
Good morning everyone.

Off to go hiking at Mt Mitchell, NC (highest point east of the Rockies....6684 ft (I think). It's 45 degrees there now and expected high of 59. :D

I worked all day at the hunting property yesterday have to go to Lexington bright and early tomorrow morning and then back to the regular life at home during the holiday.

I hope everyone has a great day.
We lived not to far from Mt. Mitchell, NC when we first got married.......almost had to have a mule to get to the house.......
Hey, Md, do you know they just reopened Mary Ingles all the way from River Road into Dayton/Bellevue? Closed for 5 years due to road sliding down to the river. $9M in repairs including rail line. I haven't been on it yet. Don't get over there much anymore.

Good afternoon from Akureyi, Iceland. Currently 50°F with a 12 MPH wind from the north. Chilly.

Just drank a local beer. Enjoying life. Plan on grabbing another brew at pub down the street before returning back here to the room.

Y'all take care.

World Famous Glaciers.

We lived not to far from Mt. Mitchell, NC when we first got married.......almost had to have a mule to get to the house.......
We pretty much need a mule right here in E. KY. Driveway is a steep 300'. But it now has nice blacktop so it is reasonable unless it has snow/ice.

We're going back to the Burnsville area to hike Mt. Mitchell State Park for my 60th B-day. This time we will be hiking the crest of 6 mountains....all over 6,000 ft. The Deep Gap trail (I think) but it's unofficially called the Death March. We plan to go out and back about 7 miles up and down total.
Good morning from Akureyi, Iceland. Currently 37°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 58°F.

Saw a couple nice old-timer American cars yesterday driven by locals -- '69 Camaro and '70 Dodge Challenger. Pristine condition.

Gasoline here costs roughly $9.15 / gallon. Not cheap.

Staying near the top of a hill. Climb from down below is brutal. Good exercise.

Wishing y'all an awesome day.
Good morning D-League. Absolutely beautiful day in the east—clear, cool, low humidity.

Finishing my Monday morning walk. It is a short work week for me. On Thursday my wife and I are flying to Kansas City to see my older daughter the KU professor and of course my grandkids.

Need to get some stuff done early today and my brain feels like Joe Biden’s —okay I exaggerate to make a point, but I do need some coffee. Have a good day.
@Bert Higginbotha : Stopped at new Buc-ee's around 4 pm. Tried calling my cuz and service kept disconnecting. Went over to liquor store. Talked to gal in there who said cell service is horrible since it opened.

Buc-ee's fudge is best I've every had.

Plan on driving past there at 4:00 am tomorrow morning for gas..
I was looking at the new Buc-ee's on the satellite appears like they have created a very nice liberation spot for my birds in Smith's Grove........
We pretty much need a mule right here in E. KY. Driveway is a steep 300'. But it now has nice blacktop so it is reasonable unless it has snow/ice.

We're going back to the Burnsville area to hike Mt. Mitchell State Park for my 60th B-day. This time we will be hiking the crest of 6 mountains....all over 6,000 ft. The Deep Gap trail (I think) but it's unofficially called the Death March. We plan to go out and back about 7 miles up and down total.
Our mailing address was Burnsville.......we lived out on 19-25W along the Cane me a nice spot up on a hill to get planted.......
Good morning folks. Already oppressively hot and muggy in the east at 6:30am.

Got my son to the airport in Baltimore yesterday and he’s back in Texas. Flying out Thursday morning to see my older daughter and grandkids in Kansas City. I’ll have seen enough of airports for a while by the time we’re back from that trip.

From July 4 to Labor Day is one of my least favorite times of the year. Really don’t like the wet blanket of humidity we’re wrapped in, at least in DC. Ah well, this will pass. Have a great day folks.
Hey, Md, do you know they just reopened Mary Ingles all the way from River Road into Dayton/Bellevue? Closed for 5 years due to road sliding down to the river. $9M in repairs including rail line. I haven't been on it yet. Don't get over there much anymore.

Thanks VHCat. I guess I just missed that on my visit a couple weeks ago. It was definitely still blocked then. I make that left turn just where the road was blocked to go up what we called Ft. Thomas Hill to get to the exchange right near where the Beverly Hills Club used to be to start my drive home. I-471 connects there. Next time I’m home I’ll cruise down to Dayton and Bellevue along Rte. 8 (Mary Ingles.)
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77.4°F to top out in the mid 80's. We got a good rain last night and ended up the day with .69 inches. My prayers were answered and the two patches of new sod appreciates the rain.

I am waiting for the chair lift guys to show up to install the lift on the stairs. Any charitable donations will be appreciated. Actually it should be chair itable donations!
77.4°F to top out in the mid 80's. We got a good rain last night and ended up the day with .69 inches. My prayers were answered and the two patches of new sod appreciates the rain.

I am waiting for the chair lift guys to show up to install the lift on the stairs. Any charitable donations will be appreciated. Actually it should be chair itable donations!


I'd do anything in the world for you but my Ole charity contributions lately have taken a serious hit... My kids all have good jobs and all but it is the "domore" things that are whipping My Darling and me....

Amazing what I see anyone trying to do now-a-days...

I am just trying to get figured out our exact income for when My Darling and I retire, of course My Darling never will retire, she has me. ;)

A man with two buckets of fish was leaving beach in Boca tonight and was stopped by FWC. The Officer asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?"
The man replied , "No, sir. These are my pet fish."
"Pet fish?!" the officer replied.
"Yes, sir. Every night I take these fish down to this beach and let them swim around for about a half-hour, When I whistle, they all come back, jump back into my buckets, and I take 'em home. We do this every night."
"That's a bunch of NorthEasterner Bullshit” said the officer. "Fish can't do that!"
"No, really! says the man. "Here, I'll show you." And he releases the fish in the ocean.
"Well, I've GOT to see this!" he replied.
The 2 men stood and waited. After several minutes, the officer turned to the man and said, "Well?"
"Well, what?" the man asked.
"When are you going to call them back?" the officer huffs.
"Call who back?" the man asked.
"The FISH."
"What fish?"
Good morning from Reykjavik, Iceland. Currently 51°F, overcast with spotty showers. Today's high expected around 55°F. Weather much more dreary down here than up in Akureyi.

