How will they rule ??!

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I’m glad the women’s team won, I wish there was less political grandstanding as they represent all of us and not just themselves while on the national team.

The men play Mexico tonight for the CONCAFA championship.
THEY ARE POOR YOU DUMBASS..this is a very low income school...SO BITE ME!

You...uh...didn’t mention that in your post. You just ranted about giving outlandish tips to black waitresses. Then you pat yourself on the back for “adopting” a black kid every year from a black middle school, assuming they can’t enjoy Christmas without your wallet. You probably tell this story to your racist friends all the time. You’re a bum.

Thinking we should all assume that a predominately-black middle school = “THEY ARE POOR” is a horrendous take. You should log off, bro. I’m here for the fun and games though, if you can handle a little...

No Megan Rapinoe, no World Cup for our American icons. She thinks Trump is a bum, just like the majority of people in this country. Free speech seems to hurt some of y’all’s feelings though. Hope she goes to the WH and pisses on the bushes that Sean Spicer hid in. That would be tight.

Boo hoo snowflake. Megan Rapingholes is a salty dried up bitter angry lesbo.
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I’m glad the women’s team won, I wish there was less political grandstanding as they represent all of us and not just themselves while on the national team.

The men play Mexico tonight for the CONCAFA championship.

Super hype for the women’s team. Amazing action and I look forward to the next WWC.

My question: Would you guys be so “KEEP YOUR POLITICS TO YOURSELF” if Christen Press or Alex Morgan went full-on “I love our country and president Trump and everything he advocates for” in a World Cup interview?

I bet that’d be way more “she gets it” than “f*ck that f*cking bitch for bringing politics into international sports.”

I still value your take though.
Boo hoo snowflake. Megan Rapingholes is a salty dried up bitter angry lesbo.

“Boo hoo snowflake?”

She just took a giant shit on Trump and all the MAGA pussies, then scored a shitload of goals and netted us another World Cup.

She’s killing it, bro. Do you hate America and free speech or something? Your nuts pale in comparison to hers.
“Boo hoo snowflake?”

She just took a giant shit on Trump and all the MAGA pussies, then scored a shitload of goals and netted us another World Cup.

She’s killing it, bro. Do you hate America and free speech or something? Your nuts pale in comparison to hers.

Hahaha she didn't do shit
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I’m glad the women’s team won, I wish there was less political grandstanding as they represent all of us and not just themselves while on the national team.

The men play Mexico tonight for the CONCAFA championship.

Good thing the men don't have to play the women. The women beat them 3-1..... Right @Ed323232

“Boo hoo snowflake?”

She just took a giant shit on Trump and all the MAGA pussies, then scored a shitload of goals and netted us another World Cup.

She’s killing it, bro. Do you hate America and free speech or something? Your nuts pale in comparison to hers.

I have a world cup?


BTW, bro, you at least know they couldn't beat the men.....
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I’m glad the women’s team won, I wish there was less political grandstanding as they represent all of us and not just themselves while on the national team.

The men play Mexico tonight for the CONCAFA championship.
Likely going down, but I'll be watching. Glad we've turned over the roster to the up & comings.
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Which is?
They need to honor the office of President. You don't have to like the man but any American should respect the office.
If I'd been asked by barack obama to attend a White House function, I'd have been there, had my picture taken shaking his hand. He may be among the worst presidents we ever had....but he was still president.
They need to honor the office of President. You don't have to like the man but any American should respect the office.
If I'd been asked by barack obama to attend a White House function, I'd have been there, had my picture taken shaking his hand. He may be among the worst presidents we ever had....but he was still president.
PPG is batting .500 on champions visiting.
They need to honor the office of President. You don't have to like the man but any American should respect the office.
If I'd been asked by barack obama to attend a White House function, I'd have been there, had my picture taken shaking his hand. He may be among the worst presidents we ever had....but he was still president.

I disagree. He just needs to drop it. It is women's soccer. Maybe bring in some real American Female champs like Military or NASA.
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Cant wait for the dems and media to "Ackshully" this and scramble cover for Lt. Airhead
Also, Peron helped bring her country to a 3rd world poop bag. But if you ask @mustnotsleepnow the anecdotal evidence of feelings, theory, and identity made it worth the try

Yeah but what does Madonna say about this? That's all that matters.
A socialist dictator that hates Jews. That AOC is embracing that as a "clapback" against trump is peak 2019 Democrat politics