How will they rule ??!

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Yep. Bill and Hillary run the world's largest pedophile ring in the Milky Way.

Hard to top that.

And if people can’t get behind how this administration has gone after human trafficking - then they may be too deeply asleep to understand what kind of monsters are around is....or theyre too programmed to not support the trump administration no matter what....

Or I suppose it’s possible they may also be in favor of pedophillia and believe there’s nothing wrong with children being bought/sold/enslaved/abused and often tossed aside like garbage
And if people can’t get behind how this administration has gone after human trafficking - then they may be too deeply asleep to understand what kind of monsters are around is....or theyre too programmed to not support the trump administration no matter what....

Or I suppose it’s possible they may also be in favor of pedophillia and believe there’s nothing wrong with children being bought/sold/enslaved/abused and often tossed aside like garbage
Well, the Democrat party supports killing babies AFTER they are born. Are you surprised that they support pedofiles?
And if people can’t get behind how this administration has gone after human trafficking - then they may be too deeply asleep to understand what kind of monsters are around is....or theyre too programmed to not support the trump administration no matter what....

Or I suppose it’s possible they may also be in favor of pedophillia and believe there’s nothing wrong with children being bought/sold/enslaved/abused and often tossed aside like garbage

Pizzagate is real.
Yep. Bill and Hillary run the world's largest pedophile ring in the Milky Way.

Hard to top that.
There needs to be a suicide watch for the arresting officers and prosecutors.
Hahaha, aren't you the guy that said you came across "1000s" of racists in Ohio.

Man, go eat a turd.
Typical liberal, throw in a pack of lies with a little fact. The fact was he was in Ohio.
My brother travels often, said he was in Michigan or Wisconsin cant remember which, but anyway he said there was a trump rally. He didnt attend but walked around just to see what type of ppl were there.

He said all walks of life, even a few college professors had come up from a different state. He said many many of them were incognito or "secret supporters" bc they feared losing their jobs or being ostracized by how radical the left has gotten.

I believe this is what happened last time and will happen again. Many will vote Trump but, will act differently in front of other people because of TDS. TDS is a dangerous disease and cause burst of outrage similar to rabies. There is no cure other than putting them down. I will quit my job if they make this a new one so I can join the team.
I believe this is what happened last time and will happen again. Many will vote Trump but, will act differently in front of other people because of TDS. TDS is a dangerous disease and cause burst of outrage similar to rabies.

The anti-America/Trump crowd has it pounded into their head all day every day by the MSM and social media as if it’s the norm. They have a false sense of normalcy in their lunacy, and are far more willing to display it than the people who don’t want to be called racists because they prefer lower taxes and less government in their lives.

It’s the exact reason I vent here and not in real life. Bunch of unhinged lunatics on the left who want the government controlling every aspect of everyone’s lives, then they label themselves “anti-fascists”.

Goddam lunatics.
The anti-America/Trump crowd has it pounded into their head all day every day by the MSM and social media as if it’s the norm. They have a false sense of normalcy in their lunacy, and are far more willing to display it than the people who don’t want to be called racists because they prefer lower taxes and less government in their lives.

It’s the exact reason I vent here and not in real life. Bunch of unhinged lunatics on the left who want the government controlling every aspect of everyone’s lives, then they label themselves “anti-fascists”.

Goddam lunatics.
In all seriousness, they are dangerous and never attack alone. Usually 4 or 5 or better to 1. It is only a matter of time before one of them gets seriously hurt.
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Wow shocked by pelosis daughter tweeting that. Hope it's a sign. Are the lib power brokers lifting their protection letting Obama and co come in for the kill? Would be like smothering the old monarch with a pillow in their old age

And now theres this. Fix gonna be in huh?

Interesting for sure. Depending on what the powers want, may just get immunity for saying trump is a bad guy

Anecdotal evidence is the best kind of evidence

You don't understand what anecdotal means. The evidence here is all the people he saw. Not his sole personal opinion. If a scientist alone ran 1000 tests, that would not be anecdotal because the tests are the evidence not the scientists communication of them.

