosexuality, look at how many of the people in these various stories first got into this s**t by looking at porn. Wonder who owns most of the porn companies? Wonder if porn was ever promoted as a way to help destroy Christian culture? Wonder if those people knew that porn can lead a decent swath of the population to even more and more deviant behavior?

What Happens When Your Girlfriend Finds Out You're into Trans Women

Instead, Owen's girlfriend was devastated, the 22 year old recalled. At first, she cried and interrogated him: Was he gay? Was she just a prop for him to look straight? Why did he hide this from her? Then, she got mean. Over the course of a month, Owen said she used his sexuality as a weapon against him. According to Owen, she pitilessly mocked him, remarking on how disappointed he must be that she doesn’t have a dick. He obviously “wanted to be a bottom,” he recalled her saying; to “get a good ****ing.” Sometimes, when they were intimate, Owen said that she would climb on top of him and mockingly simulate f***ing him in the ass. [laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing]

Straight Men Recall the First Time They Were Attracted to a Trans Woman

VICE: When did you first realize you were attracted to trans women?

Chris: In my late teens, while in college, my friends passed around a photo of a trans woman with a large penis. They made fun of her, but I found myself very attracted to the photo.

Jeremy: I first realized I was interested in trans women when I watched trans porn as a teenager. Trans women had previously been normalized for me on the Robin Byrd Show when I was about eight*** and I saw how they weren’t different than any of the other girls.

Joel: My attraction started with pornography and evolved into being a John and tricking with some street workers.

***The Robin Byrd show was a public access show hosted by a porn star about various degenerate behaviors. This guy was watching it at 8 years old and that's actually very normal and not at all why he claims to be straight and bangs men dressed up as women.
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Really? You think they were so gloriously wrong by mere happenstance?
If you convince people their vote is meaningless because the person they were gonna choose is down 5-15 points, some won’t go through the hassle of voting.

Their reputation is what the final outcome is, that’s why the polls suddenly tightened up at the end. People like you simply grab the final result and say they were accurate.
It was always tight, just like Rasmussen and the LA Times polls shown.

Polls in most sports don’t matter, in college football they absolutely do. Polls in elections do the same, they form people’s opinions to a certain extent.
Or...the polls accurately reflect what people are saying at that point in time. People change their minds or make up their minds where they were undecided. People like me "simply grab the final results" because that's the only result that can be proven.

If you quit on "your guy" or "your team" because they are down while time is on the clock...that is on you.
Here are four examples of the Proud Boys leadership. There are dozens of other examples of random everyday non white members but you should get the point based on their leadership.

These people aren't hard to find. They're not hiding behind mask. White nationalists or white supremacists they are not. It's a complete made up smear.

Antifa is the all white domestic terrorist group. You've been brainwashed by msm propaganda. Stop repeating the lies. You look stupid.

"White nationalist" Proud Boys Chairman Edwin Arthur


"White nationalist" Proud Boys Chairman Tusitala "Tiny" John Toese


"White nationalist" Proud Boys Florida chapter president and Florida State Director for Latinos for Trump Enrique Tarrio


"White nationalist" Proud Boys Texas chapter president and Latinos for Trump El Paso Director Anthony Aguero

Thanks for posting. I challenge ANYONE (not named Levi or Ed cause they are on ignore) to provide proof or examples of where the Proud Boys have EVER publicly stated that they had a WHITE nationalist agenda. That they were for the eradication or elimination of every other race. The left is repeatedly race baiting by conflating an Alt-right or conservative agenda with white supremacy. They are labeling a good chunk of Americans who happen to be white as white supremacists and racists simply because they put their country first. I never understood how putting your country first ever became a racist trope to begin with. It's a dangerous narrative by the left that's causing the true divide. not Trumps so-called "rhetoric". It is quite possible to be a white male who values his country before others,but openly welcomes anyone of any race or ethnicity to come into this country L E G A L L Y and for them to have a path to citizenship and benefit from our freedoms to create a productive life for themselves and their families.
oh man the S&P is almost back to where it was a year ago! SO MUCH WINNING!! It's real hard to get an increase where you set a 100 year decrease record the month before

The number of 401(k) millionaires hits an all-time high.

The number of Fidelity 401(k) plans with a balance of $1 million or more jumped to a record 196,000 in the second quarter of 2019.

Go camp your ass out on Standiford Field and leave us adults alone. TIA.
Don't know about that. But it's incredible he won given all these things plus the vote fraud and google influence. Shows how badly voters wanted a change. No wonder Hillary didn't bother campaigning.

Stakes will only increase this cycle. It'll be much more of all the above plus even more new tactics. It'll be a war

The Deep Fake video technology worries me.

How do we prove something is real or fake moving forward?

I truly think this has the potential to adversely affect every facet of our day-to-day ‘operations’ in life.
Or...the polls accurately reflect what people are saying at that point in time. People change their minds or make up their minds where they were undecided. People like me "simply grab the final results" because that's the only result that can be proven.

