How will they rule ??!

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No one said every single person of color in America was a slave. I said in American slavery one was born into slavery because of their race. Individuals could be free, the race was enslaved. As opposed to historical slavery where it wasn’t generational and individuals could be slaves but races were free. Sowell was trying to equate the two when they’re fundamentally different.
If the entire black race was born into slavery, how were there free blacks? Were the free ones not really black? You were wrong and now you are just making yourself look ridiculous to try to spin your way out of it. But at least your thought is consistent. You don't consider free blacks back then as real black people, the same way you don't consider black people today who have left the democratic plantation to be real black people.
Yeah, you dumb piece of shit, the descendants of American slaves are way better off than the ones enslaved by Arabs and Africans. This isn’t even debatable. Your fragile ears and inability to understand the obvious make this sound like poison to you.

EAD, bitch or shall I say, EAD, bro.

LMAO!! You bought those damn tickets to see some privileged athletes play a game, didn’t you? And the majority of them are black!

You’ve been played, bro. You hate black people but you pay to watch them play sports. You’re a fraud. Your racist friends and family think you’re a punter, mate. You take the piss all day, every day.

Take your strawman slavery argument to the bank when you go broke sending your kids to an all-white private school. What a pussy. Rick Pitino didn’t die for this, bro.
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This thread has gotten all hostile again. Please refer to the wrestling thread > Alexa Bliss.

This should make us all friends again.
The front runner is the most unoriginal bastard since the 4th dude in toll booth Willie. Not a single thought for himself. Sad!
Go to bed, unless you have an original thought. You’re doing yourself a disservice reposting other people’s content.

When did someone else post it? If they did I must not be seeing it...

Secondly, for 2 and a half years you have literally wrote the same paragraph about your thoughts on abortion or religion or guns 75 times, it is the same paragraph every time, and you write it again and again. You never bring anything to the discussion but act like a petulant child or the bi polar try to act tough and then kiss ass a minute later routine. You are the by far the biggest b-tch on here. Sit down and don't talk to your betters.
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I’ll throw up $2k that says KingofBBN is an uneducated douche that makes less than 90k a year.

Willy can hold the money. Who wants some?
When did someone else post it? If they did I must not be seeing it...

Secondly, for 2 and a half years you have literally wrote the same paragraph about your thoughts on abortion 75 times, it is the same paragraph every time, and you write it again and again. You never bring anything to the discussion but act like a child and the bi polar try to act tough and then kiss ass a minute later routine. You are the by far the biggest b-tch on here. Sit down and don't talk to your betters.

Keep posting tweets guy. You’re a sheep who does whatever your Twitter gods tell you to do. Do you ever not stare at twitter? I’ll be playing 36 tomorrow while you zone out on hannity and Alex Jones.
You are so stupid you don't realize it takes people like 10 minutes tops to scroll through their twitter timeline the whole day...why don't you remind people why KBA got banned? Remember when you told us 100 times you never had another account and then showed up on an account from 2015? Good try at the insults. And please, tomorrow when abortion or guns come up, write that same paragraph you write every other week.
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I’ll throw up $2k that says KingofBBN is an uneducated douche that makes less than 90k a year.

Willy can hold the money. Who wants some?
What does making less than 90k a year prove? Most of our military, police, firefighters, and others who protect your dumb ass make less than that, Oh yeah, as do teachers at 0-12. You are one of the biggest morons on this site. Go back to Canada, Trudeau is horny.
One can disagree with the idea of reparations and do so on solid footing without resorting to racist innuendo and stereotyping. ....

Right about what? Slaves being better off? Nutjobs, all of you.

