How will they rule ??!

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Is there any other candidate other than booker and Harris that would motivate the black Democrat base to come out by the millions ? That’s the only way they have a shot to beat Trump . IMO that’s why Obama hadn’t muttered a word in defense of Joe Biden . How sad politics has became that it’s determined by skin color not the context of ones positions and beliefs .
Is there any other candidate other than booker and Harris that would motivate the black Democrat base to come out by the millions ? That’s the only way they have a shot to beat Trump . IMO that’s why Obama hadn’t muttered a word in defense of Joe Biden . How sad politics has became that it’s determined by skin color not the context of ones positions and beliefs .
The minority population hates Bernie and he lives in the whitest state in the union. Kamala has a history of locking minorities in cages for non violent offenses. However After the last debate Biden support stayed the same- they interpret it as protecting Obama's legacy, but the dems are trying to destroy dopey Joe on identity so it may lower.

If I were trump that's who I would campaign. Last election he pounded the middle class, especially mi, wi, and pa because Democrats dont care about them or speak to them. Now Democrats with the same broken record of everyone is in the gutter without govt control..they are doing nothing more than having a pander party for wokest on the victimhood ladder. People want opportunity and then for the govt to leave them alone...not an all controlling Santa claus
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I blocked Levi ages ago. But I wonder how he feels knowing Bernie will spoil the election again. Being the authoritarian he is he wont drop out and his brain dead Bernie bros will revolt while he claims everyone's out to get him. Nah, old cant add and after all this time you still cant answer how you'll implement any of your ideas other than "rich ppl bad, central planner good"
I was hoping with our great Trump economy Levi found a job he can support himself with and has seen the light and put away his socialist, childish ways. But I guess that is too much to hope for.

With today's economy you have to be a very sad sack not to be able to find a job and make a very good living. Unless of course you are disabled. We all understand that.
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OK Bernie I want another AR15 or if your Russian or China commie friends can help, an AK47.

I was hoping with our great Trump economy Levi found a job he can support himself with and has seen the light and put away his socialist, childish ways. But I guess that is too much to hope for.

With today's economy you have to be a very sad sack not to be able to find a job and make a very good living. Unless of course you are disabled. We all understand that.
He doesnt want to work. There are more jobs than there are people in this country. Also- dems keep spouting this lie that people are having to work multiple jobs. But even then they dont understand that some people voluntarily want to work more and make more money. To them we are all just gutter rats that cant function and dont want to do anything.

But if they want to talk about that - 95% of new job creation under Barry was part time work.
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Europe and Canada can do a whole lot of things we can't... post WW2 the defense of the west was outsourced entirely to the US. By design and agreement, we are NATO... the defense of liberal democracy.

Communism works in China because they allow a semblance of capitalism where the people are culturally accepting being under authoritarian rule, and they don't need to invent anything on their own, they'll just copy whatever US universities and companies invent.

The Maoists ruined a once great culture... you think you've got it bad with your 29.5 hour work week and no benefits working as the Republic equal rights editor... try 100 hour work weeks at the Foxconn plant working for the government instead of the man where each day you look fondly at the roof contemplating your jump off it.
Then you go home to your 100 sq. Ft flat With 8000 other workerbees. Likely rented to you by the company you work for.
Is there any other candidate other than booker and Harris that would motivate the black Democrat base to come out by the millions ? That’s the only way they have a shot to beat Trump . IMO that’s why Obama hadn’t muttered a word in defense of Joe Biden . How sad politics has became that it’s determined by skin color not the context of ones positions and beliefs .
In other words, the Democrats are racists.
Is Matt Jones going to challenge him? If Matt does he better get as far away from the socialist Democrats as he can and quit pumping them up on his website and TV show. Any Democrat in Kentucky hanging onto the nuts of the National Democrat Party is in for a bloodbath. And yes that goes for the women in the party too. It is not smart. .
Supposedly Schumer was trying to get McGrath to run and if she said no he was going to consider. I dont believe Jones can pull Jefferson County, nor will he flip any reps other than maybe in eastern ky.
Supposedly Schumer was trying to get McGrath to run and if she said no he was going to consider. I dont believe Jones can pull Jefferson County, nor will he flip any reps other than maybe in eastern ky.
I haven't heard of McGrath but if Schumer wants her then I am better off not knowing who she is. I agree about Jefferson County. The is Mitch's hometown and the machine is not going to lose that county. Matt Jones will win Fayette County because it is a university town, very pro gay with a strong woman voting block. This is the Democrat base.

