How will they rule ??!

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Antifa most always shows up to confront these racist groups—who usually have legal permits to be there, whereas antifa does not. if antifa would just stay away and ignore these assholes no one would hardly notice them ever being there.
And by the way “white nationalist” is a made-up term created by you leftist anti-american democrats/socialists/communists to paint everyone who is white and a patriot as a racist.
I am a nationalist. i am white. i have always been america first.
I really want to hear from one of the left not named Levi or Ed (because I’m ignoring them) how they think their candidates all basically calling half of America racists and bigots is a winning strategy.
And you ask why we call you retarded.

He has a buddy that agrees with him on the word retard. The issue is, I and I doubt you or many would use that word describing a child or a child with special needs or ones that couldn't help themselves.

Words mean things. His ilk uses words as a punch line to either garner support, or pity, even worse, their cause. (They willingly lie.) They never use words to describe what things actually are. Yeah, he's retarded. No doubt about it. The bad thing is, he does it on purpose. (That's exponentially worse.) I call them...troublemakers. (That is about as bad as you can get.)
Here is Webster's definition:
White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity. Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation.

Now you can say you learned something today.
And now please show me anywhere in Trumps “rhetoric” where he has ever in any way shape or form promoted a “white” only nation. I need quotes. I need cited examples not taken out of context and not twisted to fit an agenda. It shouldn’t be difficult to find because according to most in the MSM, it’s all he does all day everyday.
I really want to hear from one of the left not named Levi or Ed (because I’m ignoring them) how they think their candidates all basically calling half of America racists and bigots is a winning strategy.
I don't think it really matters what the Dem candidates say. This election, just like 2016 and 2018, will be all about Trump. He likes to dominate the headlines and hence the conversation.
Here is Webster's definition:
White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity. Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation.

Now you can say you learned something today.
Oh. And when was that term added to the Webster Dictionary? If I went to the local library and looked st their 10 year old copy. Would it be in there?

They tried to stop me again. I’ve read the “rules” multiple times, and I don’t think I’ve broken any, but they continue to target your bro.

No explanations from the mods.


How’s everybody doing? Trump is sounding more paranoid and incoherent than ever these days. Claiming he knows how Jewish people should vote is high comedy. NO PUN INTENDED!! This echo chamber needs DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT and I’m here to provide it.

Failed before you started but, you are used to it.

Oh, I'd read the Rivals licensing..20k's worth....

Ok and what gave that certified nut clown any idea that Trump was going to start a race war? Who planted that in his head? I need some cited quotes by Trump where he has ever indicated he wanted to start a race war.

Quite honestly the only ones planting crap like that in insane idiots head like that are the liberal candidates, liberal celebrities, liberal congress, liberal MSM, and biased social media outlets pushing that narrative.
Weren't any white nationalists around when antifa beat that journalist who is a pipsqueak gay Asian.

Weren't any white nationalists around when antifa rioted, beat people and shut down Shapiro's speech.

Weren't any white nationalists around when antifa rioted, beat people and shut down Rubin's speech.

Weren't any white nationalists around when antifa rioted, beat people and shut down Peterson's speech.

Weren't any white nationalists around when antifa tried to fire bomb an ice facility.

Weren't any white nationalists around when antifa rioted and beat people this weekend in Portland. Proud Boys aren't white nationalists just cuz you say so. Two of their three leaders are minorities. One Samoan and another black. Matter of fact they're much more diverse than all white antifa. Dozens of their members are non white.

Aren't any white nationalists going to be around Tim Poole's upcoming event yet antifa is threatening to show up, riot, beat people and shut him down.

The list goes on and on. Antifa are commie, Marxist fascists who use violence to shut down views they disagree with. Saying they only show up when white nationalists are around is bold face lie easily proven 100% false.
Has anyone ever won an election because the other candidate was so hated? Seems like that's what you are banking on. Trump is the first example that comes to mind.
Yeah it's kind of a unique circumstance, but Trump's a unique guy. Going to have won because of hate for Hillary and lost because of hate for him. Current politics is ruled by hate all around. Easier to drum up emotion and thereby votes with hate than love. I prefer Bernie's positive message for the future of our country.
Dude, you never see Antifa without the presence of some white nationalist or racist group. Yes, they come in much larger numbers but to claim or imply that they are just randomly going around causing trouble is simply fiction.

You seem to want to give a pass to white nationalist groups because they are low in numbers but attack antifa who show up to meet them.
I don't like either but if I have to pick a side I'm going with those that don't claim one race is superior to another.

I have to chuckle at how wingnuts like to posture and put on how "they have the guns" and will kick the asses of "pussy liberals". You sound like the confederates before the Civil War...and we know how that turned out.

Nobody here has condoned any violence acted out by Antifa. But it's 2019 and racism and bigotry have no place in this world. Live your life how you like and let others do the same as long as part of that isn't trying to deny others those same rights. "Because you don't want to see it" isn't a valid answer.

Antifa has run amuck regularly, with or without some sort of provocation.

I'm not giving a pass to anybody. I'm simply stating, in my lifetime I have yet to come across anything on the level that is portrayed in the news, and I grew up in the part of the country that is supposedly the stronghold for it.

