How will they rule ??!

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Legal: forced to integrate and adapt because the government knows you. Paying taxes above board thus becoming communally invested. Moving out of ethnic enclaves by the 2nd/3rd generation.

Illegal: none of the above. There are teams written about what being illegal means in terms of lack of assimilation.

You’re a piece of work to challenge what anybody else knows. You prove each time you post that you don’t really understand it at all.

There was never a time when New York, though full immigrants, was ever not considered to be “America”. Thank you Ellis Island.

But California? Pretty much gone. The only variable is time.
California is another country for all practical purposes, a third world country at that.
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BTW, my employer publishes its info and markets itself in 37 different languages...and we are only in the US. The people that buy our product (health insurance) hold jobs, pay bills, pay taxes...
Nobody makes us be so inclusive but we do so because it’s good for business.

You ready to join the ranks of millions of unemployed Health Insurance workers?
Good thing it’s a manufactured crisis, imagine what all could be done if the Democrats actually wanted to help solve the problem.

What do coal and nuclear power plants do in the spring? They have maintenance outages to prepare for summer.

Did they just start doing that this year? By my calculations, there is an April every 12 months and it’s never happened before.
Did they just start doing that this year? By my calculations, there is an April every 12 months and it’s never happened before.

1) Renewable generation is growing. Coal is not. Trump has zero power over that as private investors can build both and private companies are pushing for more renewable energy to get a big boost in their image. And it some cases it's even cheaper than things like coal (lots of variables go into that). This doesn't even take into account the demand coming from various states that are mandating more generation come from renewable sources.

2) None of this takes into account the issues with renewable generation (mainly wind/solar at this point). We can put in enough wind turbines and solar panels to power the entire globe but if the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining, they are useless (until energy storage gets MUCH better). The amount of renewable generation that exists doesn't tell you how much it's being utilized. And even if there are days where a renewable source generates more than coal, that doesn't mean either is obsolete.

Not much Trump can do when state's won't allow/are pushing against coal-fired generation growth and many big businesses (often far-left leaning with their public images) are jumping head first into the renewable generation game. Now run along and find another incorrect way to try and bash Trump.
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They don't can't understand how dumb they are. You can't explain to a stupid person how stupid they are. They don't know or understand what it actually means to be smart.

They think they have moral and intellectual superiority; they possess neither.

Again, I fully support firing squads for these people. I have become a radical these past few days, these people need gone, for the people!

This is easily the greatest threat this country has ever faced, the enemy from within... the empowered and enabled American far left.

Saying you want to kill them is over the top and I'll go on record as saying that's wrong. With that being said, I am ready for this country to split. If we don't do it, it will eventually lead to us killing one another.
This should be the first question asked in tonight's debate

Saying you want to kill them is over the top and I'll go on record as saying that's wrong. With that being said, I am ready for this country to split. If we don't do it, it will eventually lead to us killing one another.
I think a split is long over due. This time let's be peaceful and let a state go if they vote to go. No bloodshed just get out. I have an idea how to draw it up.
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Sorry if this is a repeat...our new lib mayor spreading her ignorance...

Mayor Gorton says Lexington police won’t assist with ICE raids without a warrant
This is sad. Lexington is pretty much like all university towns across the nation. Thankfully our governor said we will not have any sanctuary cities in our state. When he signed that law his popularity went up even more than it was and it was already very high.

The Kentucky legislature should stop this and they certainly have the power to do it.
You ready to join the ranks of millions of unemployed Health Insurance workers?
No, not at all. To start we’ve got > 400 IT workers (out of an IT staff of about 800) here on H-1B visas because we can’t find enough qualified IT workers. It’s pretty obvious that many other companies are in the same boat as recruiters are always calling. Worse case, I retire a little early...might do that anyway.

Also, I know how Medicare/Medicaid work...a good piece of our business is serving those populations. My skills and knowledge base would actually be in high demand. You guys think there’s a government office somewhere processing claims...actually the government pays us and other insurance companies to do all of that. Those so called “death panels”...the M.D.s that sit across from my office.
1) Renewable generation is growing. Coal is not. Trump has zero power over that as private investors can build both and private companies are pushing for more renewable energy to get a big boost in their image. And it some cases it's even cheaper than things like coal (lots of variables go into that). This doesn't even take into account the demand coming from various states that are mandating more generation come from renewable sources.

2) None of this takes into account the issues with renewable generation (mainly wind/solar at this point). We can put in enough wind turbines and solar panels to power the entire globe but if the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining, they are useless (until energy storage gets MUCH better). The amount of renewable generation that exists doesn't tell you how much it's being utilized. And even if there are days where a renewable source generates more than coal, that doesn't mean either is obsolete.

