How will they rule ??!

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A classical liberal by definition is a libertarian- small govt and individual rights

I mean that's what I ended up with when I took that political quiz that ymmot posted. I was actually surprised to see it call me a right leaning libertarian. I've always thought I was a little left of center, but maybe the center has moved over the years.
You're one of the few guys on this board who recognize that it's possible to be a classic liberal without being a communist. I always read your posts because they are well thought out and rarely hyperbolic.

I appreciate that...

Sometimes I might come off as combative or arrogant or smarty pants try hard pseudo intellectual as accused by people who want to argue but that's just my style and I'm ok with people not liking me.

I consider any cat fan a friend unless you're too far left or right really, then you can gfy cause you people are a serious problem. There are plenty of valid reasons why people disagree and good arguments, but not this neoMarxist crap is just indefensible imo, socialism is as dangerous as national socialism.
Liberals have gonorrhea of the brain

I appreciate that...

Sometimes I might come off as combative or arrogant or smarty pants try hard pseudo intellectual as accused by people who want to argue but that's just my style and I'm ok with people not liking me.

I consider any cat fan a friend unless you're too far left or right really, then you can gfy cause you people are a serious problem. There are plenty of valid reasons why people disagree and good arguments, but not this neoMarxist crap is just indefensible imo, socialism is as dangerous as national socialism.

Just lay off the italics, you elitist bastard. :D
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Well it would be ok since it means Trump would get to add two more after he wins the next election, then Crenshaw will get 4 more after his two terms. That would give us 11 conservatives, probably 12 cause RBG sure as shit isn’t lasting much longer.
I mean that's what I ended up with when I took that political quiz that ymmot posted. I was actually surprised to see it call me a right leaning libertarian. I've always thought I was a little left of center, but maybe the center has moved over the years.

HaHa, ya think? Let's examine WHY it moved. How radical has the right gone? Still against abortion and gay marriage. Still in favor of capital punishment. Meanwhile, the left has given us, men in the girls restroom, 86 genders, gay marriage, 8 year olds deciding their sex, positions in congress to ideologues who attacked our country less than 20 years ago, racism, sexism... the list goes on and on but the worst thing the left has done is weaken constitutional protections for citizens and strengthen constitutional protections for non citizens who are not even covered by the constitution.

Yes, the center has moved.
My thing is just more like what I was saying yesterday - it feels like on a given morning, Trump blindly throws a dart at a board and whatever he hits, he tweets about. I will agree that changes need to be made in most big cities, as well as in a lot of depressed rural areas. I don't think tweeting about a million different things every week helps that at all. People have short attention spans.

I wish he tweeted less as well, but I don’t think he blindly tweets things. Clearly this tweet had directed target.
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Remember when Pelosi and the Ds called the couple thousand dollars gained from tax cuts and bonuses "crumbs"?

AOC doesn't. Couple thousand was considered crumbs by her but $125? Now that's a nice chunk of change.

My thing is just more like what I was saying yesterday - it feels like on a given morning, Trump blindly throws a dart at a board and whatever he hits, he tweets about. I will agree that changes need to be made in most big cities, as well as in a lot of depressed rural areas. I don't think tweeting about a million different things every week helps that at all. People have short attention spans.
The dart at Cummings was totally on target, not random. Cummings earned the correct shots from my Prez for his lies about southern border conditions. Good for him. Too many Pubs have taken too many shots from DIms for too long & let them ride - to their and Conservatism's demise.
This guy is better than the Crazy chick, but even he has a checkered past as a big time drug addict. Actually making pillows helped him in his recovery from addiction.

He is better than the crazy chick. Everybody has done something they regret in their past.

The crazy chicks past is still ongoing. She was just arrested in February.

Omar's past is still ongoing. But, there's little hope for her district.

It's one of the safest Dim districts in the country. The only way she's out is if she's primaried out.

If she's replaced with another Dem, what changes? It just shuts her up. Her voting record and the replacement Dem votes would look the same. I'd rather Omar be out there waving the Dem flag, drawing attention to socialism.

I initially thought she had some all Somali district, but it's 67% white. That's a whole lot of self loathers.

The district is strongly Democratic with a Cook Partisan Voting Index (CPVI) of D+26—by far the most Democratic district in the state.[5] The 5th is also the most Democratic district in the Upper Midwest. The Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) has held the seat without interruption since 1963, and the Republicans have not tallied more than 40 percent of the vote in almost half a century.
I’m sure Obama had some not-so-positive thoughts about some of these shithole cities and towns that litter our nation.

