How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You’re about to get this now:


Per DNA test, I'm black. Let him try.
That’s what I don’t understand. Why do people that are liberally-minded want to promote constant social destruction and upheaval? The notion that women should be competitive with men is dangerous.

It is so you can blame disparity of outcome on oppression.

Then you can justifiably take from the oppressor to give to the oppressed in the name of justice.
Rooting for the Women's US soccer team today. I don't care about the players' political stance or if they decide to not visit the Whitehouse (which they obviously won't). Never cared about an athlete's or celebrity's political views...never will.


I hope they castrate and then fry anyone involved in the Epstein child trafficking travesty. That includes politicians on both sides of the isle, actors, billionaires, poor people...ALL of them. And yes, that would include anyone in the Trump administration if they were/are involved.

Kudos to Pelosi's daughter for that tweet. This goes way beyond politics.
Best women’s team in the world couldn’t beat a group of teenage boys that aren’t even old enough to drive.

But let’s keep up the “I’m woman! Hear me roar. Pay us the same as male athletes” bullshit. Just a lot of feminist shitbags that everyone has to tolerate and is supposed to act like they care about women’s soccer every few years.
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I’m happy that USA won. You don’t even know me and assume I’m a hater?

I know that liberals tend to view everything through the prism of their personal politics; this is just another example.
And you put all liberals in a box. Not all liberals are the same. But you can't see that through your hate.
If you really support American women, how about supporting the imprisonment of Jeffery Epstein and Bill Clinton for the women involved in their human trafficking business.
That ship had sailed....Liberals surrendered their principles on this issue when they circled the wagons during the impeachment proceedings....