How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Clown show part 1 was scary. Not from the candidates themselves (that has been covered)...but the fact that there are real people who actually support these dolts.

Trying to imagine any one of them leading this country....omg.
When the debates really start heating up, Trump's twitter will be appointment viewing. Him live tweeting the debates and giving nicknames to all of these clowns is one of the greatest political gifts in history. He essentially memed one of the most well connected politicians in history out of the race in 2016; these clowns don't stand a chance.
I think it’s hilarious that every Trump knob gobbler is watching Democrats debate.

There are lots of awesome movies and shows streaming everywhere. Why you’d waste your time with politics is beyond me.

I tried to post the video of a clip from Tommy Boy where the guy laying on the couch goes "Oh Yeah, I buy Brake pads from that guy...I thought we were watching cartoons." then switches to Looney Toons. That would have pretty much been my quote, but the Loony Tunes I switch to would have been the debate. I was doing CEU courses online instead, so I chose not to watch.
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Remember back in the day thinking that the craziest of crazies ever gaining power would be impossible in the USA. Here we are in 2019 where those exact people are inching closer and closer to the WH. Several have entered Congress. Absolutely scary what these people plan to do to this country once they gain full power.
It's literally like an onion/snl parody

So much this . IMO the best thing Trump and to a lesser degree AOC have done is to destroy the illusion that these are serious people talking about serious things. I've been a anarchist for a long time but still suffered from lingering propaganda that these were serious people that need to be taken seriously.

Trump is like a comedian that points out the obvious so well that it can't be unseen. AOC is the real life satirical extreme. The stage last night promising the world to everyone for free was just impossible.
Idaho Falls Pride organizers say events will be family friendly

“All of our events this year are centered around our youth. Every event that we have are youth-friendly. Even our drag competition … we like to keep it really family friendly,” Hawkins said.

Why would anyone be concerned? Just a group who solely defines themselves by who they want to have sex with explicitly stating they want to focus on youth? Stop being a bigot and let your 5 year old boys be told that they actually like having anal sex with men, and they were born that way.

Also, the story says that, "unlike San Francisco or Seattle" this parade will be family appropriate. Why?! Let your freak flag fly! Why be ashamed that you belong to a community where people are prideful about sodomizing each other with bull whips, or like being peed on??
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Tulsi was by far the most normal.. but she supports Medicare for all. That’s an auto loser imo.. and btw kudos to those workers going on strike to prevent migrants from having beds.. libs never let an opportunity to sabotage go to waste
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You know how Democrats try to label anyone who opposes them as racists and “angry white men?” Their entire party is nothing but race-obsessed angry radicals who shit on this country non-stop while trying to transform it by any means necessary (immigration, refusal to assimilate, tearing down statues, PC shit, and on and one).

Dems base consist of wealthy elites, radicals, Communists, Socialists, Muslims, black supremacists, third world people who won’t speak the language but drain our resources, every sexual weirdo imaginable versus traditionalists and the Middle Class.

That’s our war.
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So SCOTUS rules that the citizenship question doesn’t belong on the census? Has common sense died??

Didn't read the opinion, but logically it really doesn't matter. The census as a tool is meant to be a head count of how many people are here. Citizenship really isn't relevant either way. It's a red herring.

That said, it's nonsense to argue it MAY cause people to be hesitant in responding. In reality the census bureau should be able to add whatever question they want unless it's somehow discriminatory. This was not. And I don't even think it was their argument.

The real issue is throwing out people that don't belong. That way they're not counted because they aren't here anymore
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That is the scary part. Half of the country.
You can drop the worry over the scary Democrats and the half of the country remark. As long all of our votes don’t count the same due to the sham Electoral College, President Bad Hombre will have a fighting chance. The toothless, inbred, welfare suckers from the Deep South will see to that.
You can drop the worry over the scary Democrats and the half of the country remark. As long all of our votes don’t count the same due to the sham Electoral College, President Bad Hombre will have a fighting chance. The toothless, inbred, welfare suckers from the Deep South will see to that.
Wow I wish the mods would let me match you on insults , I would pick 3 Terms mocking democrat voter bases and I would be perma banned .. but they let you do it... doesn’t bother Me none .nothing you typed was triggering to me what so ever. In most cases you libs can dish it out but can’t take it ... that’s a horrible trait to have like a child
Didn't read the opinion, but logically it really doesn't matter. The census as a tool is meant to be a head count of how many people are here. Citizenship really isn't relevant either way. It's a red herring.

That said, it's nonsense to argue it MAY cause people to be hesitant in responding. In reality the census bureau should be able to add whatever question they want unless it's somehow discriminatory. This was not. And I don't even think it was their argument.

The real issue is throwing out people that don't belong. That way they're not counted because they aren't here anymore
It does matter. California could pick up extra reps due to illegals. Texas, Arizona and other border states too. How is that not interference in our electoral process?
Didn't read the opinion, but logically it really doesn't matter. The census as a tool is meant to be a head count of how many people are here. Citizenship really isn't relevant either way. It's a red herring.

This decision literally hands the future to any party that will throw open the borders and promise handouts to the ones flooding in. In other words, California will now determine the POTUS for all the rest.

Give me secession, please.
It does matter. California could pick up extra reps due to illegals. Texas, Arizona and other border states too. How is that not interference in our electoral process?

This decision literally hands the future to any party that will throw open the borders and promise handouts to the ones flooding in. In other words, California will now determine the POTUS for all the rest.

Give me secession, please.

Because they shouldn't be here in the first place. So it's really a separate issue. The focus should be on prevention and deportation. Not questions on a page.
You can drop the worry over the scary Democrats and the half of the country remark. As long all of our votes don’t count the same due to the sham Electoral College, President Bad Hombre will have a fighting chance. The toothless, inbred, welfare suckers from the Deep South will see to that.
Donald Trump will always have a chance due to assholes like you out there spouting off bigoted nonsense like ^^^that^^^.

He gains more voters every day because of people like you. I sleep very well at night knowing that you - and people just like you - are why we have Donald J. Trump as POTUS.
Donald Trump will always have a chance due to assholes like you out there spouting off bigoted nonsense like ^^^that^^^.

He gains more voters every day because of people like you. I sleep very well at night knowing that you - and people just like you - are why we have Donald J. Trump as POTUS.
TRump did lose by nearly 3 million votes

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