How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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No. That Iran policy or lack of a policy, is working like a charm! Substitute Iran for any policy he promised.
You are so deluded.

Iran funds terrorism and has tried to spread their influence in the middle east. Don't believe me? Ask CNN. And ask our state dept under Obama a mere 6 months before he delivered skids of cash to Iran. Since Trump pulled the US out of the agreement, Iran's economy has taken a huge nosedive--meaning they can no longer afford to peddle their influence in the middle east.

Welcome to reality.
Sounds like it wasn’t much of a deal if Iran was able to surmount the limit this fast. Almost as if they were simply paid off to buy time. I guess 400000 dead Syrians, Crimea and however many billions of dollars was worth it?
Don't get what Crimea has to do with Iran.
Think about the left defended and applauded Roman Polanski for years.
The dude had sex with a 13-14 year old girl, but apparently being a good director is more important.

He should’ve been blackballed for life over that, instead he wins an Oscar.
I’m venting and I apologize, but I don’t understand how decent people can stand by while child rape occurs, and is apparently well known.

I still clearly remember them giving him a standing O during an awards ceremony to thumb their nose at the authorities

Race. Racism. Racist. They can't talk about anything else.

Also, him and his husband were better than perfect.

I really hate that dude.

Was she even in politics? She was just married to someone who was
Don't get what Crimea has to do with Iran.

Russia was a key negotiator with Iran. Obama wanted the Iran deal badly. He wasn’t going to do anything that might jeopardize and Russia took full advantage of it by taking Crimea, getting involved in Syria and in the Ukraine.
Joe Biden vs. the most effeminate Kenyan runner of all time.

It wasn't we/our deal. It was Obama's deal & his only. Stop putting it on anyone else. None of the rest of us were involved in it.

If it was such a great and fair deal , why didn’t Obama make if an actual treaty by having it approved byCongress? Then Trump couldn’t have cancelled it. I think we know the answer to that. Obama knew he couldn’t get that approval even from that Congress.
Lol woody Allen, wild bill, and mbs...obvious rapefests going on in there

Well, that was odd.... the pedo didn’t even own the place. Owner just let him live there. Then eventually it was transferred, for free, to a company in the Virgin Islands owned by Epstein.

Also, it decorated with artificial eyeballs on the walls, lifesize doll on chandelier, custom underwear clad chess pieces modeled after Epstein staffers.

What does this mfer do...besides sell underage girls.
Well, that was odd.... the pedo didn’t even own the place. Owner just let him live there. Then eventually it was transferred, for free, to a company in the Virgin Islands owned by Epstein.

Also, it decorated with artificial eyeballs on the walls, lifesize doll on chandelier, custom underwear clad chess pieces modeled after Epstein staffers.

What does this mfer do...besides sell underage girls.

That’s a good question
Love how racist dems are out on their apology tours to try to pimp minorities

-warren: sorry I lied I was native American to put myself ahead

Kamala- sorry I locked all of you up for truancy and put you in cages

Mayor buttplug- sorry I let all of you get shot bc I cant govern a town of 100k

Sanders- sorry I sponsored the crime bill

Biden- sorry I did all types of shit, where do I begin crime bill, segregationists, busing,

Get that pandering in.

In 2016 trump hammered mi, wi, pa...and it proved beneficial

If I were him this time I would target AA's and Hispanics and what hes done economically and how far out ahead he is on criminal justice reform - so far getting over 1000 ppl put of jail for dumb shit they were targeted for (which Biden authored) in which 90% have been black.. He wont get a majority of their vote, but black ppl know they are being pimped by the left.

When a majority of any demographic votes for a party, that means that party doesnt have to do anything for you.