How will they rule ??!

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Biden has been a train wreck.

Lib power brokers that had to twist the poor old fart's arm and drag him out of retirement are regretting their decision. He was much better for the party as the lovable former VP who would pop up every now and then, take a pot shot at Trump/pubs, and then the internet would gush with Obama/Biden ebony and ivory pals memes...

He wasn't in the spotlight, didn't have to be scrutinized, scandals and skeletons didn't need to be revisited.

Pretty clear, with Warren and Kamala gaining some ground and press after basically being non-contenders, that the party and their social, entertainment, media complex want a female.

Bernie seems to have the movement with him, but I think the party will find a way to screw him out of the big show. He's the real deal holifield in terms of wackadoo liberal/socialist credentials, and at least he's authentic and honest in that regard, but he won't get the women or minority vote. Libs know it.

Hillary won the woman vote not totally because of her policies or likability but because ladies wanted to break the glass ceiling, and Trump just tends to not be all that likable even among women who may align more with his policies.

If the race comes down to two off putting old yankee dudes then putting a woman or minority in the white house won't be a thing. Therefore I think a lot of women, minorities, moderates, and independents would just error on the side of the incumbent with the pro american platform.

This. The left has no expectations of their candidates other than identity. They checked off black. Female is next. After that, Hispanic.

This is what they call Equality.
In reality ( my book ) people don't mind so much taxes IF it’s going to American born people, but they chafe up big time when its going for somebody ( not just illegals ) who is bilking the system out of what they donate to and use it as a living. Its not just the illegals who benefit from this but its millions of Americans who caught on to the system. Its a scam when the more kids you have the higher the check. And the same bilk the system to the bone for healthcare. So in a short, yes illegals have been ****ing us for decades but not nearly as much as our ( know the system ) welfare suckers. Im all for helping the needy but really who the **** knows who is needy or not. Dems and their freebies has soured the working class. Or it has me.
Hey @Ed323232 what do you think about the dems free give away of everything. Let's do this lesson on student loans. First, I paid mine off after choosing a career that can sustain a living and making sacrifices to budget to do so. Should I get a refund?

But Bern out and pocahontas (you know the candidate who lied to take advantage of a minority fir her own gain, total racist) want to just forgive them. This is a bail out for the wealthy. Wealth being relative as college grads statistically make significant more money over a lifetime than non college ppl.

But notice, like most dem solutions they dont actually solve the problem. Which is the cost of college. Under their plan the cost is the same, they just have more ppl paying for it. Which puts no risk on colleges so they can just keep raising tuition. Which pocahontas wants bc she makes 400k for teaching 1 class and bern outs wife runs a scam college. So since "the rich" cant pay for every random struggle this means the working class will soon subsidize college. You think that's equality? A welder paying for Julia's degree in lesbian dance theory?

Notice that correlation when the govt took over loans the cost of college skyrocketed? Pretty much anytime govt gets involved it gets worse.

Instead of face value feelings and "helping" maybe some more econ 101. Rich ppl cant fill all enrollments if there arent as many loans..which then forces risk on colleges and makes them compete for students in turn having competitive tuition costs.

Of course to a Democrat tho..just finding anything and everything they can tax seems like an easier solution. As long as they can get their hands all over it and control it. Bc they can work themselves some kick backs in.

Stay tuned for the next lesson on how the party of pander is clueless
I hope this cost as much as the air force one shopping trips ( how many ) for the previous administration and her mom to the far east gor which at the time not one democrat gave a shit about....
Or the million golf trips trump takes. But don't worry he is working on those trips. Wink wink.
Hey @Ed323232 what do you think about the dems free give away of everything. Let's do this lesson on student loans. First, I paid mine off after choosing a career that can sustain a living and making sacrifices to budget to do so. Should I get a refund?

But Bern out and pocahontas (you know the candidate who lied to take advantage of a minority fir her own gain, total racist) want to just forgive them. This is a bail out for the wealthy. Wealth being relative as college grads statistically make significant more money over a lifetime than non college ppl.

But notice, like most dem solutions they dont actually solve the problem. Which is the cost of college. Under their plan the cost is the same, they just have more ppl paying for it. Which puts no risk on colleges so they can just keep raising tuition. Which pocahontas wants bc she makes 400k for teaching 1 class and bern outs wife runs a scam college. So since "the rich" cant pay for every random struggle this means the working class will soon subsidize college. You think that's equality? A welder paying for Julia's degree in lesbian dance theory?

Notice that correlation when the govt took over loans the cost of college skyrocketed? Pretty much anytime govt gets involved it gets worse.

Instead of face value feelings and "helping" maybe some more econ 101. Rich ppl cant fill all enrollments if there arent as many loans..which then forces risk on colleges and makes them compete for students in turn having competitive tuition costs.

Of course to a Democrat tho..just finding anything and everything they can tax seems like an easier solution. As long as they can get their hands all over it and control it. Bc they can work themselves some kick backs in.

Stay tuned for the next lesson on how the party of pander is clueless
No offense but no way I would read that much. If you can't make your point in a few sentences just don't bother.
I flipped over to cnn right at the end of the ceremony. they had a panel of four, i think, who immediately began to totally rip apart the event.
Some retired admiral said he was troubled by all the military praise, and some other dweeb called Trump’s speech “eighth grade history.”
Then switched over to tcm and an old cornel wilde movie about the American Revolution.
You don't need a salary when the people foot the bill for his vacations
You must have really been pissed when the Obama's where going all over the world on the tax payer dime especially Michael Obama, or are you a hypocrite.