How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Great. Then they may finally get some opposition. No way they'll agree to that

Still waiting on the original of the Notre Dame fire. Odd that we haven't heard more about it...
I hope that they just totally trash Europe to the point that liberals in this country will not be so enamored with those systems of government or Europe finally gets tired and kicks them back to the garbage countries they came from.
That “cognitively deficient” kid made a damn near perfect score on his SAT and got accepted to MIT. I think he did alright.

His parents were first generation immigrants and his dad was a professor at Vanderbilt. I’m sure they could read and write in both languages. The point that obviously buzzed right over your head is that being able to speak a language doesn’t mean you can read or write that language.

Suck on that.
False, made up story to fit your agenda posting.
We have been sending non English speaking new recruits to Lackland AFB since forever now. Every week we are sending more and more. They have to be able to speak English to go through basic. Most are Hispanic but, we have a mishmash of others as well.

I used to work in an area in Illinois that was 90 + percent German, and some of the people still spoke German at home. I talked to this one World War II vet and he told me that when he went in the military that he refused to learn English. This was 1943. He said they shipped him to England after basic and within six weeks he was walking around speaking perfect English. He was what you call motivated.
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But how are you harmed regardless of what they speak?
People learn what they need to get by. Adults often look to their kids to interpret for them. If some Mexican comes and and is working roofing houses or doing construction, landscaping,’s likely that most of not all of the crew is speaking the same language.
It’s tougher for adults to learn language than kids. The kids are immersed in the language while the adults are often working and living in occupations dominated by others with their language. The live in neighborhoods that have businesses that cater to them.

Again, how does this harm you?
False, most adults can learn easily enough if they want to. Your ignorance to the reality of this is scary because, there are many more out there like you who are either corrupt and trying to change this country or are just too dumb to see the truth.
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Great point. My son had a friend in school who’s parents were from Mexico and spoke Spanish at home. He took Spanish in high school thinking it would be an easy A and failed the class. He could speak fluent Spanish but couldn’t read or write it.
False, an anecdotal story for every situation proves you are a liar.
That “cognitively deficient” kid made a damn near perfect score on his SAT and got accepted to MIT. I think he did alright.

His parents were first generation immigrants and his dad was a professor at Vanderbilt. I’m sure they could read and write in both languages. The point that obviously buzzed right over your head is that being able to speak a language doesn’t mean you can read or write that language.

Suck on that.
Bullshit. Nobody believes your contrived anecdotes. You pull them out of your ass to claim authority in every debate. You're a pathological liar AND a cheat.
Great. Then they may finally get some opposition. No way they'll agree to that

Still waiting on the original of the Notre Dame fire. Odd that we haven't heard more about it...
Actually saw a report on the local news saying they are ruling out any criminal activity. But we all know a gang of 100 muslims could've rushed the church and burned it down while screaming Allah Akbar and they still would try to cover it up. So that means nothing to me.
Democrat debates in 10 minutes. Who's gonna one up each other?

Before the end of the debates, free money, free cars, free houses, free clothes, free college, free guns (illegals only), free govt, free mars pluto, saturn, free universe, free god, free free free free free!!! Everything's free!!
But how are you harmed regardless of what they speak?
People learn what they need to get by. Adults often look to their kids to interpret for them. If some Mexican comes and and is working roofing houses or doing construction, landscaping,’s likely that most of not all of the crew is speaking the same language.
It’s tougher for adults to learn language than kids. The kids are immersed in the language while the adults are often working and living in occupations dominated by others with their language. The live in neighborhoods that have businesses that cater to them.

Again, how does this harm you?
Not good for the unity of the country when large groups of people do not speak the adopted language. With unfettered immigration, preferred by the dems, without common language, acceptance of American law, loyalty to America, etc...our country could one day could more resemble what we see in Europe as opposed to having one unified country.
How would requiring new citizens to be proficient in English, do civil business in English, Profess and practice loyalty to the USA, etc...harm the individual or the country?
Oh, and it does harm me when my tax dollars have to pay for bi-lingual government employees, documents, etc.. Not to mention ESL teachers.
Democrat debates in 10 minutes. Who's gonna one up each other?

Before the end of the debates, free money, free cars, free houses, free clothes, free college, free guns (illegals only), free govt, free mars pluto, saturn, free universe, free god, free free free free free!!! Everything's free!!

Remember when we all laughed at Obama woman's YouTube video about his giveaways? Turns out, she knew and we were the fools.

Now that's a drop in the bucket. They're giving away anything and everything now. It's beyond the pale
Not sure economics is where I would start if I were these clowns...

They now move on to healthcare after two candidates go off script and start clamoring for bringing industry back to America. Lol.
That “cognitively deficient” kid made a damn near perfect score on his SAT and got accepted to MIT. I think he did alright.

His parents were first generation immigrants and his dad was a professor at Vanderbilt. I’m sure they could read and write in both languages. The point that obviously buzzed right over your head is that being able to speak a language doesn’t mean you can read or write that language.

Suck on that.

I'm with you. So... as a requirement for entry into the US and ultimately citizenship should be not only the ability to speak English, but to read and write in English. Sounds more than reasonable to me.
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I’m a libertarian who appreciates diversity of thought.

Get on my level, bro.

No, but Natural Gas is cheaper than its ever been. Yesterday NG was a shade over $2 a mmbtu. In 2011 when I transferred from a coal plant to an NG plant it was over $7 mmbtu.

A coal plant can make power for about 20-25 dollars a megawattt. A combined cycle NG plant can make it for about $13 currently, a simple cycle NG plant which is a peaked plant, can make it for about $26. It was over $60 in 2011. That is what is replacing coal, then throw in the fact that every renewable source must have a fossil back up.

Price is what’s eliminating coal, if and when NG prices go up, coal will make a comeback, although not as high as it once was due to electrical efficiency now.

That's the way it should be. Let the price of coal determine coal's fate, not some ideologue.
Lol..Warren says healthcare is too expensive. Wait, which party passed legislation on it's own for healthcare? Weird no moderator can f/u on that.

Plus I thought this party claimed it solved this problem already a few years back.

Ah yes..let's trust them again
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I don’t disagree that some kids pick up conversational English very quickly especially if they are more social and outgoing because they want to speak w others. With that being said, it isn’t the conversational English that is tough for non English speakers. It is the reading comprehension and writing in English that lags years behind the speaking. That’s why they need ESL teachers: to get them closer to their peers in reading and writing. Check the research it is pretty fascinating. Additionally a lot of these kids reading and writing is poor in their native language making it even more difficult for them. I think we sometimes we assume just because we can have a conversation with them relatively easy, they can read and write equally as well. Not the case at all. Also it is irrelevant if there are kids speaking multiple languages in the classroom as the vast majority of ESL teachers don’t speak a foreign language. They are instructing in a English.
You are right about reading and writing. That said, ESL teachers are not the most efficient way of helping these or any other kids develop those skills. If you want to solve the problem, take all these kids, put them in a self contained classroom and focus on NOTHING but reading and writing. Don't waste time trying to mainstream.
God politics is so dumb. This as retarded as I knew it would be . Disappointed Trump isn't dropping Twitter bombs.
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