How will they rule ??!

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Calls for reparations is just a leftist ploy to maintain divisive hatred and keep blacks on the democrat plantation. They've already crippled the black community with the liberal welfare state. Reparations is just a desperate attempt to maintain the status quo.

As we've seen, these leftist scumbags will say and do anything to get votes. They don't GAF about blacks, or anybody else. They just want power.

President Trump has actually implemented policies that have HELPED black Americans. Can't have that shit. REPARATIONS!!!! DIAF you leftist bastards.
Good post. If we are going to throw out reparations, let's start with this store owner and thousands like him who have had their stores and homes looted during a disaster. We see this played out year after year after year. And who gets the blame? Not the looter it is always the fault of society or "racism". The looter is not held accountable. When things like this happened during Obama's reign, and they happened often, he and the Justice Department always point a finger at some one else. They even lied and made up things to frame innocent people. OK bring on your reparations and split the nation even deeper. .

Waiting for Trump slurpers to defend the Mexico tariff plan. Let me guess, time to get tough on Mexico and Mexicans will pay the tariffs!
** We interrupt another stupid-ass, shortsighted rant to bring you the following special report **

Remember the price spikes for appliances after Trump’s tariffs? Well, they’re fading away.

Tariffs were supposed to boost inflation, but there’s not much proof

** We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ("Orange Man Bad") already in progress **
Some of the problems with reparations is since you are putting a value on matter what they decide to give they arent going to be happy about it. And 2 is the government going to trace everyone's family tree?

It would seem if you want to do something, focus your effort on something that can provide change to the current population like criminal justice reform or something.
This (reparations talk) reeks of a media created "issue" that has no chance of becoming reality. Must have been a slow news day.
They realize blacks are drifting to the Trump camp and will be voting for him in mass. So why not stir up the pot and offer them a bone. It worked for 100 years but today is a new day. They have a president now who actually does what he said he would do. Like create jobs for millions of blacks who sat on the couch but now go to work and earn a good pay. So hey liberal, socialist, democrats


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Another day...more lies. How does anyone believe a single word that comes from his pie hole?
Have you heard the laughed Joseph Biden has been telling.

What did you think when yesterday after admitting he pals around with segregationists his f/u to Corey Bookers criticism of it by telling him that he knows better. This was of course addressing a black senator by Corey as opposed to the standard senator Booker. And basically saying "boy" shut up

What about his vow to cure cancer..but only selfishly if hes elected.

Should we start on cant add bernie?

Another day...more lies. How does anyone believe a single word that comes from his pie hole?
If you mean YOUR pie hole, then I agree, you TDS infested, shit spinning piece of dog shit.

Laffer does not claim to have invented the concept; he notes that there are antecedents, including in the Muqaddimah by 14th-century Tunisian scholar Ibn Khaldun,[7][8] and in the writings of John Maynard Keynes.[7]Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasuryfrom 1921 to 1932, articulated the gist of the Laffer curve in 1924.

"It was not until the 1970s that Laffer's name began to be associated with the idea. The term "Laffer curve" was reportedly coined by Jude Wanniski (a writer for The Wall Street Journal) after a 1974 ..."dinner meeting
Good grief, This dude is the biggest piece of shit on this board. And you’re gonna tell me it’s cool to hold these views and still somehow cheer for Kentucky basketball and football?

Like, these downright racist views get suppressed when Snell gets handed the ball?

@KingOfBBN said he actively avoids black people. Crosses the street when they’re on the same sidewalk. Spends more than he can afford just so his kids can be sheltered at a private school.

And y’all let this pussy post here all day, but I’m the only one who calls him out? I knew this reparations thing would bring out the worst from you guys, but this dude takes the cake every time. Sad.

100% agree. One can disagree with the idea of reparations and do so on solid footing without resorting to racist innuendo and stereotyping. Sadly, most on this board can’t help but expose their racist inner selves when discussing the matter.
Some of the problems with reparations is since you are putting a value on matter what they decide to give they arent going to be happy about it. And 2 is the government going to trace everyone's family tree?

It would seem if you want to do something, focus your effort on something that can provide change to the current population like criminal justice reform or something.

