How will they rule ??!

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In the same CNN article today they have the following quote:

Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Friday he didn't know if he'd be able to watch the game but said, "I hope they do well. I hope they win."

Up until about 10 minutes ago the headline of the same article said "Melania Trump & Obama congratulate US Women's Soccer Team...Where is Trump?

10 minutes ago they took off the last part of the headline and changed title to "Trump & Obama Congratulate US Women's Team". And added this little paragraph to the story...

More than two hours after the epic win, Trump congratulated the team on Twitter.

Point is that the writer knew that Trump might not be able to watch the game...but that he was supporting the team and pulling for them to win. And yet he still blasted him in the original headline. Not to mention the fact that Trump invited the team to the Whitehouse win or lose before the semi-final game.

He corrected the title later and added the little jab of Trump's congrats being two hours late. But the whole point of his article was to take jabs at the POTUS. He was trying to create a story...instead of reporting on one.

It's that type of misleading journalism that divides this nation, causes the libs like Ed in this thread to think Trump doesn't support our national team just because he doesn't agree with one of their players, and causes people to call CNN fake news.

Sheep to the slaughter.
Jesus Christ - you clowns are insufferable. At least Willy is entertaining. Most of you right wing crazies, when a liberal disagrees with other liberals (like I've done a hundred times in this echo chamber,) you just ignore that poster. Then you say that every liberal says the same thing over and over again and they never call each other out. My 8 year old has more sense than you idiots.
Why? Because we are calling you idiots out? You afraid of Willie? He is right in the thick of things. You are a clown, thanks for the international flavor but, you are dismissed.
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SDNY didn’t indict Epstein to get Democrats, at least I don’t believe that. It also isn’t about getting justice.
IMO they’re going to use the Roy Moore and Kavanaugh playbook in the 2020 election.
Accuse Trump of raping young girls with Epstein, pinch Epstein enough to where he may even testify to that. IMO SDNY doesn’t even care if they get a verdict, just as long as they drag his name through the mud during the election year.
We know that facts don’t matter, look at Kavanaugh, no one corroborated Fords accounts yet they were taken as gospel by the left.
Republicans pounce, Republicans attack, Republicans conjure...


Now I'll tell you why he did it. So when they tell him to go f himself he can play the victim card. Classic PPG.

This is a prime example of why no one with an iota of logic takes people like you seriously.

Your first post says he wouldn’t do it and to post when he did... as if pigs would fly before he congratulated the women’s soccer team.

Then Trump does, it gets posted and instead of accepting you were wrong, you come up with a reason why he did it and state it as if it’s a fact so you can still hate orange man.

Really easy question there -

The thing that scares me about that graphic is how SO MUCH of the critically relevant characteristics of what Socialism **IS** ---- IS ABSOLUTELY MISSING

that's not even a good elementary summary or description of "Socialism"

Even with a bulleted list like that -- you can still include most of the core elements of Marx/Engels teachings that launched and shaped Socialism as we know it....

But what you have is nothing but a lazily assembled - contemptuously delivered notecard that says nothing about the topic it supposedly addresses

Hell.....aren't we ALREADY "Pooling our resources" for those things anyway?

*YES* -- Yes, we are

And aren't we ALREADY doing a poor job as "We the People_ when it comes to holding political classes accountable?

Why would anyone truly in their right Fking mind entrust more centralized power / less accountability to the shambles, self-serving/Self Prostituting, often criminal , frequently criminally insane political "professionals" that make up most of our USG?

That's how strong the Gd Dmn Psy-Ops are now

And as the Mask Slips off the monsters around us.....

You can bet that the conflict is going to sharpen -- we may be at the tipping point NOW -- if not, were close

Very close to the point where we won't be able to 'unring that bell' when people have had *ENOUGH*
Really easy question there -

The thing that scares me about that graphic is how SO MUCH of the critically relevant characteristics of what Socialism **IS** ---- IS ABSOLUTELY MISSING

that's not even a good elementary summary or description of "Socialism"

Even with a bulleted list like that -- you can still include most of the core elements of Marx/Engels teachings that launched and shaped Socialism as we know it....

