Are you seriously gonna gulp down that four mass shootings happened in Mexico and Brazil?
If so, why would people need refugee status to come to such a murderous cesspool in the USA?
What the **** are they fleeing anyway?
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Are you seriously gonna gulp down that four mass shootings happened in Mexico and Brazil?
If so, why would people need refugee status to come to such a murderous cesspool in the USA?
What the **** are they fleeing anyway?
Pretty lame but what would you expect from an apologist for mass murderers.
If you can’t be bothered to Google then I can’t be bothered to engage. Lazy equals lazy.
This thread is a hive of toxicity. Dipping my toes in is enough for all of us I’d imagine.
Parting shot for all the Boomers wheezing as they fail to grip nostalgia and younger red pill incels:
The correct answer is sin.Gilroy, El Paso, Ohio...something is a muck here, and it runs deeper than random lunatics losing their minds.
Take your race card and shove up your ass. Who the hell is trying to defend these shooters?For the racist who are trying to defend the mass murderers in our country:
It's toxic stupidity.Your dumb number causes the kind of toxic polarization that makes conversation impossible.
You know the only place I see immature bullshit? On this board. You’re a ****ing sheep listening to twitter and other internet bullshit. Almost all of my friends are staunch conservatives, and politics NEVER comes up when we hang out. If you believe there is some kind of culture war, it’s because you’re a small minded POS who can’t think for himself.
I live in a poor Louisville neighborhood. Inner city crime is drug dealer on drug dealer and does not involve everyone else. It is extremely rare for innocent bystanders to be involved in inner city violence. Angry white supremacists seem to only kill innocent bystanders. In fact there can by definition only be innocent bystanders if you are killing anyone based on race, religion, or creed.Inner cities on line 2 for you.
GOP: Certainly not as criminal as a blowjob.Is Jameslee the only person in America (outside of twitter) who is still talking about Russia and obstruction?
Latest poll shows a whopping ZERO % (0%!) of people who rank the Russia investigation as important.
There is a very, very good reason why there were ZERO - that's right - ZERO questions about Russia/Mueller during the debates. Let's see if jameslee can figure out why that was.
Shew...….talk about putting all your eggs in one basket. I do wonder how stupid one must feel to have fallen for collusion these last 3 years, especially given all the real evidence to the contrary that was right in front of their faces. I mean, I understand the truth was never reported by their trusted news sources; but we laid it out pretty GD well day in and day out here in the political thread.
Collusion? LMFAO
Oh - one last thing - about that Obama transparency...….. who was it in here that was always slanging that talking point? Deeeeeeeee? It was someone. That was another one of Obama's fantastic lies......right up there with lowering the sea levels and keeping your doctor/saving $2500. Did anyone in the media ever call him out on that? "MOST TRANSPARENT PRESIDIENT OF ALL TIME!! OF. ALL. TIME!!!"
You people make me sick.
Lol, I bet you're one of those people that sees a meme on facebook and just totally believes what it says.
A white supremacist problem is a white people problem. Our community is rotting from within right now due to the rhetoric of our leaders and the crap people listen to and read on the internet. The US is being framed as a white verses everyone else country right now by both political parties and all media. If you are a white supremacist there is nothing out there to invalidate your opinion right now. Also white supremacists probably aren't going to listen to reason from people with brown skin. Their white neighbors and friends need to talk them off their stand. This is a white people problem. Sorry if that offends you. Also I am a white person who votes Republican (generally) and is not racist and I realize there are things I can do.Always find this talking point silly. White supremacists are no doubt terrible and awful people who should be shunned from society. But if you think only one race is murdering people then I don't know what to tell you besides that's a pretty retarded mind set, and I'm trying to be kind.
Beats following the POS.Slinging "Moscow Mitch" like a good little ho
What institutions, corporations or people are influencing our candidates perhaps?California is showing once again how stupid they are. The U.S. Constitution sets the guidelines for a Presidential election. So Trumps name will be on the California ballot in the November 2020 election. The court will instruct them to do that if they balk.
No one running for President is required to show tax returns. That is a stunt some politician dreamed up. It is not law. And why should it be? Who cares how much a candidate is worth. If the IRS accepted the return why should it concern us.
False.GOP: Certainly not as criminal as a blowjob.
27 dead innocents and you assholes are still trying to figure out the political affiliation of the perps. ****ing sad.
For the racist who are trying to defend the mass murderers in our country:
Yep, this country is on its way to Hell because of foreigners like yourself. You brought your liberal ways here and now look at us. I think it was by design to take us down. You Canadians still answer to the Queen and the Brits are using you to do what they could not.27 dead innocents and you assholes are still trying to figure out the political affiliation of the perps. ****ing sad.
lolIf your IQ was higher, you’d know grades and intelligence aren’t directly correlated.
The man took whatever 10 mill inheritance or whatever and parlayed it into his name on buildings and the leader of the free world.
His IQ is prolly around 120, and you leftists and I both know your’s
are less.
Apparently the El Paso was a democrat and then wikipedia changed it. Hmmm. Wonder why
Guess you are ok with the media and Democrats blaming it on Trump as I have not seen anything from you blasting them. You are a hypocrite. Go back to Canada.27 dead innocents and you assholes are still trying to figure out the political affiliation of the perps. ****ing sad.
Looking like I was correct. Antifa stated they were going to do something. Two liberal nut jobs with Antifa shoot up places. Case closed. Liberal whackos again killing people.
This is rich coming from a guy who spends 22 hours a day reposting tweets on this board as if they are all gospel.
This one had me laughing.Kind of dumb to respond to someone who is nothing about a constant whining little b-tch...but here goes, you could really just save yourself time and copy and post your messages. Every dumbass and b-tch thing you post on here you have already posted the exact same thing 70 times. You talk about people and how much time they are on here or on twitter, yet you have literally taken the time to post the same silly sentences you write out week after week without changing them at all. Name a subject and everyone on here already knows what you are going to say, you are a complete waste of space on this board.
Also, little mouth running cacuck b-tch...easily more than half of the things posted here from twitter are reports and editorials done by traditional media outlets. They don't have anything to do with twitter other than the wash post or CNN or the new york times or one of their reporters put a story they had ran in their papers or on air...and decided to post it on social media. Yet you are too stupid to understand how anything works, but it gives you something to b-tch about.
You also make the same comment you redundant retard about memes and such on here...a meme is a joke and like most jokes often uses some amount of exaggeration or hyperbole, most people on here don't take them seriously, we are just trying to give our friends and non b-tches on here a laugh. Yet you b-tch about them cause that is all you do you miserable half-wit.
Your need to insult and b-tch every day says a lot more about you than anyone you are talking about. You went after Screw who actually brings some value and interesting stories to this thread. You are now on ignore like your other b-tch accounts KBA and Dio. You are the most pathetic person on here, you are probably at a bar trying to show someone your W2 from 2015.