Went grocery shopping last night. Purchased bread, lamb slices, liver wurst, 1 lb red seedless grapes, blueberries, two bags of pastries, two croissants and potato salad. Total: $26.53. Not bad. Made a lamb sandwich with Icelandic potato salad. Since average small meal around town costs > $30, I consider it a very good deal.

Heading out to Sifra fissure later today.

Wishing y'all a good one.

Good morning folks. Sitting on a plane bound for Kansas City to see daughter and grandkids. Air travel today —not fun. A long morning of hassles already. But looking forward to the visit.

I’m stuck on the back of this plane and I swear the cooling system is bringing diesel fuel into my face. Ah well. If this crate doesn’t go diwn, I’ll check in later.

I'd do anything in the world for you but my Ole charity contributions lately have taken a serious hit... My kids all have good jobs and all but it is the "domore" things that are whipping My Darling and me....

Amazing what I see anyone trying to do now-a-days...

I am just trying to get figured out our exact income for when My Darling and I retire, of course My Darling never will retire, she has me. ;)

It is another hot day in SouthCentral Kentucky. YUK.
Good morning folks. Sitting on a plane bound for Kansas City to see daughter and grandkids. Air travel today —not fun. A long morning of hassles already. But looking forward to the visit.

I’m stuck on the back of this plane and I swear the cooling system is bringing diesel fuel into my face. Ah well. If this crate doesn’t go diwn, I’ll check in later.
Reminds me of a story. Bob Gibson and Curt Flood were black baseball players at a time when race was somewhat of a problem. They both loved Stan Musial, but they made comments that Stan thought it was a perfect world. The team was flying back to St Louis and the plane began to have problems. Everyone on the plane was scared except Stan. He said if the plane crashed, the headline would read, Cardinal plane crashes-Musial only survivor.

95 today. This morning I contemplated wearing my long handles. I talked myself into it. Sure glad I did or I'd have been miserable. So very cold in my DC office....

The BB was here when I got home. We had a fine time playing until he threw an old hard headed doll at me. (Dumping that old doll. It was past throwing away.) Felt like I was in a fight back in high school..... About broke his heart as he was crying and got me crying due to him. He stopped quick though, as I told him Papa always jack's your jaw and you got me back is all... I had to change the band aid a couple times because it kept soaking through...

He's a good boy and didn't throw it hard. Glad it was me and not him or the other LBBB...

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Good morning from Kansas City. Not as exotic as Iceland but enjoying the grandkids. My daughter and her husband have a really nice house in the suburb of Overland Park. We went to a terrific Italian restaurant last night where the highlight was a guy coming to the table, making fresh mozzarella out of cheese curds, salt and steaming water, then putting it over these incredible tomatoes he sliced up that were the size of softballs and had a really rich, lush flavor. The names of the tomato varieties were Purple Cherokee and Pineapple.

Heading out to see the sites soon. We’re going to hit a steamboat museum I hear is sort of quirky, then maybe the Negro League Baseball museum. We’ve done the amazing WW1 museum on previous visits.

Have a good day folks.
Good morning from Kansas City. Not as exotic as Iceland but enjoying the grandkids. My daughter and her husband have a really nice house in the suburb of Overland Park. We went to a terrific Italian restaurant last night where the highlight was a guy coming to the table, making fresh mozzarella out of cheese curds, salt and steaming water, then putting it over these incredible tomatoes he sliced up that were the size of softballs and had a really rich, lush flavor. The names of the tomato varieties were Purple Cherokee and Pineapple.

Heading out to see the sites soon. We’re going to hit a steamboat museum I hear is sort of quirky, then maybe the Negro League Baseball museum. We’ve done the amazing WW1 museum on previous visits.

Have a good day folks.
I think Kansas City is a neat place. The statues and wall up creeks are special. Hallmark puts its mark on Kansas City. Plus I loved Harry Truman and I love the statue of Sir Winston and Lady Churchill, plus another statue of Sir Winston in Fulton, MO where he gave the iron curtain speech.
Good morning from Reykjavik Iceland. Currently 55°F and light rain.

Plan on leaving for bus station in a few hours. May drop by Sbarro's for some quick eats.

Wishing y'all a fine Saturday.

Fermented shark & Brennivín shot. Brennivín: "Distilled from fermented grain mash and then combined with Iceland's very soft, high-pH water, and flavored only with caraway. A clear, savory, herbal spirit, the taste is often described as having notes of fresh rye bread". Not bad.

Good morning from Reykjavik Iceland. Currently 55°F and light rain.

Plan on leaving for bus station in a few hours. May drop by Sbarro's for some quick eats.

Wishing y'all a fine Saturday.

Fermented shark & Brennivín shot. Brennivín: "Distilled from fermented grain mash and then combined with Iceland's very soft, high-pH water, and flavored only with caraway. A clear, savory, herbal spirit, the taste is often described as having notes of fresh rye bread". Not bad.


Sounds like Home Brew....

Good morning all,

Went to bed early up late. (Seriously needed that.) Going to make a pan of biscuits and fry some eggs. May throw a couple pieces of meat in the pan too, washed down with coffee.... I am thankful.

My Darling, the BB and I hit our pool together yesterday. We had it all alone. Had a fine time....

Working on my garage again today. Enjoy your days...

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