No, she plays on the Women's National Team & it's not even close to the best team. Any college team with men would destroy them. If this isn't true, why not trannies on that team?

Twitter said they were beat in a scrimmage by a high school boys team. Idk if true or not
Remember, the same people who published a fake report about Trump paying hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in thought it was too much of a stretch to tie him to Epstein as anything more than a social acquaintance.

2 years of russiagate, and almost every war has been entered on some bullshit.... but conspiracies are crazy.
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My brother travels often, said he was in Michigan or Wisconsin cant remember which, but anyway he said there was a trump rally. He didnt attend but walked around just to see what type of ppl were there.

He said all walks of life, even a few college professors had come up from a different state. He said many many of them were incognito or "secret supporters" bc they feared losing their jobs or being ostracized by how radical the left has gotten.
I have a really good friend from college who is Latino and also a hardcore Republican. He works at NBC. He has to stay quiet.

I had a friend who retired from the LA Times, she came to the US in the 80s from a country under communism, she had to stay quiet the entire time out of fear of losing her job while the leftist loons ran their mouths. She made it to retirement and moved away.

I’ve got three Latino friends, Filipino friends, and a black friend who’s a Navy vet. They’re all Republicans. The black guy is the only one who is open about it and people always mistake that he’s a Democrat cause he’s black.

What people don’t understand is media and social media are not real life. There’s not trans people, militant blacks, communists and Nazis just running rampant. They’re vocal and give the appearance of being huge to brainwash people into joining the “herd” and groupthink.

The reality is, these “Nazis” the left always claims are out there are really just middle class people who want to raise their families, keep as much of their money as they can, be left alone, and have tradition/common sense values.
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Remember, the same people who published a fake report about Trump paying hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in thought it was too much of a stretch to tie him to Epstein as anything more than a social acquaintance.

Loose connections. One of the girls epstein assaulted was recruited from Mar a Lago. Trump is on the flight logs one time. My guess is that they tried to set up a trap to blackmail Trump. Didn't work now their projection is going to get them.

Nxivm- Bronfmans, Gillenbrant, Raniere, Mack
Weinstein......on and on

Like I have said before the pizza conspiracy was a distraction to discredit the real research uncovered during and before the release of the podesta emails. A bunch of disinfo infiltrated the research but man it is deep and you see it coming to light daily.
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The reality is, these “Nazis” the left always claims are out there are really just middle class people who want to raise their families, keep as much of their money as they can, be left alone, and have tradition/common sense values.
I've never heard them say that. It's all outrage.
No, she plays on the Women's National Team & it's not even close to the best team. Any college team with men would destroy them. If this isn't true, why not trannies on that team?
Is this team taxpayer funded?
Hahaha, aren't you the guy that said you came across "1000s" of racists in Ohio.

Man, go eat a turd.

This is a problem.. because when there are actual instances of racism, we don't know if you are just being overly sensitive crying wolf or if there is something real there or not.

Some people are just assholes and some people are racist assholes... not all assholes are racists.

THen you (them) come up with insanely idiotic arguments akin to well, white people are 60% of the population yet only make up 10% of the NBA... so clearly there is discrimination going on there, we need social justice!

This diversity of idiocy is not ok.

here's a pretty good example of this from yesterday... one group here is more diverse and more stupid... don't be a part of that group. It Is Not OK

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Wow shocked by pelosis daughter tweeting that. Hope it's a sign. Are the lib power brokers lifting their protection letting Obama and co come in for the kill? Would be like smothering the old monarch with a pillow in their old age

Interesting for sure. Depending on what the powers want, may just get immunity for saying trump is a bad guy

You don't understand what anecdotal means. The evidence here is all the people he saw. Not his sole personal opinion. If a scientist alone ran 1000 tests, that would not be anecdotal because the tests are the evidence not the scientists communication of them.

Twitter said they were beat in a scrimmage by a high school boys team. Idk if true or not
I didn't see that but I heard they scrimmaged the men's team a while back and won 3-1. Impressive.