Not much Trump can do when state's won't allow/are pushing against coal-fired generation growth and many big businesses (often far-left leaning with their public images) are jumping head first into the renewable generation game. Now run along and find another incorrect way to try and bash Trump.
You kind of miss the whole point. Trump going around promising to bring coal back. Rolling back regulations that serve all the people by making our environment cleaner and more safe...yet you now say that he is powerless to do anything! Hey idiot, we already knew that before he went making promises that we knew he couldn’t keep. But then, you Trumpers obviously like being lied to. Sad.
Did they just start doing that this year? By my calculations, there is an April every 12 months and it’s never happened before.

No, but Natural Gas is cheaper than its ever been. Yesterday NG was a shade over $2 a mmbtu. In 2011 when I transferred from a coal plant to an NG plant it was over $7 mmbtu.

A coal plant can make power for about 20-25 dollars a megawattt. A combined cycle NG plant can make it for about $13 currently, a simple cycle NG plant which is a peaked plant, can make it for about $26. It was over $60 in 2011. That is what is replacing coal, then throw in the fact that every renewable source must have a fossil back up.

Price is what’s eliminating coal, if and when NG prices go up, coal will make a comeback, although not as high as it once was due to electrical efficiency now.
You kind of miss the whole point. Trump going around promising to bring coal back. Rolling back regulations that serve all the people by making our environment cleaner and more safe...yet you now say that he is powerless to do anything! Hey idiot, we already knew that before he went making promises that we knew he couldn’t keep. But then, you Trumpers obviously like being lied to. Sad.
I don't think Trump is going around promising to "bring coal back" he's just taking away the regulations that decimated the industry so that it's available while alternative sources come more online. The market is going to dictate where coal eventually ends up. Trump isn't going to go the opposite direction and start placing damaging regulations on renewable energy sources. That's just ignorant. What Obama and Hillary and the like all wanted to do was kill coal in favor of dotting every piece of farmland and vacant property with wind turbines and solar panels, which is about what it would take to power the country.
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You kind of miss the whole point. Trump going around promising to bring coal back. Rolling back regulations that serve all the people by making our environment cleaner and more safe...yet you now say that he is powerless to do anything! Hey idiot, we already knew that before he went making promises that we knew he couldn’t keep. But then, you Trumpers obviously like being lied to. Sad.

I know what he said. I also know what he can do. He's done what he can for coal jobs. Idiots like me understand the difference and wouldn't vote for anyone based on a promise they can't fully keep (all politicians do that). The difference between Trump and the rest is that he at least tries to keep promises, not just use them to get elected.
How about just use duckduckgo for search, and not push for regulation? 0 chance the government will be able to successfully regulate goggle, they can't even regulate the border.

I’m not for regulating them, but any and all protections any of these internet companies enjoy under federal law need to be dropped.

If google/twitter/Facebook want to censor one side while the lefties run wild, they need to be held responsible for any actions organized through content they refuse to censor, any and all torts committed by things they publish on their sites, etc.
No, not at all. To start we’ve got > 400 IT workers (out of an IT staff of about 800) here on H-1B visas because we can’t find enough qualified IT workers. It’s pretty obvious that many other companies are in the same boat as recruiters are always calling. Worse case, I retire a little early...might do that anyway.

Also, I know how Medicare/Medicaid work...a good piece of our business is serving those populations. My skills and knowledge base would actually be in high demand. You guys think there’s a government office somewhere processing claims...actually the government pays us and other insurance companies to do all of that. Those so called “death panels”...the M.D.s that sit across from my office.
Medicare is about to reimburse less if Medicare for all goes thru. Its already bankrupt and reimburses less than private insurance. Not to mention it currently denies more claims than insurance doesnt cover meds unless you have part d. Etc

However, I tell any current medicare person to not trade their traditional Medicare for one of these advantage plans like Humana Medicare. Those plans are straight ass garbage.

