How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Cinco, Seis


I have not thought about this song for 20 years and then you post this. I had a boss that quit a few months ago that sums up this guy perfectly.
Lol at the dems and media throwing a fit about "partisan gerrymandering"

Yes, its partisan as in both parties do it. Didnt the dems just win the house? Weird nome of them are complaining about places like Maryland
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Also looks like the census issue was sent back to the department of commerce. So it isn't even a resolved issue by any stretch.

Still don't like their reasoning. Still think it's all a red herring
WTF is wrong with these people on the Supreme Court? They have given us 3 terrible rulings in the last few weeks. There is no call for them to analyze the motives of the POTUS on the census question. It should not be controversial at all. It sounds like they are doing the same thing we constantly criticize the lower courts for doing. The highest court in the land should be above using mental gymnastics to justify bad rulings. I'm deeply disappointed in these people! Do your jobs and stop being afraid of pissing off left wing lunatics.
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You can drop the worry over the scary Democrats and the half of the country remark. As long all of our votes don’t count the same due to the sham Electoral College, President Bad Hombre will have a fighting chance. The toothless, inbred, welfare suckers from the Deep South will see to that.

We can thank John Roberts. Any chance he gets to stick it to the Trump administration he will do so. He has turned into a nightmare.

I have decided I will not respond to the census in 2020. There is no reason to do it because we are not looking for how many citizens we have in America. We don't care as a nation so I will rip the form up and put it in the garbage.
The less information the federal government has the better
We can thank John Roberts. Any chance he gets to stick it to the Trump administration he will do so. He has turned into a nightmare.

I have decided I will not respond to the census in 2020. There is no reason to do it because we are not looking for how many citizens we have in America. We don't care as a nation so I will rip the form up and put it in the garbage.
I might add 50 people. Try to get KY more money.
WTF is wrong with these people on the Supreme Court? 3 terrible rulings in the last few weeks. There is no call for them to analyze the motives of the POTUS on the census question. It should not be controversial at all. It sounds like they are doing the same thing we constantly criticize the lower courts for doing. The highest court in the land should be above using mental gymnastics to justify bad rulings.
Roberts ruled against the Census question because Wilbur Ross got caught lying to Congress and the court about when and why he added the question. If you are going to commit perjury make sure the incriminating evidence isn't sitting in some dead guys attic. The court is always going to rule against you when you straight up lie to their face. I think Roberts would have gladly ruled in favor if the new evidence hadn't come out a few weeks ago showing that the administration was lying about just about everything it argued in court.
Look at the gerrymandering case. Roberts happily ruled in its favor because the GoP didn't bother to lie about why they do it. They straight up told the court they rig the maps to steal elections. And Roberts said, thats cool, do whatever you want just tell the truth.
Because they shouldn't be here in the first place. So it's really a separate issue. The focus should be on prevention and deportation. Not questions on a page.

Well, no. Counting them at all disenfranchises all citizens. How else you gonna know not to count them if you don’t ask them?
TRump did lose by nearly 3 million votes

Yet didn’t lose the election. It’s almost like there are rules to the process...

I look forward to us counting any football game where we have more yards as a “Win”, regardless of the actual outcome.
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I'm sure that most illegal aliens lie about their citizenship anyway, but now we just have a head count that will provide states with electoral powers.The census will count illegal aliens. California could pick up several additional seats and electoral votes. Washington state could pick up an additional seat. New York might pick up an additional seat.
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You can drop the worry over the scary Democrats and the half of the country remark. As long all of our votes don’t count the same due to the sham Electoral College, President Bad Hombre will have a fighting chance. The toothless, inbred, welfare suckers from the Deep South will see to that.
Oh the Deep South. Here we go with insults on the Deep South. Why do you single out blacks from the Deep South in your insults. Isn't that a little racist. Instead of throwing insults at blacks why not promote better dental health, sexual restraint and less hand outs. The GOP in the South offers opportunity to our black citizens, your party offers the same worn out insults you have been using since the 1930's. The GOP offers jobs, your party offers Plantation welfare.