I'm right about evertyhing I posted... the reason you get emotional start calling people nutjobs or creating strawman arguments is twofold...

you can't handle the reality your emotionally held lies don't stand up to scrutiny and you don't have the intellectual acumen to really think things through.

also, your kind are the real racists. you project your own prejudices and biases on to others, assume they must be as weak minded as you are. if you were actually half as smart as you think are, you'd be able to process what I'm telling you. it doesn't surprise me you misinterpret, this isn't right vs left, this is right vs wrong and you are wrong.
I'm right about evertyhing I posted... the reason you get emotional start calling people nutjobs or creating strawman arguments is twofold...

you can't handle the reality your emotionally held lies don't stand up to scrutiny and you don't have the intellectual acumen to really think things through.

also, your kind are the real racists. you project your own prejudices and biases on to others, assume they must be as weak minded as you are. if you were actually half as smart as you think are, you'd be able to process what I'm telling you. it doesn't surprise me you misinterpret, this isn't right vs left, this is right vs wrong and you are wrong.
When you think about it, Dion and his group need and desperately crave for us to be racists. Their arguments don't hold any logic or reason, so the only way they can justify what they've been taught to believe is to also believe that their opponents are racists so that they have the moral high ground and feel better about themselves. If they couldn't call us racists, they would have to actually re-think their beliefs, because they hold no water.
Their arguments, at least on issues like these, are spurious and specious.

They win by assigning some evil trait to you because if you are evil, then your opinion doesn't matter... it doesn't matter that your argument is stronger if they can shoot the messenger.

It doesn't actually work, though they think it does. They are part of the problem, not the solution.

John Wells – veteran producer of #Shameless – has 13 projects in the works. One project for Showtime is called 'Heart of a Lion' and revolves around a white nationalist who falls in love with a woman who has a black son and has to confront his own past

Haha. Hollywoke is so pathetic.

Honest question—when did “white nationalist” become such an evil term?
By definition of the word ‘nationalist’ i am one—and sadly, i guess, i’m also white.
All these years i’ve believed myself to be a law abiding upright citizen who’s worked to create and support a family, pay for my child’s education, have always shown kindness to others—and now i learn that i am a devil.
When did this happen? :cry: .
Honest question—when did “white nationalist” become such an evil term?
By definition of the word ‘nationalist’ i am one—and sadly, i guess, i’m also white.
All these years i’ve believed myself to be a law abiding upright citizen who’s worked to create and support a family, pay for my child’s education, have always shown kindness to others—and now i learn that i am a devil.
When did this happen? :cry: .

The night of 11/8/2016
Most aren’t concerned with legal immigration. It’s the people entering illegally that concerns people.

Agreed. I think it’s time to focus on those overstaying their visa. Which is a bigger issue than the Southern border, but someone not mentioned much by the President nor many of you all. Curious as to why?
Honest question—when did “white nationalist” become such an evil term?
By definition of the word ‘nationalist’ i am one—and sadly, i guess, i’m also white.
All these years i’ve believed myself to be a law abiding upright citizen who’s worked to create and support a family, pay for my child’s education, have always shown kindness to others—and now i learn that i am a devil.
When did this happen? :cry: .

I really point to liberalism. Their history has always been to divide. Put people in groups of bad and evil in their mind. They do not want to engage in discussions or consider another point of view. It is their way or they try to destroy you. As we follow politics we see it play out on a daily basis.

The white race is an easy target. A Southern Christian white person is the easiest of all. So if people like you and I say we love our country and are not interested in a global world without borders we are evil. We hate Africa, we had Mexico, we hate all brown and black people. Once they get this going there is no stopping. We get labeled a racist which as we know is the worst thing a person can be called. So as a white person who puts America first we become a Hitler and a Nazi. Years ago white people would laugh it off and go about their business. But now it is taught as gospel in schools and employers will fire you over a simple accusation. So you either conform or be like me and don't give a hoot. The can call me what they will.
Anyone else's Youtube recommended page no longer refreshing with new videos when you hit the youtube icon or refresh? It appears to not just be me based on some posts elsewhere.

Just a glitch or trying to make it more difficult for algorithmed videos to appear in your feed?
You know, sometimes I have a hard time reading you.

