How will they rule ??!

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Like I said last week, Nancy can't control her nutjobs and the House continues to flail. Cocaine Mitch had to step in.

We are doomed. It took Rome around a 1,000 years. But you know us Americans, instant gratification and all. And I don’t care because it is some of you who will live to see it, I won’t. We will descend into civil war, and then the Russians will turn the lights out. We will kill each other on a scale that will make WW2 look like a playground fight. If you can’t see where we are headed your not a student of history, and are blind. But hey order yourself something from Amazon to be delivered by a drone.
I'm sure that most illegal aliens lie about their citizenship anyway, but now we just have a head count that will provide states with electoral powers.The census will count illegal aliens. California could pick up several additional seats and electoral votes. Washington state could pick up an additional seat. New York might pick up an additional seat.

The only realistic endgame here is submission to sanctuary states...or not.
We are doomed. It took Rome around a 1,000 years. But you know us Americans, instant gratification and all. And I don’t care because it is some of you who will live to see it, I won’t. We will descend into civil war, and then the Russians will turn the lights out. We will kill each other on a scale that will make WW2 look like a playground fight. If you can’t see where we are headed your not a student of history, and are blind. But hey order yourself something from Amazon to be delivered by a drone.
What happens in the near future will go a long way in determining our fate. If the Deep State gets away with their attempt to throw out Trump over a hoax and proves we do have a two tier justice system all hell may break loose. We already live in a nation that can never be and never was "united". That has been a joke since 1776. But we managed to tough it out and survive for 250 years. But where we are now is dangerous territory. We are torn by culture and by a government that will crush you if you dare question them or win a Presidency that tried their best to stop. They have proven they will not accept the result of an election unless they are on the winning side.

That is a dangerous position to be in as a free nation. But liberal / socialist democrats are not interested in freedom. Power and control is their god.
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We are doomed. It took Rome around a 1,000 years. But you know us Americans, instant gratification and all. And I don’t care because it is some of you who will live to see it, I won’t. We will descend into civil war, and then the Russians will turn the lights out. We will kill each other on a scale that will make WW2 look like a playground fight. If you can’t see where we are headed your not a student of history, and are blind. But hey order yourself something from Amazon to be delivered by a drone.

What happens in the near future will go a long way in determining our fate. If the Deep State gets away with their attempt to throw out Trump over a hoax and proves we do have a two tier justice system all hell may break loose. We already live in a nation that can never be and never was "united". That has been a joke since 1776. But we managed to tough it out and survive for 250 years. But where we are now is dangerous territory. We are torn by culture and by a government that will crush you if you dare question them or win a Presidency that tried their best to stop. They have proven they will not accept the result of an election unless they are on the winning side.

That is a dangerous position to be in as a free nation. But liberal / socialist democrats are not interested in freedom. Power and control is their god.

I would recommend this book to all on the subject of the rise and fall of Empires. A few years old but very poignant.


Amazon product ASIN 1476700265
Another civil war, eh?


I know there are more than a few posters in the POLITICAL THREAD who are so deranged they actually think about “America” and “The South” every day of their lives, but this chest-pounding is hysterical.

@Sawnee Cat - it’s obvious that this civil war talk arouses you, but go see a damn doctor. You’re fairly old, and I’d be willing to bet it’s been longer than four hours. Seek help.

Anybody who actually, sincerely believes this DEEP STATE conspiracy and is willing to go to bat for Donald Trump...I hereby demand that you give me whatever you’re smoking. I don’t care anymore. I have to see what it’s like to be this disconnected from day-to-day life in America.

Party on, my bros!!!!!

It's a moralistic shame tactic that works all too well unfortunately... Hey, I'm not deplorable so I better vote for her.

Hey, I'm not racist, so I better be ok with this policy that actually is racist.

Hey, I'm not homophobic, so I better be ok with the tranny Santa Claus at the mall.

Hey, I'm not dumb, so I better be ok with this obviously asinine regressive left proposal.

and on and on and on

That's not me... I'm with the good guys... we care... hey look at me!

Imagine if the perpetrator was white...Donald Trump would be blamed, "white supremacy" would be uttered 17,000 times in one week by the news media, it would be a major topic at the debates tonight--each candidate asked to respond to this vicious racist attack in 2019 America, every headline would lead with the attackers race, and CNN would track down the attackers family and name them/shame them to millions (well it is CNN so not millions)
Trump throwing a temper tantrum because SCOTUS didn't rule the way he wanted. Threatening to not do a Census till the big meanies do what he says!
Pelosi did what congress is supposed to do, make deals and compromise. The funding for immigration runs out in a week and Turtle Mc****face refuses to do his job the way it is supposed to be done. So Pence and Pelosi made a deal to get shit done. If Trump walks back from the promises Pence made then Pelosi will never make a deal with them again and we probably won't get a 2020 budget passed. The crybaby progressives will get over it.

Imagine if the perpetrator was white...Donald Trump would be blamed, "white supremacy" would be uttered 17,000 times in one week by the news media, it would be a major topic at the debates tonight--each candidate asked to respond to this vicious racist attack in 2019 America, every headline would lead with the attackers race, and CNN would track down the attackers family and name them/shame them to millions (well it is CNN so not millions)

But only white people can be racist... how is this possible?!?!
Pelosi did what congress is supposed to do, make deals and compromise. The funding for immigration runs out in a week and Turtle Mc****face refuses to do his job the way it is supposed to be done. So Pence and Pelosi made a deal to get shit done. If Trump walks back from the promises Pence made then Pelosi will never make a deal with them again and we probably won't get a 2020 budget passed. The crybaby progressives will get over it.

Fake news!

You are hilarious.