How will they rule ??!

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Saying you want to kill them is over the top and I'll go on record as saying that's wrong.

I'm being hyperbolic... sorta.

Little bit of a not so subtle reality check, which certainly goes unrecognized by them, is thrown in there as well... their far leftist goals are only achievable through bloodshed ("fairness" in the end can only be achieved by being unfair which requires force) or the end result of which is often a firingsquad.

Here's one such case.

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It eases transition for the kids and it's humane. However, the services they receive are minimal at best. Based on my experiences, the kids would learn the language and learn to adapt to classroom expectations without ESL services. Most have a conversational level of language within 6 months of being immersed. It's hard to see how much good even excellent ESL teachers do when they serve upwards of 30-40 kids per day; have one, maybe two hours exposure to small groups. It's not like they have much if any opportunity to work individually with kids. On top of it all, an ESL teacher's caseload may be made up of kids that speak a variety of languages. It's not just Spanish.
IMO, kids (including those kids) would be better served by spending money on more math or science teachers.

I don’t disagree that some kids pick up conversational English very quickly especially if they are more social and outgoing because they want to speak w others. With that being said, it isn’t the conversational English that is tough for non English speakers. It is the reading comprehension and writing in English that lags years behind the speaking. That’s why they need ESL teachers: to get them closer to their peers in reading and writing. Check the research it is pretty fascinating. Additionally a lot of these kids reading and writing is poor in their native language making it even more difficult for them. I think we sometimes we assume just because we can have a conversation with them relatively easy, they can read and write equally as well. Not the case at all. Also it is irrelevant if there are kids speaking multiple languages in the classroom as the vast majority of ESL teachers don’t speak a foreign language. They are instructing in a English.
Heard on radio LA mayor is proposing citizens set up tents in their backyard for the 60,000 homeless. Ha!

Great. Then they may finally get some opposition. No way they'll agree to that

Can’t remember any other buildings in France burning down. Does anyone?

Probably making shit up like those people who say a mass shooting happened in Vegas.

Still waiting on the original of the Notre Dame fire. Odd that we haven't heard more about it...
This is sad. Lexington is pretty much like all university towns across the nation. Thankfully our governor said we will not have any sanctuary cities in our state. When he signed that law his popularity went up even more than it was and it was already very high.

The Kentucky legislature should stop this and they certainly have the power to do it.

Recently someone said that Lexington has “changed.”

I mean, most places worth residing are gonna change over time, but the poster had a really bad taste in his mouth. What’s wrong with Lexington these days?
Holy effing shit. Up until now, I was totally convinced these were two distinct posters.

Wow. Just friggen wow.

Great catch, Dave.

Damn, just means there’s one less of us here to offer up that DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT you guys clamor for.

It’s a shame, really.
No problem with what they speak at home. When the government accommodates non-English speakers, it reduces the need to learn the language. There's no denying that a common language is one element of a unified society.
I understand the purpose of ESL as well as anyone; better than most. From one perspective, it makes life easier for and is simply more compassionate toward children. On the other hand, I've seen kids who didn't know one syllable of English be able to carry on a conversation with their English speaking peers within 6 months of entering school.
The idea of being a melting pot is what we should promote. Keep your individual identity, but have the common skills necessary to interact in American society without assistance should always be the goal.
Hold on to your heritage, but your loyalty is no longer to the homeland but to serving the interests of the USA.
But how are you harmed regardless of what they speak?
People learn what they need to get by. Adults often look to their kids to interpret for them. If some Mexican comes and and is working roofing houses or doing construction, landscaping,’s likely that most of not all of the crew is speaking the same language.
It’s tougher for adults to learn language than kids. The kids are immersed in the language while the adults are often working and living in occupations dominated by others with their language. The live in neighborhoods that have businesses that cater to them.

Again, how does this harm you?
I wonder if rq and fuzz's daughters know each other in Brentwood. Small world, eh
They actually hang out all the time and talk about how crazy it is that their dad is the same person, but they also tailgate together, but don't even know each other.

It's pretty straightforward and not at all an obvious sockpuppet situation

Nice revisionist history.

No one bet you to post your earnings statement and no one welched. You did that on your own.