Completely privatizing inner city schools and paying a stipend to young black women to remain on birth control until they finish their college or career training would be money much better spent. Truthfully this would be best for most high poverty populations.
100% agree. One can disagree with the idea of reparations and do so on solid footing without resorting to racist innuendo and stereotyping. Sadly, most on this board can’t help but expose their racist inner selves when discussing the matter.
You can't help but expose how you will lie and come up with twisted, strained ways to make orange man look bad, scumbag.
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Have you heard the laughed Joseph Biden has been telling.

What did you think when yesterday after admitting he pals around with segregationists his f/u to Corey Bookers criticism of it by telling him that he knows better. This was of course addressing a black senator by Corey as opposed to the standard senator Booker. And basically saying "boy" shut up

What about his vow to cure cancer..but only selfishly if hes elected.

Should we start on cant add bernie?
What about? What about? ...that’s pretty much your only try and change the subject.

Let me know when Joe + Corey + Bernie reach the 10,000 lie plateau.
This (reparations talk) reeks of a media created "issue" that has no chance of becoming reality. Must have been a slow news day.
Absolutely. Coordinated with the DNC around the hearings yday and part of the strategy to increase turnout in 2020.
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Actually, nearly 300K of those 620K were Confederate deaths, so those weren't reparations for slavery. My gr-gr-grandfather OTOH was a reparation.
One could just as easily argue that the Confederate deaths were a more valuable payment than those of the Union. They did indirectly represent the pro-slavery position and were killed for it. Don't be so myopic when the subject is one of absurdity in the first place.
So now you're pretending to be stupid in order to not be proven stupid via facts? You're a real beauty. Friggen TDS mind-f*cked idiot.
Got a bad batch of drugs, huh?

You’re more than welcome to throw all the facts you have to prove I’m wrong.
Good luck!
As usual, Dems cannot win on ideas. So, let's throw out more entitlements to try and buy votes and keep the Black community in their corner. Sooner or later, that voting well is going to dry up. Already has started with Trump getting more of their votes so they are going to another race baiting play in their playbook.
Completely privatizing inner city schools and paying a stipend to young black women to remain on birth control until they finish their college or career training would be money much better spent. Truthfully this would be best for most high poverty populations.

You added that last sentence but didn’t really mean it. You’ve been owned by the Reagan-era “welfare queen” propaganda.

LMAO @ the thought of you telling a black person that black women shouldn’t be allowed to have kids until they “finish their college or career training.” You’d be in the hospital.

I know you guys say some crazy shit every day in this echo chamber, but bite your tongue when it comes to race. It makes you look even worse.

Remember the banner at the top of the page before you start posting your segregation-era views on black people.
Why is reparations all of a sudden a thing again? First of all, it's a logistical nightmare to even think about finding a fair way to disseminate money. Second, where does the money come from? Third, what wrongs have been perpetrated on current blacks that would make them worthy of monetary compensation?

This is the kind of shit our politicians waste their time on. They're all idiots.
Got a bad batch of drugs, huh?

You’re more than welcome to throw all the facts you have to prove I’m wrong.
Good luck!
I already did. Not that you had a point worth making in the first place. You never do.

Now you'll cling to stubborn, dishonest stupidity to avoid admitting what you are, a shameless, irrational dipshit. Your problem is, everyone else isn't as dumb as you on here. Take it to the alt.libtard board if you want a win.
I’m still baffled at your belief that liberals hate sports. That’s such a weird take.
Sorry this is late...….but I think you severely underestimate the slippery slope of liberal extremists.

Can start with Title IX. That has caused many universities to cut athletic programs and reduce scholarships. Some schools couldn't afford to expand those non-revenue sports/scholarships, so they simply reduced/eliminated them. Some schools now have more athletic programs for women than they do men (because some rosters - like football - take up a lot of scholarships). And something we can all agree on is that that there isn't an abundance of people eager to go watch the women's basketball team play. So, more women's sports and less men's sports isn't a good thing, IMO.

But Title IX is just one idea - in the name of "fairness" - liberals have supported that has hurt athletics. Some of the most egregious shit is the transgender push.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that liberals would not only be pushing - but be successful - allowing biological men to dominate women's sports I wouldn't have believed you (I would have believed they would be pushing it, but not actually be successful at it). Of course, their ability to be successful at this insane bullshit is in part due to Title IX (and the fact us normal people have sat idly by and let it happen).