But what you have is nothing but a lazily assembled - contemptuously delivered notecard that says nothing about the topic it supposedly addresses

Hell.....aren't we ALREADY "Pooling our resources" for those things anyway?

*YES* -- Yes, we are

And aren't we ALREADY doing a poor job as "We the People_ when it comes to holding political classes accountable?

Why would anyone truly in their right Fking mind entrust more centralized power / less accountability to the shambles, self-serving/Self Prostituting, often criminal , frequently criminally insane political "professionals" that make up most of our USG?

That's how strong the Gd Dmn Psy-Ops are now

And as the Mask Slips off the monsters around us.....

You can bet that the conflict is going to sharpen -- we may be at the tipping point NOW -- if not, were close

Very close to the point where we won't be able to 'unring that bell' when people have had *ENOUGH*
I had enough in 1983. That is in great part why we have issues today. It's not like there is too little to go around in this country now is it? Again I will point out that almost all the most content countries in the world today are a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. That is not really hard to see. In fact that is a lot of what the meme is making a point about.
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Now I'll tell you why he did it. So when they tell him to go f himself he can play the victim card. Classic PPG.

You are exposing yourself more and more as an Orange Man Bad cheerleader. First "he won't do it" then it's "he only did it to play the victim card". Man, Trump has been on record many times supporting this team. You just can't see it because you're too busy waving your pom poms.

Here's a test...list 3 good things Trump has done while POTUS.
In the same CNN article today they have the following quote:

Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Friday he didn't know if he'd be able to watch the game but said, "I hope they do well. I hope they win."

Up until about 10 minutes ago the headline of the same article said "Melania Trump & Obama congratulate US Women's Soccer Team...Where is Trump?

10 minutes ago they took off the last part of the headline and changed title to "Trump & Obama Congratulate US Women's Team". And added this little paragraph to the story...

More than two hours after the epic win, Trump congratulated the team on Twitter.

Point is that the writer knew that Trump might not be able to watch the game...but that he was supporting the team and pulling for them to win. And yet he still blasted him in the original headline. Not to mention the fact that Trump invited the team to the Whitehouse win or lose before the semi-final game.

He corrected the title later and added the little jab of Trump's congrats being two hours late. But the whole point of his article was to take jabs at the POTUS. He was trying to create a story...instead of reporting on one.

It's that type of misleading journalism that divides this nation, causes the libs like Ed in this thread to think Trump doesn't support our national team just because he doesn't agree with one of their players, and causes people to call CNN fake news.

Sheep to the slaughter.
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SDNY didn’t indict Epstein to get Democrats, at least I don’t believe that. It also isn’t about getting justice.
IMO they’re going to use the Roy Moore and Kavanaugh playbook in the 2020 election.
Accuse Trump of raping young girls with Epstein, pinch Epstein enough to where he may even testify to that. IMO SDNY doesn’t even care if they get a verdict, just as long as they drag his name through the mud during the election year.
We know that facts don’t matter, look at Kavanaugh, no one corroborated Fords accounts yet they were taken as gospel by the left.
Yup. Already many blue checks on twitter trying to tie Trump with him.
Unfvcking believable that they would toss the flag to the ground. Please tell me that this vid was doctored.

I think you are reading too much into that. It's a moment of celebration and based on that clip looks like she just drops it to do some other celebration with two of her teammates. Doesn't look like she "tossed it down" as a premeditated gesture. And then one of her other teammates picks it up. And she even helps her pick it up.

At least that's what it looked like to me. She was just caught up in the moment.
I think you are reading too much into that. It's a moment of celebration and based on that clip looks like she just drops it to do some other celebration with two of her teammates. Doesn't look like she "tossed it down" as a premeditated gesture. And then one of her other teammates picks it up. And she even helps her pick it up.

At least that's what it looked like to me. She was just caught up in the moment.
Good Lord common sense just showed up. Glad to see you.
Now you are trying to conflate the issue.They are not flags, they only represent the colors and symbols and one being proud when wearing those items. The American flag in its form represents a whole lot more.
Some Americans think the flag is the flag no matter what form. My grandpa sure did.