The biggest effect from a Medicare for all will be the payment for service. Since they propose reimbursing less than what Medicare already pays. This will affect middle class employment with the health sector..bc this is what pays Bill's, salaries, buys equipment etc. They are already operating on a loss from medicare in many situations. This could create problems in access bc of future staffing problems because of lower revenue. (Bernie has shown time and again he doesnt understand the difference in revenue and profit)

Real solutions are forming ACO's and general expansion to access (ie ppl not using ER's as walk in clinics and using urgent cares, etc.) The government will solve no problems bc govts dont do that..they put band aids on gun shot wounds. Theyll just keep taxing and dumping money on problems instead of looking at an actual solution to reduce them..adderall we already seen what theyve done when they nationalized school loans, theyve put no risk on the schoo so they just keep raising tuition bc the govt hands out free money. and now they want it free- the cost will continue to sky rocket and they just keep dumping cash on it.
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This is sad. Lexington is pretty much like all university towns across the nation. Thankfully our governor said we will not have any sanctuary cities in our state. When he signed that law his popularity went up even more than it was and it was already very high.

The Kentucky legislature should stop this and they certainly have the power to do it.

Anybody remember when UK student council petitioned to use dorms to house illegal immigrants? Ha, can you imagine?

Heard on radio LA mayor is proposing citizens set up tents in their backyard for the 60,000 homeless. Ha!
The idea that they don’t learn or speak English is pure ignorance. If I dropped you into the middle of another country it would most likely take you several years to master the language. If you lived and worked among others who spoke your own native language it would take you even longer...especially if you commonly worked 12-14 hour days.
Still then, you would likely speak your native tongue when you were at home and around family.
Why does it bother you or anyone even if they never spoke a word of English? How has it ever affected your life?
Can’t think of one time it has ever affected mine.

As for the ESL daughter happens to be an ESL teacher in Brentwood, TN. There are 4 such teachers at her school. She has 2 Hispanic students...most are Asian (mix of Japanese and Koreans) and Indian...25% of the school’s 600+ kids are pulled out for ESL work. Well over half are immigrants or the children of immigrants. The median family income for the school’s population >$175K.
We have ESL because it helps children learn instead of becoming frustrated. If they learn then it means there is a better chance they will become productive members of society.
No problem with what they speak at home. When the government accommodates non-English speakers, it reduces the need to learn the language. There's no denying that a common language is one element of a unified society.
I understand the purpose of ESL as well as anyone; better than most. From one perspective, it makes life easier for and is simply more compassionate toward children. On the other hand, I've seen kids who didn't know one syllable of English be able to carry on a conversation with their English speaking peers within 6 months of entering school.
The idea of being a melting pot is what we should promote. Keep your individual identity, but have the common skills necessary to interact in American society without assistance should always be the goal.
Hold on to your heritage, but your loyalty is no longer to the homeland but to serving the interests of the USA.
BTW, my employer publishes its info and markets itself in 37 different languages...and we are only in the US. The people that buy our product (health insurance) hold jobs, pay bills, pay taxes...
Nobody makes us be so inclusive but we do so because it’s good for business.
No problem. It's your employer's choice and not an imposition by the government. I would only have a problem if our gov required your materials to be published in multiple languages in order to accommodate non-English speakers, especially those in America.
Why in the heck do school districts have to hire ESL teachers to accommodate immigrants, legal or illegal. It’s preposterous.
It eases transition for the kids and it's humane. However, the services they receive are minimal at best. Based on my experiences, the kids would learn the language and learn to adapt to classroom expectations without ESL services. Most have a conversational level of language within 6 months of being immersed. It's hard to see how much good even excellent ESL teachers do when they serve upwards of 30-40 kids per day; have one, maybe two hours exposure to small groups. It's not like they have much if any opportunity to work individually with kids. On top of it all, an ESL teacher's caseload may be made up of kids that speak a variety of languages. It's not just Spanish.
IMO, kids (including those kids) would be better served by spending money on more math or science teachers.
"cardkilla said:
Trump is destroying the country and his sheep are cheering it on. I knew the Republican party was full of racists and hypocrites but man, you guys continue to do outdo yourselves.."

Translation"^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am dumber than a box of rocks and cannot understand your positions and explanations so, I am back to the now completely useless race card argument.

Copkilla had always been a racist POS
No, but Natural Gas is cheaper than its ever been. Yesterday NG was a shade over $2 a mmbtu. In 2011 when I transferred from a coal plant to an NG plant it was over $7 mmbtu.

A coal plant can make power for about 20-25 dollars a megawattt. A combined cycle NG plant can make it for about $13 currently, a simple cycle NG plant which is a peaked plant, can make it for about $26. It was over $60 in 2011. That is what is replacing coal, then throw in the fact that every renewable source must have a fossil back up.

Price is what’s eliminating coal, if and when NG prices go up, coal will make a comeback, although not as high as it once was due to electrical efficiency now.
My entire family works in the coal industry. Tell that to them. It's all "Obama's War on Coal".