How will they rule ??!

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I'm not a big conspiracy guy. I believe most of the pizzagate stuff is real. The genie is fixing to come out of the bottle.

It absolutely is more truth than fiction.

I just read more about Epstein than I should have...

He’s a crook that’s dodged the law since the 80’s. with ponzi schemes and insider trading. A lot of people have wanted this guy to go down, long before he took his criminal talents to the political arena. Seems a lot like Soros, tbh.

Man I hope the Clinton’s eat shit. They are evil people.
I'm not a big conspiracy guy. I believe most of the pizzagate stuff is real. The genie is fixing to come out of the bottle.

It wouldn’t be a stretch considering the usual cycle of events

- Conservatives point out what sinister shit leftists are doing.
- Leftist media and the DNC mock it and claim it’s a “right wing conspiracy.”
- Conservatives are proven to be right
- Leftist media starts the spin cycle with “Far right pounces” while downplaying and projecting on to others, and ultimately creating a distraction.
This is total BS since Bill Clinton has been fairly well criticized for his behavior and I have posted on this board his association with Epstein as well as Trumps. You sir do not tell the truth, you just tell what you want people to hear.

Would love to see what it’s like in an alternate dimension where journalism still exists and we found out what actually happened to Seth Rich, what actually happened with the Las Vegas shooting, how many people committed treason trying to undermine and overthrow the 2016 election, who was Hilary’s body double they trotted out after she passed out and shit herself at a 9/11 ceremony, etc.
Lol woody Allen, wild bill, and mbs...obvious rapefests going on in there

Having the Crown Prince in the mix gives Epstein a little diversity. This diversity may give him a few brownie points when he goes before the judge. He needs to show he was an equal opportunity child molester and had some friends of color on the island.. That goes a long way in the eyes of the law and society.

In a just and real world he would be executed but America is not a just nation and justice is not equal .
Would love to see what it’s like in an alternate dimension where journalism still exists and we found out what actually happened to Seth Rich, what actually happened with the Las Vegas shooting, how many people committed treason trying to undermine and overthrow the 2016 election, who was Hilary’s body double they trotted out after she passed out and shit herself at a 9/11 ceremony, etc.

It is amazing how backwards things are. I've noted this many times, but the Onion couldn't write a parody of our government/society any better than what we are actually living through.

Absolutely a double standard with regards to laws, media tries to create the story instead of report it, and certain crimes are allowed to not only be swept under the rug, but completely erased from history.

I kinda miss the days when I just wondered when the alien info our government is hiding would be released. Now I just HOPE that some day there will be actual justice for all the shady shit that is allowed to happen, but I certainly won't hold my breath waiting for it.
“Afraid of the strength of a black woman.”

Haha. They’re clueless. No one gives a shit about you being black; only you, Michelle and the other hardcore racist black people who are 100% about anything black and hate whites with a passion.

Her entire career in politics is tied to her race. They propped this family up every step of the way. Whether it was hiding their past, going after anyone who criticized them, letting Hollywood put them in TV shows (look at what Michelle did-Oscar presentation, was on multiple TV shows) and her husband was on every late night talk show getting his ass kissed.

No SNL mockery at all (Tina Fey said he was too cool to make fun of) not to mention their collusion with big tech and media, the Obamas were the Manchurian Candidates.

If the Obamas were covered like the Trump admin has been, the public opinion would be even worse.

IDGAF about anyone yelling “racist”, black people use being black as a shield to gain something and avoid accountability. That’s a fact.
People like the Obamas do not want "equality " they are agenda driven and that agenda is racism. Black racism against those hated white people. She can't sit down for an interview without bringing the subject up and of course the interviewer is always sympathetic to her nonsense and acts like a cheerleader.
So where does this leave Matt Jones?

It gives him about a year's worth of material to discuss.

But seriously, WTF will McGrath, Jones, on? Jones is a liberal idiot, but he is smart enough to know he isn't beating Mitch, not when the economy is doing well, and Mitch is leading the parade to get conservative judges in place.

McGrath...another sacrificial lamb. DNC probably wrote her a 6 figure check to take the sword.
We should take care of Americans. Give those that are currently on welfare and "disability" a job. Let them keep a portion of their benefits as long as they work. If they choose not to work, eliminate all benefits.
We don't value work in this country, if we did we wouldn't be trying to expunge all the people who work here to other countries. Hell we're even deporting people who fought overseas in war. If we valued work like you portray we would pay people as we we valued their work, but we pay people as little as is possible.
It is telling the way people on this board try to rationalize and accept the present by fighting wars in the past. They try to distract from the pedophiles in office today and all their crimes by talking about the people in the past who are gone today and have nothing to do with the demise of America lead by the buffoon in office today. It's as if a serial molester was in their house raping their daughter and their complaint was how somebody mistreated their grandmother---they believe.
What's strange about some people here is they are always complaining about Obama and his efforts (with no help from across the aisle) to make healthcare available to Americans in dire need of it, even people who work and still never had access to any healthcare other than an overcrowded emergency room before ACA. They complain about this all the time, incessantly, but they never have a plan to to help anybody but themselves. They complain but they never have a solution, they never have had. They never have and they never will, that is not part of their DNA. Their belief is they should never be bothered to share or help others, that is their dismal philosophy of self-absorption they mistake for self-reliance.
So Clinton, without anyone in the media asking/caring, puts out a superfluous statement downplaying his ties to a pedophile. The statement is also riddled with inaccuracies. For him to try to get out ahead of this - without anyone pressing him about it - is definitely noteworthy.

Something is going on here and the Clinton's know it. Why else put yourself out there unnecessarily like that?

And I remember that Pizzagate sh*t with Podesta/Wikileaks. But, I had forgotten just how creepy it was. I mean, read those emails Gassy posted again. They make absolutely no sense - until you understand what that terminology is code for. Then, it makes perfect sense.

Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC for this exact reason. Change my mind (you won't).
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Cocaine Mitch vs. Top Gun Amy. This is going to be a rerun of Mitch vs. Grimes. Meanwhile the CJ is up to it's old tricks today cheering McGrath's run in one article and putting another story next to it about how some of Mitch's ancestors were slave holders. Nice balance there CJ. I am glad that I canceled my subscription.


Look at the twitter profile of the author of that article. Good Lord.
Something is going on here and the Clinton's know it. Why else put yourself out there unnecessarily like that?

This is a great point. Usually the clintons just ignore it because they know it's going away. They're acting different this time. Will the result be different? Doubtful. But they at least seem concerned as evidenced by this weird hole riddled statement

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