He was smart to keep them to himself.

Trump should take note, but it’s probably too late.

It happened. You just didn't hear about it because there wasn't an uproar of phony virtue signaling outrage. And because it's a totally normal and non racist thing to say.

Only reason it's wrong now is because Trump said/did it. I've noticed most criticisms of Trump fall within these same lines.

The left is fed its talking points from think tanks and the media machine. Slaves to the fake narrative. Nothing is original or sincere. Zero substance and/or counter arguments that address the actual issues. Everything that goes against that fake narrative is shouted down as an ism, ist or phobe.

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How long until the BOOMING TRUMP ECONOMY lifts up Baltimore? What’s stopping all these poor people from getting jobs and bettering their living conditions? Are there somehow no employment opportunities in that city?
Today I was driving home with my son after seeing Spider Man Far From Home. I got him the collector’s cup for the movie. It has stickers from Venice, Italy Las Vegas, Nevada and Berlin, Germany among others. He was asking where these locations were (he’s 10).

When I got to Berlin I told him that his mom had a lot of ancestors that derived from Germany. I then saw an opportunity to bring up the wrongs of Nazi Germany and asked if he had ever heard of Hitler while in school. He said who? I said you’ve never heard of Hitler?

He says serious as can be, “Hitler? Are you talking about Hitlery Clinton?”

[roll] No... but I like where your heads at.
How long until the BOOMING TRUMP ECONOMY lifts up Baltimore? What’s stopping all these poor people from getting jobs and bettering their living conditions? Are there somehow no employment opportunities in that city?

I’ve read your stuff and you are a fool. I’m sorry but I have to call it like I see it. The fed govt could give Baltimore 50 billion to clean up the city and those in power would take some and squander the rest. Those black folks like Elijah Cummings, al sharpton, conyers, Waters etc have one thing giving them power and it’s the weakness they have convinced their followers of. What’s stopping them is the constant whining and victimizing of their own communities. If inner city blacks became empowered the gravy train that jesse Jackson and the others have feasted on will dry up real fast.

These black civil rights activist need to keep their followers screaming for reparations and living in squalor or else there will never again be a democratic president. Slavery ended 150 years ago, Jim crow ended 50 years ago yet these folks live in the past bc of their leaders.

It all starts with education and as long as kids are growing up with their teachers telling them how unfairly America has treated them then they will always be in poverty. I taught in an inner city school and they were not taught that America is the land of opportunity instead they are taught that America is the land of repression.

As long as you believe you are a victim you will be. The bs is that a black baby born today is a clean slate. They have all the opportunity in the world. The inner city black community is the only one in the usa that does not try to empower its people. Instead let’s tell this baby about how bad his great great grandmother had it and continue to repress him. Let’s tell him the white man wants to put him back in shackles. Anyone can go back several generations and find injustice against their family. The sharpton type followers are the only one not living by the rule “I cannot control the past i can only control now and the future”. Time for these people to move on. Education is controlled locally and they will continue to prey on the young to turn them to victims. It’s sickening
My thing is just more like what I was saying yesterday - it feels like on a given morning, Trump blindly throws a dart at a board and whatever he hits, he tweets about. I will agree that changes need to be made in most big cities, as well as in a lot of depressed rural areas. I don't think tweeting about a million different things every week helps that at all. People have short attention spans.

I agree with the basis of this. But it seems like every time he does this, he ends up coming out the winner at the end of it. I dont think it has any major effect on anything for the long haul, Im sure if you ask 100 people on the street right now about what Trump said about Baltimore, only 5 would know what you're talking about. So I dont think this has a major effect on anything.

But it does seem like every time he does this, he receives a slight boost in his ratings. I dont think its even from anything that he said, its just from the over the top reaction by the left and the media.

Any other politician or person in the media says Baltimore is a run down shithole that no one wants to live in, no one would bat an eye (look at Bernie Sanders tweet), that's like someone saying the sky is blue. But Trump says it and it becomes the only thing they talk about for a week on CNN, MSNBC and Twitter. You got guys on CNN literally crying over it.

I personally think the majority of Trumps tweets are dumb and pointless. But if the left and the media continue to overreact and shoot themselves in the foot every time he tweets, I have a hard time blaming him for continuing to do it, because he knows he gets a little boost every time he does it, because the left and the media continue to shoot themselves in the foot.