Now they are pushing for females to be in positions of power in male sports - in the name of fairness (coaches, management, officials). Won't be long before they will be mandating it. And normal people like you and me will sit idly by and let it happen.

Next step is obvious to me..... allow women to play men's sports - in the name of fairness. You see, it's not fair that women don't make the same amount of money to play their sport as men do. And when they feel like not enough women are being given that opportunity they'll mandate that, too.

And there is little doubt in my mind if the academia part of the university world (98% insane liberal/socialist extremists) had their way, they would drop all althletics quicker than a cat can lick it's ass. Sports are inherently unequal (every athlete is different) and that's one thing liberal extremists can't stand. You can debate/disagree with the rest of my post, but ^^^^^^that^^^^^^^ is :100points:.

* I italicized extremists because I understand there are liberals out there not totally on-board with every insane liberal policy. The extremists I refer to are the ones who support the crazy transgender crap and the socialist/Marxist professors (which is basically all of them).
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Sorry this is late...….but I think you severely underestimate the slippery slope of liberal extremists.

Can start with Title IX. That has caused many universities to cut athletic programs and reduce scholarships. Some schools couldn't afford to expand those non-revenue sports/scholarships, so they simply reduced/eliminated them. Some schools now have more athletic programs for women than they do men (because some rosters - like football - take up a lot of scholarships). And something we can all agree on is that that there isn't an abundance of people eager to go watch the women's basketball team play. So, more women's sports and less men's sports isn't a good thing, IMO.

But Title IX is just one idea - in the name of "fairness" - liberals have supported that has hurt athletics. Some of the most egregious shit is the transgender push.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that liberals would not only be pushing - but be successful - allowing biological men to dominate women's sports I wouldn't have believed you (I would have believed they would be pushing it, but not actually be successful at it). Of course, their ability to be successful at this insane bullshit is in part due to Title IX (and the fact us normal people have sat idly by and let it happen).

Now they are pushing for females to be in positions of power in male sports - in the name of fairness (coaches, management, officials). Won't be long before they will be mandating it. And normal people like you and me will sit idly by and let it happen.

Next step is obvious to me..... allow women to play men's sports - in the name of fairness. You see, it's not fair that women don't make the same amount of money to play their sport as men do. And when they feel like not enough women are being given that opportunity they'll mandate that, too.

And there is little doubt in my mind if the academia part of the university world (98% insane liberal/socialist extremists) had their way, they would drop all althletics quicker than a cat can lick it's ass. Sports are inherently unequal (every athlete is different) and that's one thing liberal extremists can't stand. You can debate/disagree with the rest of my post, but ^^^^^^that^^^^^^^ is :100points:.

* I italicized extremists because I understand there are liberals out there not totally on-board with every insane liberal policy. The extremists I refer to are the ones who support the crazy transgender crap and the socialist/Marxist professors (which is basically all of them).

That’s a long explanation. You’d have been better served just saying “some extreme liberals may hate sports” in your original post rather than arbitrarily declaring all liberals as such.
Welfare did (and stll does) need reform as Clinton addressed to a large degree the following decade. Best way though is a healthy free enterprise economic system without an oversupply of cheap immigrant labor.

Clinton merely one-upped Reagan with his “nobody is tougher on crime than me” policies. Why provide government assistance to poor black people when instead we can either put them in prison or make them ineligible?

Generations of families were, and still are, unfairly punished by this bullshit.

Reparations are not the answer.

Whatever Kushner and them helped pass in terms of prison reform is where we need to be focusing our attention, for sure. Keep it going by releasing everyone who’s locked up for weed and then offer them the jobs you guys think are going to illegal immigrants. In today’s economy, we can surely employ more of these Americans in an attempt to give them a fresh start and assimilate back into our society.

Oh and then legalize weed federally.

Hell, legalize all drugs. Let the chips fall where they may. We’ll all be better off in 25 years or so.
That’s a long explanation. You’d have been better served just saying “some extreme liberals may hate sports” in your original post rather than arbitrarily declaring all liberals as such.
I didn't feel like I needed to make an exception for the 1% of liberals that aren't extremists. My bad.

Look on the bright side - you are now more educated on the issue than you previously were.

You're welcome.

And I'll never be as good at painting with a broad brush as you are.
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