How will they rule ??!

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Lmao why in the world would bill Clinton release a statement about his involvement with Epstein and why in the world would he voluntarily lie about it? Just shut your stupid pedo mouth and play dumb. This is either a lie, or bill is scared.

Or, Epstein and that witness that saw bill at pedo idland will commit suicide very shortly, all flight logs plus any other evidence spontaneously combusts via global warming, and bill is free.
It's sickening to me, absolutely disgusting the depths people will go for power.
NYC and DC think they rule the Country, that they can do whatever they like and the rest of us just go along with it. I, for one am tired of it.

Hell, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't Epstein's idea, or he played a big part in it. Comey's daughter is one of the Prosecutors for crying out loud.

I hope my speculation is wrong.
Much of it happened in Palm Beach, FL.
Epstein and other folks like him can be tied to plenty of well-known folks in all industries on both sides of the aisle.

Hollywood, the engine that funds the left and sets their talking points, is full of that shit. Talk about a lifetime of well-known issues. The History of Hollywood.

Wall Street is up there as well. They're smart enough to fund both sides and not lean too heavily in one direction though.

No doubt Trump has taken rides in limousines and private planes with less than moral individuals, but he's not the first or last. If he's not a pedophile and if he couldn't be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that some of the people he ran with were, then I wouldn't count on this being the thing that gets him.

Bernie and Biden have been around a long while, I dare say it wouldn't take six degrees of separation to find some rotten tomatoes in their history.

If morality and ethics were the key factors, people wouldn't have voted for most of the presidents and high ranking politicians that we've had. They also wouldn't have consumed a lot of the movies and music over the years due to what big stars, directors, producers, musicians, etc have done.

If the left and its leaders are so pristine in the morals and ethics department, then it must be policies and ideas that suck so bad that it cannot produce a candidate that can beat a racist, misogynist, felon, pedophile, Russian spy who is also a stupid, C-student, draft, and tax evader.

I would suggest that instead of trying to make him out to be a world-destroying boogieman, the party come out with a better Pro American agenda that will better deal with immigration, border security, trade, and economics.

Politics aside, I think this Epstein case is very interesting. Very curious to see what spills out, he can be linked to a lot of people and things.

I reckon we'll hear about the conservatives that may or may not have been at a party once or in the same elevator, plane, city, region, or country as Epstein. Will be interesting to see what happens when all the liberal connections he has start to spill out.

I have a sneaking suspicion that after a certain point, this story will be locked up in confidential court filings.

Will be a lot of little birdies singing at first then all of a sudden more pressing stories like Trump Tweets will take precedence.
Well you were a big ally supporting Obama's arming ISIS and a big fan of Bin Laden. Also you loved Obama giving a big pallet of U.S tax payer money to Iran (bribery to not make nuclear grade material). So of course Trump not paying off rogue countries is his fault.
You love crack and suddenly hate beer.
Think about the left defended and applauded Roman Polanski for years.
The dude had sex with a 13-14 year old girl, but apparently being a good director is more important.

He should’ve been blackballed for life over that, instead he wins an Oscar.
I’m venting and I apologize, but I don’t understand how decent people can stand by while child rape occurs, and is apparently well known.
There is no deal if Trump rescinded it. They can do as they please.
That's my point. Your foreign policy is interesting. Country A. Is acting like a piece of shit, therefore the US needs to bend to their demands and if not it's the US's fault, it's not the fault if the country acting like a piece of shit. But imagine of Iran was Russia and we gave them billions in tax payer money..that would probably trigger ppl thru the roof.
Its more than covered AND just recently before you pussies want to tear it down I had my black jockey holding the lamp in my front yard refurbished. Would make you proud seeing it gleaming in its new black faced paint in this privileged neighborhood. Thank god for my man Donald. Im making america great again. MAGA.
Your correct. PPG is a racist.
That's my point. Your foreign policy is interesting. Country A. Is acting like a piece of shit, therefore the US needs to bend to their demands and if not it's the US's fault, it's not the fault if the country acting like a piece of shit. But imagine of Iran was Russia and we gave them billions in tax payer money..that would probably trigger ppl thru the roof.
No. That Iran policy or lack of a policy, is working like a charm! Substitute Iran for any policy he promised.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei (July 18, 2015)
“[At Quds Day rallies the week prior,] You heard ‘Death to Israel’, ‘Death to the US.’ You could hear it. The whole nation was shaken by these slogans. It wasn’t only confined to Tehran. The whole of the nation, you could hear, that was covered by this great movement. So we ask Almighty God to accept these prayers by the people of Iran.”

President Hassan Rouhani (May 8, 2013)

“Saying 'Death to America' is easy. We need to express 'Death to America' with action.”

President Hassan Rouhani (December 6, 2016)

"America... is our enemy, we have no doubt about this. The Americans want to put as much pressure on us as they can."

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei (January 7, 2015)

"Today, the camp of arrogance is opposing and making efforts against this government... The pressure that is exerted by arrogance on the people of Iran originates from this great and endless enmity. Their enmity is endless."

Forgive those of us that didn’t think Iran would honor their end of the deal :rolleyes:
How ironic considering we were the ones who didn’t honor the deal when Iran was complying. America is less trustworthy than Iran, what a world.
New book shows trump admin had tons of dirt on Blassey-Ford that showed she was actually a piece of shit, but they held it bc they knew they would get accused of victim shaming or whatever.

It was pretty obvious it was a political stunt, but the depth of a liberals cognition isnt very deep..they always believe what they're told.

The way Democrats and their media as well as RINOs treated Kavanaugh and covered that, deserves the death penalty. That was the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in politics.

You couldn’t find a single Democrat who questioned that shit.