The fact that you would even begin to entertain choosing one anarchist group over the other tells me all I need to know about you.

Antifa are not crusaders acting on behalf of minorities or oppressed people in general. They are not trying to bring about kumbaya and world peace or anything worthwhile. They are anarchists. I'd venture to guess that most of them don't vote or productively participate in society other than rallies, riots, and hashtag campaigns.

Another thing that was not mentioned in my op was anything about kicking ass or the civil war. To try to reduce that entire history down to something so childish and stupid as "liberals vs The South...we saw how that turned out" is absolute disrespect to one of the most important times in our history and world history.

There's a difference in not wanting to see it, and not having seen it on the level that is talked about 24/7/365.
never met a dumber bunch of morons than the libtards that flock to here and spew utter childish bullshit. you guys would be comic gold if your weren't so ignorant.

The same Bernie that claimed Venezuala, Nicaragua, U.S.S.R, Cuba were beacons of hope and the type of country he wished the U.S. should aspire to become? LMMFAO.

@DwayneMeighan just owned everyone defending Antifa, yet not one of you liberal idiots will counter his post. Because you have noting of substance, ever.
Yeah it's kind of a unique circumstance, but Trump's a unique guy. Going to have won because of hate for Hillary and lost because of hate for him. Current politics is ruled by hate all around. Easier to drum up emotion and thereby votes with hate than love. I prefer Bernie's positive message for the future of our country.

Throughly unimpressed with Bernie on Rogan. I agree with guys diagnosis on a lot of problems , but his solutions are just so lame.
Perhaps you didn't follow the post I replied to?

Your boy @blubo wrote:"The only reason we ever hear of the kkk is whenever a handful of them hold a “rally” and a group of leftist wingnuts show up to try to make it newsworthy, when, if they were ignored they would simply go away without incident, because 99.999% of people just don’t gaf."

Truth. If no one would show up to a kkk rally, they would cease to exist. This is a very limited group of people. Now libs on the other hand...
Nah . . . you don’t have to turn the television or radio on to find out about the grocery list of things you mentioned to determine Trumpkin’s character. You just need to follow his Twitter feed. He doesn’t require any media interpretation . . . he puts his racism out there for public display himself.

The polls were well within the margin of error. In fact they were dead on with the popular vote. As I just posted a change of a fraction of a percent changes the outcome of the election. Nate Silver had put the odds at Trump winning at 30%...that's equivalent to being 4-5 pt underdog in football. That spread gets covered fairly often.

What makes you think that living in the middle of a solid red state that you get a true sense of what the nation thinks?

On Election Day they had tightened up, but the weeks and months leading up to had Clinton as high as 15 points above Trump.
That was a joke, just as the polls now with 4 Democrats beating Trump.
It’s dishonest to intentionally try and manipulate voters with fraudulent polls.
Who on here is a "like-minded individual" to me? How many "likes" do my posts get from the partisans here? The hypocrisy was so obvious you even had to preface it with a qualifier about it applying to yourselves, and y'all aren't known for your self-awareness. Echo chambers reinforcing the Dunning-Kruger effect is an issue for the right, left, AND middle. Hence my role as conservative bubble popper here, one of the loudest echo chambers on the internet.

That's what you think you do here, but frankly the vast majority of the posts you people post are profoundly misguided and I'm not talking about liberalism, I voted for Obama you're free to be a liberal in my eyes and praise him for his failed economic policies... but you people are radical leftists, deluded anti-Americans so entrenched in your ideology that you can't even fathom actual reality.

I don't say that to be antagonistic, but you are wasting your lives believing stuff that simply isn't so. I don't know how to be clearer and even when I am I'm not sure if you purposefully misunderstand or just can't comprehend because you are that far gone: like you should know that standard inflation isn't really related to purchasing power so long as wages rise, that that wasn't the argument I was making, or that my list was direct responses to your perceived flaws list because, yeah ultimately, there is only one reason you can believe what bernie is shoveling you and that is ignorance, willful or otherwise, and the demonstrated list of reasons proven throughout history that socialism doesn't work is endless.

This lunacy has actual consequences, like that poor guy (antifa) in Oregon or wherever few months ago who got shot and killed in front of his daughter at her school because he got it in to his mind that the only reason her principal wouldn't allow him to see her was because of the oppressive white privileged police patriarchy. Couldn't have anything to do with his divorce and custody battle, had to be racist.... Now that girl has to grow up without a father. Maybe you yourselves aren't crazy enough to take a gun to a school and pull it on police, but it's just a question of degree... you are here to troll this so called echo chamber, not contribute diversity of thought... and you know it... we used to have actual liberals and actual discussion, hell the paddock used to be nothing but poilitical threads basically before they figured they should just make one mega thread and call it a day.
Here are four examples of the Proud Boys leadership. There are dozens of other examples of random everyday non white members but you should get the point based on their leadership.

These people aren't hard to find. They're not hiding behind mask. White nationalists or white supremacists they are not. It's a complete made up smear.