But if for whatever reason you are actually serious, I can assure you that 3/10 is better than 7/10 with this particular statistic.

And for the record, 30% is not fine. But, it should be noted that ‘out of wedlock’ isn’t as detrimental as ‘single parent’. As long as both mom and dad are involved, chance of success goes up. Married or otherwise.
Since you agree both are not fine, why make a distinction based on race to begin with? Why not just go with your "it should be noted that ‘out of wedlock’ isn’t as detrimental as ‘single parent’. As long as both mom and dad are involved, chance of success goes up. Married or otherwise". As is, it's like you have a race hard on. Leave that to the Libs. I don't get you.
Honest question—when did “white nationalist” become such an evil term?
By definition of the word ‘nationalist’ i am one—and sadly, i guess, i’m also white.
All these years i’ve believed myself to be a law abiding upright citizen who’s worked to create and support a family, pay for my child’s education, have always shown kindness to others—and now i learn that i am a devil.
When did this happen? :cry: .

About the time they couldn't get "alt right" to stick.
Agreed. I think it’s time to focus on those overstaying their visa. Which is a bigger issue than the Southern border, but someone not mentioned much by the President nor many of you all. Curious as to why?

You really think overstayed visas are a bigger deal than an unsecured southern border, good lord.
One reason is the people overstaying their visas have been approved to enter the country, we know who they are. It’s 2 entirely different circumstances, but you know that.
You really think overstayed visas are a bigger deal than an unsecured southern border, good lord.
One reason is the people overstaying their visas have been approved to enter the country, we know who they are, but you know that.

He thinks that because that’s the talking point he’s been fed. They’re dumb as shit. They just know buzzwords and repeat shallow arguments that fall apart when challenged.
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I really point to liberalism. Their history has always been to divide. Put people in groups of bad and evil in their mind. They do not want to engage in discussions or consider another point of view. It is their way or they try to destroy you. As we follow politics we see it play out on a daily basis.

The white race is an easy target. A Southern Christian white person is the easiest of all. So if people like you and I say we love our country and are not interested in a global world without borders we are evil. We hate Africa, we had Mexico, we hate all brown and black people. Once they get this going there is no stopping. We get labeled a racist which as we know is the worst thing a person can be called. So as a white person who puts America first we become a Hitler and a Nazi. Years ago white people would laugh it off and go about their business. But now it is taught as gospel in schools and employers will fire you over a simple accusation. So you either conform or be like me and don't give a hoot. The can call me what they will.

Lol! How many labels “a southern, Christian, white person.”

I think you have to get out of your circle of comfort a bit. Per the treatment of certain races, I’d have a grievance too. Especially if told to stop talking about it or move on. This mistreatment wasn’t that long ago and does exist today?

I’m as white as they come and never have had a problem with anyone, nor have I ever been called racist. Not conforming, I just treat people like people, regardless of color or identity. You can love America and still call out the bad. Loving this country First should include loving the people in it. Taking care of the people in it.

Nationalism isn’t bad when it’s inclusive to everyone. But, today’s nationalism is rooted in some objective things. What if you held the same contempt for those organizations that make nationalism look bad?
I really point to liberalism. Their history has always been to divide. Put people in groups of bad and evil in their mind. They do not want to engage in discussions or consider another point of view. It is their way or they try to destroy you. As we follow politics we see it play out on a daily basis.

The white race is an easy target. A Southern Christian white person is the easiest of all. So if people like you and I say we love our country and are not interested in a global world without borders we are evil. We hate Africa, we had Mexico, we hate all brown and black people. Once they get this going there is no stopping. We get labeled a racist which as we know is the worst thing a person can be called. So as a white person who puts America first we become a Hitler and a Nazi. Years ago white people would laugh it off and go about their business. But now it is taught as gospel in schools and employers will fire you over a simple accusation. So you either conform or be like me and don't give a hoot. The can call me what they will.

Look at Shawnee playing the victim now. How cute
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