Besides we have guns down here so you Democrats are not so scary when you come around. You need a history and civic lesson but it is probably above your intellect that being four less than turnip greens.

Oh the Deep South. Here we go with insults on the Deep South. Why do you single out blacks from the Deep South in your insults. Isn't that a little racist. Instead of throwing insults at blacks why not promote better dental health, sexual restraint and less hand outs. The GOP in the South offers opportunity to our black citizens, your party offers the same worn out insults you have been using since the 1930's. The GOP offers jobs, your party offers Plantation welfare.

Besides we have guns down here so you Democrats are not so scary when you come around. You need a history and civic lesson but it is probably above your intellect that being four less than turnip greens.

We already tried out the whole North vs South thing. Guess what, the south got their shit kicked in.
We already tried out the whole North vs South thing. Guess what, the south got their shit kicked in.
Then we are not a problem to you anymore. Why not ignore us and not concern yourself with what we do. Please quit insulting our black citizens and treating them the way Democrats have since the 1700's. Your plantation politics is getting a little old.
Fine but then it shouldn't be used to determine how many federal dollars you get. Or representatives. Or electoral votes. Only citizens should count for those things.

I agree on anything political. The rest I think they still must get, sadly. If there are more people there then they need funds for additional infrastructure. Otherwise you're also punishing legal residents.

It's infuriating because they shouldn't even be there
Donald Trump will always have a chance due to assholes like you out there spouting off bigoted nonsense like ^^^that^^^.

He gains more voters every day because of people like you. I sleep very well at night knowing that you - and people just like you - are why we have Donald J. Trump as POTUS.
Spot on.

Its people like Bushrod that push moderates to Trump.

Please: libs... keep being libs. Y'all are better than any ad the Republican party could hope for.
Gerrymandering is ridiculous. But the court is right. It's political question.

Curious though why they suddenly rediscovered this principal of restraint. Several issues the last few years which should've all ended up being a political issue. But they ruled anyway
You can drop the worry over the scary Democrats and the half of the country remark. As long all of our votes don’t count the same due to the sham Electoral College, President Bad Hombre will have a fighting chance. The toothless, inbred, welfare suckers from the Deep South will see to that.
Your bigotry is disgusting and you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
No he didn't. Hillary had 3 million illegal votes. I'm betting it was more as there were liberal areas that had more votes than people registered.

Liberals and voter fraud. That is as factual as the law of gravity
Actually data has shown trump may have won the popular vote if it wasnt for the libertarian ticket. Because tons of never trump conservatives voted 3rd party because libertarian stands for small government....and everyone except libs knows how the electoral college works. I voted libertarian...not bc I thought Johnson was a great candidate, but I wanted to find the party support while I knew ky would go red. If there were only 2 options it would've been different
Christ almighty...North vs South...

Most outgrow that about the same time they outgrow "my daddy can beat up your daddy"

Besides, it is folly to think another American Civil war would be the exact same as the last one in terms of how things would be divvied up. It would not.

The opposing forces wouldn't be a North-South split. It would be more along the lines of what the last electoral map looked like. A couple of broke coasts and cities that couldn't and wouldn't pay for a military vs the rest of the country that can and gladly does.
Actually data has shown trump may have won the popular vote if it wasnt for the libertarian ticket. Because tons of never trump conservatives voted 3rd party because libertarian stands for small government....and everyone except libs knows how the electoral college works. I voted libertarian...not bc I thought Johnson was a great candidate, but I wanted to find the party support while I knew ky would go red. If there were only 2 options it would've been different
I voted Libertarian as well for the same reason. I'll being voting for Trump next time though.
CALLER: Is this Gordon's Pizza?

GOOGLE:No sir, it's Google Pizza.

CALLER:I must have dialled a wrong number. Sorry.

GOOGLE:No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month.

CALLER:OK. I would like to order a pizza.

GOOGLE:Do you want your usual, sir?


My usual? You know me?


According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.

CALLER:OK! That’s what I want ...


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Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetable pizza! I already take medication for my cholesterol.

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GOOGLE:I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago...