I have a hard time believing UK fans who are conservative or blue collar workers would even consider voting for a Democrat. The more I think about this I say Matt Jones will not run for the U.S. Senate and this has been more of a publicity stunt than real. He would get destroyed in a debate because he is lacking in knowledge when he gets out of his lane.
I haven't heard of McGrath but if Schumer wants her then I am better off not knowing who she is. I agree about Jefferson County. The is Mitch's hometown and the machine is not going to lose that county. Matt Jones will win Fayette County because it is a university town, very pro gay with a strong woman voting block. This is the Democrat base.

I have a hard time believing UK fans who are conservative or blue collar workers would even consider voting for a Democrat. The more I think about this I say Matt Jones will not run for the U.S. Senate and this has been more of a publicity stunt than real. He would get destroyed in a debate because he is lacking in knowledge when he gets out of his lane.
Amy McGrath is who ran for the house seat against Andy barr this past election in Lexington district. The dems like her bc she is an army vet, who was a fighter pilot..they think on that alone they can flip votes. She brought Biden down here when she campaigned. But her policies were insane as you would think. She basically wanted the state to run on electric cars.
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Amy McGrath is who ran for the house seat against Andy barr this past election in Lexington district. The dems like her bc she is an army vet, who was a fighter pilot..they think on that alone they can flip votes. She brought Biden down here when she campaigned. But her policies were insane as you would think. She basically wanted the state to run on electric cars.
I have faith in Kentucky voters and I am glad she lost. We do not need her on the national stage.
I haven't heard of McGrath but if Schumer wants her then I am better off not knowing who she is. I agree about Jefferson County. The is Mitch's hometown and the machine is not going to lose that county. Matt Jones will win Fayette County because it is a university town, very pro gay with a strong woman voting block. This is the Democrat base.

I have a hard time believing UK fans who are conservative or blue collar workers would even consider voting for a Democrat. The more I think about this I say Matt Jones will not run for the U.S. Senate and this has been more of a publicity stunt than real. He would get destroyed in a debate because he is lacking in knowledge when he gets out of his lane.

I had a lot more faith in his candidacy before the debates and his Twitter analysis of them. He's still in the "people are good and agree on most things" mindset, and the debates clearly demonstrated a startling shift left. I feel like you have to at least acknowledge that shift or you're too caught up in ideology to win a state wide Kentucky election.
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Man isnt it @mustnotsleepnow or is it @Dionysus444 that claims it's all "brown hate"

Weird when identity politics arent true again. Just the same as everyone was sexist if they didnt like hillary..I guess those women who didnt vote for her were sexist against themselves or let me guess- forced by the patriarchy. Any reasoning except reality.

I'm guessing Mexico doesnt like illegal immigration bc of Americas imperialism or something else absurd
Democrats are now running on a platform that citizenship is now racist...just in time for July 4th

Who’s gonna be the first city to cancel July 4th?Talk about a weaponized and scary holiday for diverse people...

Obama didn’t support Hillary, hasn’t supported joe, kamala, or booker. Hasn’t really done anything since he left office. What is the snake up to? You know he’s behind the scenes funding terrorists somehow.
Who’s gonna be the first city to cancel July 4th?Talk about a weaponized and scary holiday for diverse people...

Obama didn’t support Hillary, hasn’t supported joe, kamala, or booker. Hasn’t really done anything since he left office. What is the snake up to? You know he’s behind the scenes funding terrorists somehow.
I know you are kidding about funding terrorists, but I guarantee he is trying to undermine America, no doubt.