Antifa is the all white domestic terrorist group. You've been brainwashed by msm propaganda. Stop repeating the lies. You look stupid.

"White nationalist" Proud Boys Chairman Edwin Arthur


"White nationalist" Proud Boys Chairman Tusitala "Tiny" John Toese


"White nationalist" Proud Boys Florida chapter president and Florida State Director for Latinos for Trump Enrique Tarrio


"White nationalist" Proud Boys Texas chapter president and Latinos for Trump El Paso Director Anthony Aguero

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I don't think it really matters what the Dem candidates say. This election, just like 2016 and 2018, will be all about Trump. He likes to dominate the headlines and hence the conversation.
The democrats leader Biden is running solely on the point that he is the only one who can beat Trump. Not on what he plans to do but, what he plans to undo. Trump. The man who has practically by himself in the onset fixed the country. We are strong economically. we are putting China and Russia on notice, we have made America strong again militarily (Yes you little pansies, I support the military budget). Obama fanned the flames of hate and racism and showed minorities how to hate again (by design) because he knew the only way to keep minorities in line was to control their minds. Yes Dion, you are a dumb ass that has bought into the lefts narrative and given your balls to your masters.
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Lester Holt was reporting on the disturbing trend of white nationalism tonight. A group of HS kids in California were caught on video giving the nazi salute. Another group of kids were caught on Disney Land rollercoaster cam throwing nazi salutes and “white power” OK symbol.

Also, Trump hates Jews.

The nightly news is greatest form on comedy on television.

Oh, and red flag laws prevented 3 mass shootings. A kid said something threatening while gaming online. A girl took pics of air rifles at wal mart and tweeted a threatening message. Some guy in PA did something.
I don't think it really matters what the Dem candidates say. This election, just like 2016 and 2018, will be all about Trump. He likes to dominate the headlines and hence the conversation.
The reason Trump domimates the conversation is because you haters hang onto his words more than even his supporters do. He lives rent free in your heads. Sad!
On Election Day they had tightened up, but the weeks and months leading up to had Clinton as high as 15 points above Trump.
That was a joke, just as the polls now with 4 Democrats beating Trump.
It’s dishonest to intentionally try and manipulate voters with fraudulent polls.
How so?
It encourages voters to get out and support him.
People bitching about polls is the same as people who bitch about lines set on games. First, they have no effect on the actual game/election. Second, polling organizations are businesses who’s reputation and worth is based on their products. There is no incentive for them to be wrong.
How so?
It encourages voters to get out and support him.
People bitching about polls is the same as people who bitch about lines set on games. First, they have no effect on the actual game/election. Second, polling organizations are businesses who’s reputation and worth is based on their products. There is no incentive for them to be wrong.

Really? You think they were so gloriously wrong by mere happenstance?
If you convince people their vote is meaningless because the person they were gonna choose is down 5-15 points, some won’t go through the hassle of voting.

Their reputation is what the final outcome is, that’s why the polls suddenly tightened up at the end. People like you simply grab the final result and say they were accurate.
It was always tight, just like Rasmussen and the LA Times polls shown.

Polls in most sports don’t matter, in college football they absolutely do. Polls in elections do the same, they form people’s opinions to a certain extent.
Yeah it's kind of a unique circumstance, but Trump's a unique guy. Going to have won because of hate for Hillary and lost because of hate for him. Current politics is ruled by hate all around. Easier to drum up emotion and thereby votes with hate than love. I prefer Bernie's positive message for the future of our country.
Lol Bernie is one if the most negative people in Congress. Everything is terrible, we are all doomed, everyone is In the gutter, everyone is evil and greedy and none of us can function without the govt.

Think about that premise- regular citizens are unable to function and cannot govern themselves so his solution is to have regular citizens that work in govt make rules.

The message from dems is all around negative. Everyone is awful, everything is mean and racist and unfair.

Btw, I'm unsure why you think he would accomplish anything. The legislative branch, his and most of the other candidates current job, is the one that is supposed know...legislate. We dont have a monarch nor some breadline communist power hungry figure which he is. Hes only passed around 1% of legislation hes introduced and hes literally done nothing in the Senate the last few years...ranking last in almost every category. Hes worthless. He spent a life living off taxpayers...ppl learned who he was a couple years ago, used his position in office to profit and become a millionaire, and desperately wants to control anything he can. He'll be gone from the national seen in the next year. However he'll still be in the Senate until he dies desperately grasping for power all the while not having even the most entry level understanding of economics.
I just want to call BS on this story. Not on the whole she had multiple abortions part, but in the story she said she was on birth control then got pregnant then she got her first abortion. Then a couple months later while still on birth control she got pregnant again. Ya calling BS on this.

The pill has an effectiveness rate of 99.7%, condoms have an effectiveness rate of 98%.

So ya Im calling BS on her getting pregnant twice in just a span of a few months while being on birth control. My guess is she wasn't using any kind of birth control and she just added that part in there now so she can have something to say to the obvious comeback of "just use birth control".

Hell I wouldnt even be surprised if she didnt have any abortions and she is just saying this now so she can be this super woke advocate leader like she thinks she is.