What happened was, you were boasting about your paycheck.. i said i bet i make more than you, which i do.. but i guess that aint saying much right now.. and within 30 seconds you had your checkstub teed up...almost like you were just waiting for the opportunity to show us how america has made you rich.

As i dont care to be the douche who brags about money, I then offered to send mine privately on monday as it was late on a friday.. you smarted off and said "oh so you can find someone elses on ybe internet and post it". I offered to personalize it and i think you realized i wasnt lying and that was that.

Anyways.. an offer.. im coowner of an online poker home game. We have 109ish tables going at all times... if you need some summer income, the mornings are when the asians are playing heavily and you can easily find you a patsy.

I'm shocked the Canuck misrepresented one of his 4,732 embarrassing episodes on here.
I don’t disagree that some kids pick up conversational English very quickly especially if they are more social and outgoing because they want to speak w others. With that being said, it isn’t the conversational English that is tough for non English speakers. It is the reading comprehension and writing in English that lags years behind the speaking. That’s why they need ESL teachers: to get them closer to their peers in reading and writing. Check the research it is pretty fascinating. Additionally a lot of these kids reading and writing is poor in their native language making it even more difficult for them. I think we sometimes we assume just because we can have a conversation with them relatively easy, they can read and write equally as well. Not the case at all. Also it is irrelevant if there are kids speaking multiple languages in the classroom as the vast majority of ESL teachers don’t speak a foreign language. They are instructing in a English.
Great point. My son had a friend in school who’s parents were from Mexico and spoke Spanish at home. He took Spanish in high school thinking it would be an easy A and failed the class. He could speak fluent Spanish but couldn’t read or write it.
But how are you harmed regardless of what they speak?
People learn what they need to get by. Adults often look to their kids to interpret for them. If some Mexican comes and and is working roofing houses or doing construction, landscaping,’s likely that most of not all of the crew is speaking the same language.
It’s tougher for adults to learn language than kids. The kids are immersed in the language while the adults are often working and living in occupations dominated by others with their language. The live in neighborhoods that have businesses that cater to them.

Again, how does this harm you?
Exactly, and the best part is all those school resources used in mostly poor areas, are absolutely free and don't take at all from already disadvantaged students. It's magical really.
Good question.

Great point. My son had a friend in school who’s parents were from Mexico and spoke Spanish at home. He took Spanish in high school thinking it would be an easy A and failed the class. He could speak fluent Spanish but couldn’t read or write it.

No, that's not a great point. A kid is a sponge for language, can literally learn everything he/she needs to speak from cartoons, but not if the parents don't change the channel off Telemundo or give them any interactions with other kids.

If your buddy story is true, then he is seriously cognitively deficient or underdeveloped and perhaps wouldn't have been if he was properly challenged as a child. All classes in high school are easy A's, particularly SPanish for a Mexican kid with an IQ greater than 80.

I personally know countless first generation immigrants who have assimilated and speak English and they all would agree with me that assimilation is important. None of them were so incapable however that they could'nt read or write their native tongue. There are children worldwide immersed in English teaching only schools who thrive from the challenge, are even taught and have the choice of developing a British or American accent.... solely from academic instruction.... as 10 year olds reading and writing fluently in a second language. Whatever "research" you fools are hung up on has to be critically flawed.
The idea that they don’t learn or speak English is pure ignorance. If I dropped you into the middle of another country it would most likely take you several years to master the language. If you lived and worked among others who spoke your own native language it would take you even longer...especially if you commonly worked 12-14 hour days.
Still then, you would likely speak your native tongue when you were at home and around family.
Why does it bother you or anyone even if they never spoke a word of English? How has it ever affected your life?
Can’t think of one time it has ever affected mine.

As for the ESL daughter happens to be an ESL teacher in Brentwood, TN. There are 4 such teachers at her school. She has 2 Hispanic students...most are Asian (mix of Japanese and Koreans) and Indian...25% of the school’s 600+ kids are pulled out for ESL work. Well over half are immigrants or the children of immigrants. The median family income for the school’s population >$175K.
We have ESL because it helps children learn instead of becoming frustrated. If they learn then it means there is a better chance they will become productive members of society.
Dumbest response about assimilation ever. You are totally ignorant of what is going on. You need to learn the language of the host nation period. We don't conform to you, you conform to us. They came here to get away from a crap hole country and if you are going to be here and join us then, join us but, do it legally.
No, that's not a great point. A kid is a sponge for language, can literally learn everything he/she needs to speak from cartoons, but not if the parents don't change the channel off Telemundo or give them any interactions with other kids.

