How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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420 only owns his 1st grade students and that is becasue he has his bluff on them which is why he continues to get by touching them without prosecution. But, the day is coming for that piece of scum.
That’s really cute Trumpster. A lot of right wingers were homeschooled. Does that describe you? Meet your wife in class?
Commander Cheeto on golf while campaigning in 2016, “I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf.”

Commander Cheeto totals as of 2019: 190 days spent on golf properties . . . 88 days spent golfing . . . $104,000,000 cost to American taxpayers.

Commander Cheeto supporters’ response . . . Michelle Obama went shopping. They’ve become immune to the campaign lies (i.e., Mexico is going to pay for the wall, we’re all going to have a new big beautiful health care plan, we will rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure, etc).
TDS is strong in this one^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ORANGE MAN BAD! Go hide little girl.
Commander Cheeto on golf ..

Commander Cheeto on golf while campaigning in 2016, “I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf.”

Commander Cheeto totals as of 2019: 190 days spent on golf properties . . . 88 days spent golfing . . . $104,000,000 cost to American taxpayers.

Commander Cheeto supporters’ response . . . Michelle Obama went shopping. They’ve become immune to the campaign lies (i.e., Mexico is going to pay for the wall, we’re all going to have a new big beautiful health care plan, we will rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure, etc).

Why are you against citizenship question on census?
What a wonderful Salute To America. Brilliant speech that covered all the bases. So thankful he is my president and proud he shared the celebration with America. Thank you President Trump.

I enjoyed the part when bone spurs explained how the american military took over the airports during the War of 1812. Truly inspiring
Trump honored a lot of great African Americans who helped make this country what it is today. That was especially refreshing because racist ass dems will not acknowledge black people were anything more than slaves to America as way to keep them disconnected from their country, and republicans like Donald Trump. Imagine if Trump’s speech was actually aired on CNN and they didn’t tell viewers what he allegedly said or did not say...
Trump was PRESIDENTIAL yesterday and it was awesome. I kept trying to imagine one of the leftist clowns standing there revisiting history and honoring our armed forces....holy cow.

The only fitting ending he left out...he should have invited Pelosi, Schumer, Booker, Harris, Sanders, etc...on stage to show this was a non partisan event, knowing full well they weren't there.
So was slave ownership but Harris just got shit on for that

So someone thinks prostitutes and slaves are the same severity? Lol ok.

Also save your energy when it comes to crying about trump not being a good person. We know he isn't a saint. Noone cares. Hell I wouldn't be totally shocked if he owned a brothel then or today.

All that truly matters is he's doing a good job as president
"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant."

Liberals are so stupid. Trump was talking about the Army throughout history.

Lol. Nice twist. He was talking about the army throughout history in chronological order. He was talking about the Rev War, and then he mentions airports and then 1812. Next he mentions the Civil War, followed by WW1. You guys will defend everything bone spurs does and says. So we have three options. 1). His speech writer is an idiot. 2). He misspoke but what was he supposed to say? 3). He added it in on the fly like he has been known to do. I am going w option three. This is when he comes off as a bumbling idiot because he tends to make up shit
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What truths are exposed when a person's premier path is to oppose abortion at any cost, then ignore or dismiss the misery bestowed on a child, an infant, for nothing more, nothing other than geography? I find nothing honorable or noble about that duplicity, rather I attribute it to the deceit vanity accepts.