How will they rule ??!

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You’re the most racist POS in our fan base, bro. You hate black people, Asians, Jews, anybody from the Middle East, and especially anybody from south of the border.

We have the receipts.

You’re a scared little scumbag who willingly spends above your means to send your kids to private school. You said you’d do anything to stay away from black people. Then you wanna post some “Where Do You Want To See B**** S**** Get Drafted” thread and pretend it’s all good.

We know who you are, bro. Come get some.
I’d pay 20 bucks to see you two fight
I’d pay 20 bucks to see you two fight

Save your money. I demolish that bigot on this thread every time he posts some weirdo shit, and access to Rupp Rafters is free.

Your response to my post seems like you acknowledge everything I said is true about this asshole, but you’re one of those “leave me alone and let me be old and racist” racists, so your lowbrow conclusion is that you want to see a fight. LMAO!!!

How about this...I’ll seriously pay $1,000 to see @KingOfBBN read his anti-black posts to D******* C******, B**** S****, and D****** L******. I’ll have 911 locked and loaded on my phone.
QUOTE="420 Bro, post: 8065798, member: 116724"]Save your money. I demolish that bigot on this thread every time he posts some weirdo shit, and access to Rupp Rafters is free.

Your response to my post seems like you acknowledge everything I said is true about this asshole, but you’re one of those “leave me alone and let me be old and racist” racists, so your lowbrow conclusion is that you want to see a fight. LMAO!!!

How about this...I’ll seriously pay $1,000 to see @KingOfBBN read his anti-black posts to D******* C******, B**** S****, and D****** L******. I’ll have 911 locked and loaded on my phone.[/QUOTE]. :thumbsdown:
Meant to respond to a couple of posts about 35 pages ago but I got busy and then forgot...but I just here it is now (better late than later)...

Those of you hoping/wishing/waiting for George Soros to die must not be aware of the fact that he has several 5 or 6. Two of which are heavily involved in Soros' businesses/organizations/schemes. The younger of the two, Alexander (who is 35 or 36 yrs old), is on the board at Open Society Foundation and Global Witness. The older one, Jonathan (who is 50), is a hedge fund manager who has set up/run several Dem party PAC's that rotate around, merge into one another, and then resurface with different names over and over (sound familiar?).

Not to mention the fact that the Open Society Foundation currently has offices in about 40 different countries. Hungary recently booted them out (or made it so tough on them they decided to relocate to Germany...where they are welcomed with open arms no doubt.)

Think about that for a minute...the country where George Soros was born (and still holds dual citizenship)...the country where he first founded his organization that transformed into the Open Society Foundation in 1984...spent over $100 million euros in order to force OSF out of the country. Hopefully more countries will take the lead from Hungary. Unfortunately, I'm sure that the US never will. At least not until major campaign reform, lobbying reform, and term limits are realized anyway.

The tentacles are spread far and wide. And the apples are still attached to the tree. So stop wishing him dead. Because (A) that's creepy; and (B) the Soros evil plan of world domination will not die when George does. His quest for a "Global Open Society" will carry on long after he is dead.

Well, him dying would def help.
AOC is saying agents were threatening to rape her too.

Yeah, shes totally not a lying wack job. If any of this happened you know she would have taped it (or someone with her would have). Total bullshit and she basically runs the democrat party.
Wherever this bitch goes there needs to be a camera on her. Should have taped her every move today.
I’ll buy the winner a Brewtus and two half-price apps!