If your buddy story is true, then he is seriously cognitively deficient or underdeveloped and perhaps wouldn't have been if he was properly challenged as a child. All classes in high school are easy A's, particularly SPanish for a Mexican kid with an IQ greater than 80.

I personally know countless first generation immigrants who have assimilated and speak English and they all would agree with me that assimilation is important. None of them were so incapable however that they could'nt read or write their native tongue. There are children worldwide immersed in English teaching only schools who thrive from the challenge, are even taught and have the choice of developing a British or American accent.... solely from academic instruction.... as 10 year olds reading and writing fluently in a second language. Whatever "research" you fools are hung up on has to be critically flawed.
That “cognitively deficient” kid made a damn near perfect score on his SAT and got accepted to MIT. I think he did alright.

His parents were first generation immigrants and his dad was a professor at Vanderbilt. I’m sure they could read and write in both languages. The point that obviously buzzed right over your head is that being able to speak a language doesn’t mean you can read or write that language.

Suck on that.
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That “cognitively deficient” kid made a damn near perfect score on his SAT and got accepted to MIT. I think he did alright.

His parents were first generation immigrants and his dad was a professor at Vanderbilt. I’m sure they could read and write in both languages. The point that obviously buzzed right over your head is that being able to speak a language doesn’t mean you can read or write that language.

Suck on that.

Yeah it does, unless you are indeed underdeveloped. He could be severely autistic which could explain his language difficulties and his mathematical abilities, but if he actually got an SAT high score then there is no way he couldn't read his native language.

Particularly Spanish, it's in latin script same as english. You are talking out of your ass and you know it. No way those supposedly competent parents didn't teach him how to write Spanish. You don't even understand how ridiculous you sound, I understood the point you thought to be true.

Not assimilating hurts the individual and the society; it inhibits the individual and his opportunities and it hurts the society by not getting the most out of them. But the left is perfectly ok with them working landscape where they can communicate with their coworkers and stay out of your sight but vote your misguided priorities.

You have no appreciation for how wrong you are, just someone told you so but most be true. If you can't write your mother toungue that's even written in the exact same script as your secondary tongue at MIT, you are as dumb as fuzz.

I'm writing in my secondary tongue right now... no issue whatsoever, typos and grammatical mistakes are due solely to laziness and expediency.
It eases transition for the kids and it's humane. However, the services they receive are minimal at best. Based on my experiences, the kids would learn the language and learn to adapt to classroom expectations without ESL services. Most have a conversational level of language within 6 months of being immersed. It's hard to see how much good even excellent ESL teachers do when they serve upwards of 30-40 kids per day; have one, maybe two hours exposure to small groups. It's not like they have much if any opportunity to work individually with kids. On top of it all, an ESL teacher's caseload may be made up of kids that speak a variety of languages. It's not just Spanish.
IMO, kids (including those kids) would be better served by spending money on more math or science teachers.
We have been sending non English speaking new recruits to Lackland AFB since forever now. Every week we are sending more and more. They have to be able to speak English to go through basic. Most are Hispanic but, we have a mishmash of others as well.
I don’t disagree that some kids pick up conversational English very quickly especially if they are more social and outgoing because they want to speak w others. With that being said, it isn’t the conversational English that is tough for non English speakers. It is the reading comprehension and writing in English that lags years behind the speaking. That’s why they need ESL teachers: to get them closer to their peers in reading and writing. Check the research it is pretty fascinating. Additionally a lot of these kids reading and writing is poor in their native language making it even more difficult for them. I think we sometimes we assume just because we can have a conversation with them relatively easy, they can read and write equally as well. Not the case at all. Also it is irrelevant if there are kids speaking multiple languages in the classroom as the vast majority of ESL teachers don’t speak a foreign language. They are instructing in a English.
I think it should be mandatory in order to go to school for those who do not pass a preschool test or at least identify those who do not speak or struggle to speak English to have an extra class for them where they are assisted in learning English.