How will they rule ??!

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It’s Saturday, in the summer, go outside and enjoy it.

Oh I’m enjoying my summer break to the fullest, bro. Every day is a damn Saturday. I’m not “summer guy” though. Forget your grills and your outdoor hangs in this heat and humidity. Summers in the south are brutal.

Your comment makes it seem like I should ignore this charlatan making a fool of himself and our country. Not gonna do it. You saw how bad it was. Enjoy your weekend and let’s chat about it on Monday.
Where are the gd cops? They never seem to be around when conservatives are attacked. I bet the first time someone with a ccdw pulls their gun and uses it, that person will be arrested immediately.

Cry about it. That’s pretty much all you guys do.

Also, the insta-ban for “GD” and “f*ck” is hilarious in this thread, given the drivel that’s posted on literally a daily basis.

I’m a libertarian. Let us use our words, bro!!
Cry about it. That’s pretty much all you guys do.

Also, the insta-ban for “GD” and “f*ck” is hilarious in this thread, given the drivel that’s posted on literally a daily basis.

I’m a libertarian. Let us use our words, bro!!
Yeah you seem like a chicken shit with a big mouth and nothing to back it up. Come out of your moms basement and see how long you last.
I think if Tapper could get away from the cesspool that is CNN, he wouldnt be a lefty I would mind watching on Fox. Lots of time on Twitter he is never afraid to call stuff like this and the likes of AOC and Ohmar out.

Oh I’m enjoying my summer break to the fullest, bro. Every day is a damn Saturday. I’m not “summer guy” though. Forget your grills and your outdoor hangs in this heat and humidity. Summers in the south are brutal.

Your comment makes it seem like I should ignore this charlatan making a fool of himself and our country. Not gonna do it. You saw how bad it was. Enjoy your weekend and let’s chat about it on Monday.

No, I didn’t see it, in fact I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
I’m going on the assumption you’re sensationalizing.
Heard a good point from one of the libertarian podcasts I listen to comparing the 2012 Ron Paul campaign to 2020 Bernie Sanders. 2008 Ron Paul started the shift of the conversation from Bush era conservatism to Tea Party conservatism and it was much harder for RP's message to stand out in 2012. 2016 Bernie helped shift the mainstream conversation from center left to let your freak flag fly. If the conversation is already in crazy town, why would you to choose cranky old New York Jew over anyone else? He's definitely not going to win this.

Ron Paul definitely wasn't an open border guy and did not want to give people free shit too. Not sure why Ron Paul people flocked to Bernie Sanders. Kinda crazy how Ron to Bernie fans transformed to okaying socialism.

I still think Trump is as close as the perfect candidate that I'll ever see
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I think if Tapper could get away from the cesspool that is CNN, he wouldnt be a lefty I would mind watching on Fox. Lots of time on Twitter he is never afraid to call stuff like this and the likes of AOC and Ohmar out.

He gets the benefit of being benchmarked against the cesspool at CNN. His Parkland "town hall" was the most grotesque media event the past couple of years.
Yeah you're about as much Libertarian as I am liberal. You're just a lib who's embarrassed of the label because there's still a small part of your brain left that hasn't been fried from years of drug use that tells you liberals are insane.

Do you even want to legalize marijuana, bro?
I know you are kidding about funding terrorists, but I guarantee he is trying to undermine America, no doubt.

You're the one that must be kidding. The Obama administration funded terrorism in several different ways. Was it intentionally or inadvertently? You can decide that for yourself. But his administration gave US taxpayer money to entities WELL KNOWN for funding terrorists. If it was inadvertently, then it was blatantly stupid in that it went on well after/or despite knowing the links to terrorist organizations or sponsors of terror.

<> There's the well known pallets of cash to Iran. If you don't think Iran sponsors terrorism then you are blind.

<> There's the ISRA (and/or IARA) who was designated by the US Dept. of Treasury as an organization that funds terrorism in 2004. Yet the Obama administration continued to fund that organization and its affiliates even after being reminded of the above info.

<> There's the $1 billion in aid given to the UNRWA during the Obama administration. Which was basically the equivalent of writing a check to Hamas. The UNRWA/Hamas link is well documented...and was known prior to Obama giving $1 billion worth of US taxpayer money to them.

<> There's the weapons we gave to Libyan rebels in 2011 to topple Gadhafi. A lot of those weapons wound up being sold to ISIS. (Paul Ryan actually predicted that would happen)

<> Operation "Timber Sycamore" and at least one other failed "arm and equip" operations supporting Syrian "rebel factions" cost US taxpayers approximately $1 Billion and several of the weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS fighters before ever being used in the field...including anti-tank "TOW" weapons. These operations went on well after we knew that some of the weapons were going straight to ISIS. Operation "Timber Sycamore" wasn't shut down until Trump shut it down after becoming POTUS.

The list goes on...
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kamal "blow job" harris lies just obama trying to score victim points. Liars. Biggest GD phonies.

I think if Tapper could get away from the cesspool that is CNN, he wouldnt be a lefty I would mind watching on Fox. Lots of time on Twitter he is never afraid to call stuff like this and the likes of AOC and Ohmar out.

Tapper usually is pretty straight forward, however, he will never say this on TV. He'll tweet these criticisms but I doubt CNN allows it
I don't like to block people, other than the idiot that only posts stupid memes, The board would blow if it was just all conservative group think, need the liberal idiots posts to bring the entertainment, But 420 bro is getting close. I don't mind him posting his opinion but the straight up lie when he says I am a libertarian is getting so old. Not one thing he posts or supports is libertarian. He is as liberal as the whack jobs running for Democratic presidential candidacy but keeps saying I am a libertarian,
I don't like to block people, other than the idiot that only posts stupid memes, The board would blow if it was just all conservative group think, need the liberal idiots posts to bring the entertainment, But 420 bro is getting close. I don't mind him posting his opinion but the straight up lie when he says I am a libertarian is getting so old. Not one thing he posts or supports is libertarian. He is as liberal as the whack jobs running for Democratic presidential candidacy but keeps saying I am a libertarian,

He's a liberal who is an elementary teacher. Which means he molests his students.