How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No questions. You cleared it all up quite nicely that you are nothing more than a judgemental, prejudiced prick who thinks he is better than anyone who doesn't see life how he does. So much for the diversity of thought you always speak of. With that being said, you are still better than any other liberal on this board because at least you own it and don't try to hide it. So you have that going for you, which is nice. reading and participating in this thread is proof that I value diversity of thought. I always wondered what drove Trump voters, and I’m finding out more stuff every day.

I have some conservative friends, but many of them live outside of Nashville. A lot of my friends here lean left or are apolitical.

I’m the only libertarian I know in my circle. Oh my brother-in-law is also libertarian, but outside of him, that’s it.
Trumps America brings back top gun, libs owned again

I’ve long maintained that Donald Trump himself is too stupid to concoct some master plan where Russia helps secure his election.
More clearly, Dims were too stupid to frame Trump so that he didn't win the election. Right? So who is more stupid? The choice is clear, but give it your best Lib shot anyway. OK?
I often wonder which troll is trolling and which one(s) are researching trolling and attempting to determine what it takes to push people's buttons.

I watch this thread somedays and think we have some skilled tolls and then magically their skillset drops to nil.

The various individual's change in trolling style change too much and to quickly to be random, but then again I am probably giving too much credit to the tolls.
FU. My DIL Misty is good looking, smart & a school principal. Go to hell you total A-hole.

Bro, I don’t give a damn about your daughter-in-law, but I’ll break it down for you.

School principal, eh? Must be a liberal. Good looking, eh? Pull up your pants and take a seat, you creeper. Smart? That’s a relative term, especially for guys like you.

You are dismissed.
Did Dems regain the house simply because voters wanted them to fight Trump 24/7 or did they foolishly believe they were actually going to work on Healthcare like they campaigned on? You know, fixing the system (Obamacare) they created back in 2010.

If there are actual Dem voters who expected policy results do they vote for them again in 2020??
Bro, I don’t give a damn about your daughter-in-law, but I’ll break it down for you.

School principal, eh? Must be a liberal. Good looking, eh? Pull up your pants and take a seat, you creeper. Smart? That’s a relative term, especially for guys like you.

You are dismissed.
I don't give an ish if you care about her, I do & I'm calling you out as the F-edU A-hole you are over your name calling. She's more lib than me for sure, but level headed since she's advanced in her field & raised great kids. I mean she doesn't live with her parents as you apparently do. She wouldn't give an old man like me the time of day even if I could get it up.
Every girl named Misty, Mindy, or Mandy becomes a dental hygienist. All of them voted for Trump. 75% of them have zero personality. 40% of them manage to be decent looking.

Any dude named Brice/Bryce probably drives a truck. 50/50 chance he’s sporting some humiliating bumper sticker.

Memphis, TN is a cooler place than any city in Kentucky. Most people that post here are scared to go anywhere outside Beale Street and you tip the panhandler who directs to you Rendezvous and their overpriced, shitty food.

Outside of the prospect of spending a few days in Miami, the entire state of Florida is a shithole. We have established this.

If your vacation is typically a trip to the beach, you’re a lowbrow kind of person. We’ve already talked about what it means if you have a Salt Life or 30-A bumper sticker.

NHL fans = 65% racist

Any questions?

Memphis Tennessee is one of the worst run cities in the country. It's one of the most violent. One of the poorest. One of the worst in terms of overall quality of life.

This has been established by many publications based on research.
Memphis Tennessee is one of the worst run cities in the country. It's one of the most violent. One of the poorest. One of the worst in terms of overall quality of life.

This has been established by many publications based on research.

Okay. Which American cities do you favor when you get vacation time?
Fake polls from a fake “news” source.

Axios LOLOLOL!!!

More like “Adios,” amigo. Don’t ever bring up fake news around me again.

You sound one of your 1st graders.

"Nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo"

One more time. Democrats own internal polling released that. Not Axios. Axios released the leak. So basically, you blockhead, you're calling your own side Fake news. Bravo, shit for brains
You sound one of your 1st graders.

"Nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo"

One more time. Democrats own internal polling released that. Not Axios. Axios released the leak. So basically, you blockhead, you're calling your own side Fake news. Bravo, shit for brains

I’m a libertarian, bro. I don’t trust any polls. Neither does Trump. Phony polls trying to suppress voter turnout are fake news.
No I know you’re perfectly comfortable in Paducah. I just get kinda depressed when I go back. Like, I thought it was a pretty decent place back when I was in HS. Turned out I just hadn’t seen enough of the world yet.

It has absolutely stifled my parents. Living in a small city for 60 years will do a number on your brain.

I’ve been all over the world, there’s no place like home.
I hope you find the happiness you’re looking for someday, it truly is an awesome state of mind.
I’m a libertarian, bro. I don’t trust any polls. Neither does Trump. Phony polls trying to suppress voter turnout are fake news.

So your democrat party leaked internal polling numbers to a media outlet to supress their own voter turn out?

LOL shut up 420. You dumb democrats are cut straight from a pile of horse shit.
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marianne williamson forcing the white folks at her event to apologize to the nearest black audience member is so #€+\ء

Kinda reminds me of this —
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Somebody trying to sell you on Memphis is like somebody trying to sell you on the wonders of Somalia.