Nope you getting the 10 pc mcnuggets and sitting with me in the chained down porch swings at the wal marts to watch this throw down front row of the parking lot. Winner gets a Big Mac and 2 citrus drops from the machine. Throw in a couple tokens for the claw machine if you win by a knock out.
Sounds like Bolton is bout to be on his way out, Trump took Tucker with him instead of the warmonger. The administration is laying the foundation to accept NK as a nuclear power. Offering to begin drawing down sanctions if NK freezes its nuke program. At least they are accepting the reality that denuclearization will never happen. The best we could hope for is North and South finally sign a peace pact and we go back to forgetting NK even exists. Iran watching and seeing that all you gotta do to pacify Trump is stroke his ego with a nice photo op.
False. Just an Orange Man Bad rant. Lose on loser as the MAGA grows.
Why are we still worried about North Korea? Those papier-mâché missiles they parade around Pyongyang couldn’t reach the DMZ with a 200mph tailwind.
Love how easily wooed the left is. Kamala now rising in the polls...she has yet to discuss any policy...none. And when she has she flip flops like she didnt understand aka she panders to what ever audience.

I love the busing issue..where shes claiming minority status.. lol werent both of her parents PhD.'s?

Ol lock em in cages Harris wont last long either...but I'm sure she'll have to out free stuff the rest of the field at some point
Right, just like Trump “very strongly” tells people to stay in line. The saddest part of the Russia thing is that Trump’s dumb ass actually throws out the “Putin said he didn’t meddle, and I believe him” line...again and again. Couple that with the joking about interference the other day and his whole “how many times can I ask the guy”’s just weak as hell.

Dank memes, yeah. But people actually believe Hillary was running some kind of child sex ring out of a Chinese restaurant, then they hear their drunk redneck husbands rambling on about Benghazi, then they vote for Donald Trump. I’d say that was $200,000 well spent by Russia. Almost as good of a return as we got with Anthony Davis for the same amount. The Kremlin meme team knows their US audience quite well.

And you’re smarter than believing the “pallets of cash” narrative. Look into it objectively. Find the truth. It’s out there.

Say what’s up to the gang for me. You guys actually sound pretty chill, bro.

That sounds like... Democrat talking points 420.
There were indeed pallets of cash sent in the middle of the night. That may sound like a legit transaction to you, but I don’t imagine the US govt operates that way when everything is on the up and up. Sounds like someone didn’t want any electronic traces to me.
Sounds like Bolton is bout to be on his way out, Trump took Tucker with him instead of the warmonger. The administration is laying the foundation to accept NK as a nuclear power. Offering to begin drawing down sanctions if NK freezes its nuke program. At least they are accepting the reality that denuclearization will never happen. The best we could hope for is North and South finally sign a peace pact and we go back to forgetting NK even exists. Iran watching and seeing that all you gotta do to pacify Trump is stroke his ego with a nice photo op.

Would you consider Bolton leaving the administration positive or negative? Would you consider peace on the Korean peninsula positive or negative? Seems like a lot of snark in the post, but I don't really get your angle. IMO both of those things would be amazingly positive.

They owned 56 males and 30 females. She does not have any American blood in her. The white in her blood line is English Jamaican white mixed with Negro. I do not know if this was African Negro or Creole Negro. I guess there is a record. But the next person to call her African American or American African is just ignorant. She is a mix breed "mutt" with Jamaican heritage. A female mutt.
“American blood” You are a strange person.
Adidas UK hacked?

I removed the tweet because they were kinda hacked.

If you ordered enough jerseys, Adidas would automatically Tweet your teams jersey for sale.

If Willy wanted to buy a teams worth of jerseys that said #PodestaLovesHimSomeCheesePizza, they would have auto tweeted it out.
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The first Walkman went on sale 40 years ago from July 1st.

Thanks to capitalism you dont have to carry tapes around anymore
Yeah, well...I got the new Chuck Kaeperniks this weekend and they're fresher & doper, yo.

I twisted my ankle playing basketball in them today...but I was the wokest mofo on the court!!!



Russia has become the conservative country. You kapernik in Russia and 6 mos in jail. It’s a total flip flop in values between the US and Russia
It's hard to describe how much I hate these people. Everyone single one of them should be shipped to Venezuela and not allowed back in the U.S. Don't care what happens to them, they are 100% anti-American and need to be kicked out, after they get the shit kicked out of them.
Can someone. ANYONE. Please explain how the tactics of the ANTIFAcists are anything BUT FACIST?