How will they rule ??!

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Some Americans think the flag is the flag no matter what form. My grandpa sure did.
Some people would not see what it stands for no matter what because the left told them how to act (See Trump would not congratulate them if they won post and, subsequent post when he did for proof).
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And you are a loser if you are OK with dropping/tossing the flag to the ground.

It’s a flag, you freaking snowflake. Not an infant.

You guys and your cute little patriotism act.

None of you are more American than me, and that’s a fact, bro.
Now you are trying to conflate the issue.They are not flags, they only represent the colors and symbols and one being proud when wearing those items. The American flag in its form represents a whole lot more.

What exactly does THE FLAG represent? Is this where you get all emotional about “muh veterans” and start hating on Kaepernick?

Genuinely curious as to why some of you are so attached to a piece of cloth and a song. Jesus, it’s not even a good song. Marvin Gaye is the only one who ever made it listenable. Miss that guy.
I wish a female Trump supporter dressed in Antifa garb would beat Megan Gapinghole's face into the mud because that assault would be okay by Leftwing MSM.

No Megan Rapinoe, no World Cup for our American icons. She thinks Trump is a bum, just like the majority of people in this country. Free speech seems to hurt some of y’all’s feelings though. Hope she goes to the WH and pisses on the bushes that Sean Spicer hid in. That would be tight.
Jesus Christ - you clowns are insufferable. At least Willy is entertaining. Most of you right wing crazies, when a liberal disagrees with other liberals (like I've done a hundred times in this echo chamber,) you just ignore that poster. Then you say that every liberal says the same thing over and over again and they never call each other out. My 8 year old has more sense than you idiots.

Do you have fever with these fits?
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Shocking: Women's soccer player tosses US flag to the ground.

Bunch of classless, anti american twits. screw ‘em.

Never cared about anything soccer especially when some use it to exploit their political agenda's...ranks right their with napcar to me...
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Who knows what those women would do with an infant...

I don’t know, bro. Maybe raise them to be sick soccer players? Or be the cool moms who don’t force their own interests onto their kids?

I’d impregnate Alex Morgan.
No Megan Rapinoe, no World Cup for our American icons. She thinks Trump is a bum, just like the majority of people in this country. Free speech seems to hurt some of y’all’s feelings though. Hope she goes to the WH and pisses on the bushes that Sean Spicer hid in. That would be tight.

But my man is our (your ) president...I guess the majority ruled uh you dumb ****

I do distinctly remember when “child trafficking” was a hot topic. 60 Minutes would have pieces about it, etc etc. It was a publicly discussed topic, and everyone was appalled by it.

Now, nothing. Donald Trump became president it appears the feds have gone scorched earth on pedos, pizza parties, traffickers l, etc. Don doesnt ever talk about it, which is kind of odd. Though I guess it might be best not to because of sensitive issues, and ongoing investigations.

It’s clear now more than ever that democrats support child trafficking, and likely make good money from it. Not to mention the political blackmail side of it.
Great post. Hadn't thought much about it with it being out of the MSM. You're totally right. Antifas all-in on child trafficking.
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Jesus Christ - you clowns are insufferable. At least Willy is entertaining. Most of you right wing crazies, when a liberal disagrees with other liberals (like I've done a hundred times in this echo chamber,) you just ignore that poster. Then you say that every liberal says the same thing over and over again and they never call each other out. My 8 year old has more sense than you idiots.
I thought you said you are a libertarian, not Antifa. Have I got that wrong?
But my man is our (your ) president...I guess the majority ruled uh you dumb ****

Oh I think we all know he’s the current POTUS. Might want to rethink your “majority” take though. If you’re really the kind of bum who calls Trump “my man,” you need to thank the electoral college every night when you say your prayers to fake Jesus.


“My man.”

That’s rich. Bumpkins thinking Trump gives a damn about them. Hahahaha
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Oh I think we all know he’s the current POTUS. Might want to rethink your “majority” take though. If you’re really the kind of bum who calls Trump “my man,” you need to thank the electoral college every night when you say your prayers to fake Jesus.


“My man.”

That’s rich. Bumpkins thinking Trump gives a damn about them. Hahahaha

You jack dicks have had your ass on your shoulders ever since you found out our first lady got interview request from every major magazine in the world...your black hope had just one..national's not my fault..Drain the swamp baby...MAGA!
What exactly does THE FLAG represent? Is this where you get all emotional about “muh veterans” and start hating on Kaepernick?

Genuinely curious as to why some of you are so attached to a piece of cloth and a song. Jesus, it’s not even a good song. Marvin Gaye is the only one who ever made it listenable. Miss that guy.
Are you oruacat2?
No Megan Rapinoe, no World Cup for our American icons. She thinks Trump is a bum, just like the majority of people in this country. Free speech seems to hurt some of y’all’s feelings though. Hope she goes to the WH and pisses on the bushes that Sean Spicer hid in. That would be tight.
US didn't win World Cup. Try again.
and before you dipshits start with I'm a racist bullshit, within the last week I gave a waitress who was black a 200.00 tip on a 50.00 food bill after she told me about her daughter who had been in a car wreck, and just yesterday gave another waitress who was black a 50.00 tip on a 25.00 food bill because she was worried about her electric bill with this heat. I do this shit all the time. My wife works in a predominately black middle school, we every year for the past 20 yrs have "adopted a family secretly to give a nice Christmas" so don't play the race thing with me.. I despise when weaklings use the race card to blame their failures or not get their way..
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and before you dipshits start with I'm a racist bullshit, within the last week I gave a waitress who was black a 200.00 tip on a 50.00 food bill after she told me about her daughter who had been in a car wreck, and just yesterday gave another waitress who was black a 50.00 tip on a 25.00 food bill because she was worried about her electric bill with this heat. I do this shit all the time. My wife works in a predominately black middle school, we every year for the past 20 yrs have "adopted a family secretly to give a nice Christmas" so don't play the race thing with me..

This is such a pathetic post. Holy shit. LMAO!!!!

Oh and sweet assumption that kids in a “predominately black middle school” can’t have a “nice Christmas” without you and your wife spending money. Absolutely ridiculous.

Let me guess...whenever you have a black waiter you tip him bigly and say “thanks, brother” before you leave. Good grief, bro.
This is such a pathetic post. Holy shit. LMAO!!!!

Oh and sweet assumption that kids in a “predominately black middle school” can’t have a “nice Christmas” without you and your wife spending money. Absolutely ridiculous.

Let me guess...whenever you have a black waiter you tip him bigly and say “thanks, brother” before you leave. Good grief, bro.

THEY ARE POOR YOU DUMBASS..this is a very low income school...SO BITE ME!