If you quit on "your guy" or "your team" because they are down while time is on the clock...that is on you.

The polls didn’t accurately reflect, that’s the entire point. They don’t accurately reflect now either.
So ask yourself why they were intentionally misleading in the weeks and months leading up to the election and now as well.
Truth of the matter is you know the polls were BS as well, just as you don’t believe the polls are accurate now.
Or...the polls accurately reflect what people are saying at that point in time. People change their minds or make up their minds where they were undecided. People like me "simply grab the final results" because that's the only result that can be proven.

If you quit on "your guy" or "your team" because they are down while time is on the clock...that is on you.

Jibber jabber nonsense
The Deep Fake video technology worries me.

How do we prove something is real or fake moving forward?

I truly think this has the potential to adversely affect every facet of our day-to-day ‘operations’ in life.

I don't think it will be much worse than actors delivering the news. Might be better actually, because when the possibility of ****ery is obvious, you are more careful.
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isn't it funny how this works. I always wondered what Chick-fil-A was doing to make their stores the best in my town , your town and every town.. Turns out it was the liberal boycott that made their stores cleaner and the food the best in fast food. A place without liberals is heaven on earth and cleaner.
Are there really idiots claiming Trump is an anti Semite for questioning why Jews vote democrat? Hell, its a great question. They vote for the party that has openly anti Semites spewing hate about Israel and Jews (not to mention the god awful Iran deal)

I've wondered for years why so many Jews vote democrat. It makes no sense at all to vote for people who routinely do things against you.
Or...the polls accurately reflect what people are saying at that point in time. People change their minds or make up their minds where they were undecided. People like me "simply grab the final results" because that's the only result that can be proven.

If you quit on "your guy" or "your team" because they are down while time is on the clock...that is on you.

:joy: You are too funny man. [roll] Too much with the comedy...
The polls didn’t accurately reflect, that’s the entire point. They don’t accurately reflect now either.
So ask yourself why they were intentionally misleading in the weeks and months leading up to the election and now as well.
Truth of the matter is you know the polls were BS as well, just as you don’t believe the polls are accurate now.
With few exceptions, the final round of public polling showed Clinton with a lead of 1 to 6 percentage points in the national popular vote. Every poll, even the state by state polls were within the stated margin of error.

Perhaps you should read this:

Your claim that "they were intentionally misleading" is simply hogwash. What does anyone, including the polling organizations gain by doing so?

You claimed in another post that showing that a candidate was behind might entice someone to stay home... the same can be said if you think your candidate is ahead and doesn't need your vote. What happens to teams that sometimes sit on their leads?

Lastly, if you think the polls are inaccurate, why does it bother you? Why are you worried about something you claim is meaningless???
With few exceptions, the final round of public polling showed Clinton with a lead of 1 to 6 percentage points in the national popular vote. Every poll, even the state by state polls were within the stated margin of error.

Perhaps you should read this:

Your claim that "they were intentionally misleading" is simply hogwash. What does anyone, including the polling organizations gain by doing so?

You claimed in another post that showing that a candidate was behind might entice someone to stay home... the same can be said if you think your candidate is ahead and doesn't need your vote. What happens to teams that sometimes sit on their leads?

Lastly, if you think the polls are inaccurate, why does it bother you? Why are you worried about something you claim is meaningless???

In 2016, sharing your support for Trump was the ultimate taboo. Until that environment changes, don't trust polls.

In 2016, sharing your support for Trump was the ultimate taboo. Until that environment changes, don't trust polls.

It's not polls, it's how the data is presented. The MSM ran with the "Blue Wall" and the consistent lead that HRC had in national polls throughout the cycle. 538 consistently presented the data in a way that always gave Trump a real chance to win the election. Don't blame pollsters, they get paid to be as accurate as possible. Blame CNN, MSNBC, and their ilk for looking at the data and presenting it in a way that showed HRC as an overwhelming favorite. Anyone who has any knowledge of statistics knew Trump had a real chance.
Exactly, so many people went into the booth and thought about their obnoxious lying asshole co-worker/neighbor like Russ Arnold and voted for DT despite not liking him because they know it could be much worse.

Obnoxious lying asshole co-workers must suck. In 25 years I've never met someone at work who I would describe that way though. Apparently a lot of people need to find new jobs if their co-workers are influencing their voting habits.
Are there really idiots claiming Trump is an anti Semite for questioning why Jews vote democrat? Hell, its a great question. They vote for the party that has openly anti Semites spewing hate about Israel and Jews (not to mention the god awful Iran deal)

I've wondered for years why so many Jews vote democrat. It makes no sense at all to vote for people who routinely do things against you.
Jews voting Democrat goes back many decades but it makes absolutely no sense.
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Don't know much about Scouts, but the NFL and NBA are still awesome, and Hollywood is putting out more good TV than at any time in history. Great time to be alive.

Horse Hockey. Unless you like a dose of political crap with your sports and movies....TV? Yeah, right...