I have a brother that has lived there since 1977 and has been robbed 6 times, once at gunpoint. He moved to the next county over in 1995. He should be safe there. Nope, home has been broken into twice.

I have a SIL that moved there from KC after a bitter divorce. No kids and didn't want to be in the same town as her ex. Fresh start. I strongly discouraged, but she did anyway. Robbed at gunpoint within a year and moved back to KC.

Memphis is a shithole.

This just happened last Friday.
Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omar’s Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Gets Killed by Terrorists

Before President Trump’s tweetstorm in which he encouraged Omar to go back and fix her own country, Somali-Canadian journalist Hodan Nalayeh was trying to do precisely that.

Nalayeh returned to the country of her birth to tell “uplifting” stories about Somalia, according to the Washington Post.

The journalist became well known for her relentlessly positive tweets about Somalia. Just one week ago, she lauded the “beauty” of the place.

Another Somali writer praised her portraying an image of the country radically different from the stereotype of “victims trapped in a vicious circle of conflicts”.

The total death toll claimed 26 lives and it took around 14 hours for Somali security forces to regain control of the hotel.

“While Nalayeh’s death would seem to underline the harshness of Trump’s remarks, it was also a visceral argument for what many understood to be his central point: that perhaps immigrants should be especially grateful to live in the United States,” reports the Pluralist.

During a video tour on her YouTube channel of the town of Kismayo, Nalayeh said she was hopeful the area could be rebuilt and revived, “Because this place is beautiful!”

On Friday last week, Nalayeh was killed in that very same town when al-Shabab militants stormed the Asasey Hotel in Kismayo.
When John forgets to take his meds and goes on his rants bashing America and conservative views, virtually everyone on here is telling him to go back to Canada, or wishing he would get deported. Except for maybe a nice golf tan, I'm guessing he is as white as the pure driven snow. We don't give a damn about the color of your skin. If you hate America, we would rather you just leave. I'd rather black people with a love for this country and conservative values be the majority in this country and white people be the minority than have a bunch of American hating white liberals. Yelling racism at those who disagree with you is so lazy. If you really want to have an honest debate, why don't you site some examples of why we are wrong about "the squad" hating America. Show us what good things they have done for ALL Americans. Demonstrate how we are incorrect in our belief that they want to fundamentally change this country, not just make minor tweaks that will improve it for everyone. You either can't do that or are too lazy to try, and would rather take the easy way out and cry racism. You really are destroying the country with that BS.

Agreed - you guys are equal opportunity haters :)

The term "racist" is so overplayed. Does it exist? Yes. Is it anywhere near as prevalent at it used to be? Hell no. I'm glad I'm a white male and wouldn't trade that in for anything else (maybe an Asian, so long as I didn't have an Asian dick,) but minorities are afforded all the opportunity they need to be successful. Poverty doesn't discriminate based on color. If you're a full able, functioning person, there are all kinds of opportunities for you to succeed.

Phil - you're correct that I sometimes go off the rails, but it's usually based on something posted here that is way out there. At the end of the day my political views aren't extreme, so when people throw me in a group with idiots like AOC, the late term abortion proponents, etc, it ticks me off. There are a handful of really whacko posters on this board, I've put people from both sides of the aisle on ignore and it's made it much easier to handle. The guy who insulted Bill D about his mother recently joined the list.
Do you really think the Democrats are unified right now?

I am not trying to be argumentative nor do I want to get into a back and forth over the Democrats and Trump.

Genuinely curious if you or anyone truly think any parties are unified at this point in time.

I'll throw in my 2 cents, I think the democrat leadership is a mess right now, and these 4 nuts aren't helping the cause. I'd HOPE that your average dem voter feels the same way, but who knows. I guess we will find out when these 4 tools come up for re-election. I hope they all get steamrolled, even if replaced by republicans. Hell, a pop tart would be an upgrade over those 4 - and I mean an unfrosted pop tart. It would at least keep its mouth shut and not do any damage.
I reckon I can tolerate most of them for a week or so, but I'm not really a city kind of guy.

I prefer beaches on which there are many blondes named Mandy, Brandy, Misty, or Ashley...

Fair enough. One of the hottest blondes I’ve ever known was named Ashley. Texas girl in Nashville for college. Fun story (kind of) about her:

My brother, then a sophomore in HS, comes to visit me at college for the weekend. I happen to be performing in a showcase that night in our little 5,000-seat basketball arena, and UK had a basketball game on TV that afternoon. Needless to say, we started drinking and smoking bud around noon and never stopped. Can’t remember if UK won or not, but later that night I had to leave to go set up. Back at my apartment, fine ass Ashley swings by to party before they all roll to the event. Her, my brother, and my roommates. She starts pouring vodka shots and is hellbent on getting my bro wasted. “You took one without me, now you have to take another one” type shit. I can’t recall us eating dinner that night, at least not before I left.

They get to the showcase, sit down in some row on the arena floor, and within 15 HS brother is projectile-vomiting all over the people in the row in front of them. I was done performing and was loading up my equipment backstage when this happened. Thank goodness for my roommate, who managed to whisk my bro out of there and back to the apartment without getting caught up.

Ashley transferred after two years, but damn. She was THAT kind of hot blonde. The one that makes you do stupid shit. Memories, bro.