How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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What making college free will do is make graduating from college no more prestigious than graduating from high school is today. It sounds good, but mark my words, the unintended result will be that we spend hundreds of billions of dollars educating people to roughly the same level over 16 years that we currently do over 12 years. Now that's progressive!
What making college free will do is make graduating from college no more prestigious than graduating from high school is today. It sounds good, but mark my words, the unintended result will be that we spend hundreds of billions of dollars educating people to roughly the same level over 16 years that we currently do over 12 years. Now that's progressive!
Prestigiousness is a stupid thing to value when accessibility is at stake. That may sound like a bitter thing to hear for both sides on the equation but consider what happens when people without the ability to do for themselves suddenly are able to compete evenly with those who do. The detrimental outcome may be mused for any good or service, including college education.

For those with those abilities muscled out by "recipients" . . . those will be lower tier groups. The lower-middle to middle-middle classes. Even some who may someday be formerly known as the once "proud poor". But the upper middle (you will harshly learn if you are not in this group one day if liberals have their way), and the rich . . . their "prestigiousness" will only flourish. As these are the groups (elitists and associates) that will not be affected. They don't shop at "those stores". And if they didn't in the past, they will be sending their children to "other colleges", where the real, actual, genuine prestigiousness in education always existed in the first place. You only think there will be little difference in 4 year degree and an HSD. They already know.
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If they did pay reparations would they base it just on skin color? Meaning, would someone like Obama be eligible because of course his mother was white but his father was an immigrant from Kenya thus his lineage has nothing to do with slavery. How are they going to vet this?
I love it that chuck Todd did actual journalism on AOC and the rest of the dem media and her lemmings attacked him. They really need to keep pushing that false narrative that it's only Republicans that hate her.
Calls for reparations is just a leftist ploy to maintain divisive hatred and keep blacks on the democrat plantation. They've already crippled the black community with the liberal welfare state. Reparations is just a desperate attempt to maintain the status quo.

As we've seen, these leftist scumbags will say and do anything to get votes. They don't GAF about blacks, or anybody else. They just want power.

President Trump has actually implemented policies that have HELPED black Americans. Can't have that shit. REPARATIONS!!!! DIAF you leftist bastards.
Calls for reparations is just a leftist ploy to maintain divisive hatred and keep blacks on the democrat plantation.
A black lady at work about a year ago. Fine, proper woman. A decade past retirement age. Was preparing to fly to Cleveland for the weekend. She explained that relatives from all over were going there for a wedding. It was like her 1/2 cousins' great nephew's wedding. So much excitement she explained about this, and how the family, a huge family, was all on board. No-one was going to miss out.

I remember thinking, who would go to that much trouble at that age for a distant-distant relative? I was actually worried about her traveling alone. Finally the words she idled, I won't forget: "we haven't had anyone in the family get married in ages."
Well if it's okay to send any of them TO south American then it must be okay to send SOME back to Africa.
Most of these whiners if sent to any one of these third world countries would realize what they had here and probably commit suicide.
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What making college free will do is make graduating from college no more prestigious than graduating from high school is today. It sounds good, but mark my words, the unintended result will be that we spend hundreds of billions of dollars educating people to roughly the same level over 16 years that we currently do over 12 years. Now that's progressive!
We will also have a lot more people who will feel entitled to the higher level jobs and not take the entry level and work themselves up. " Well, the world Needs ditch diggers too."
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Reparations have already been handed out. It’s called-

-Affirmative Action
-Race-based admissions
-Public housing
-Professional sports
-Entertainment industry
-The media trying to bury their race when a crime is committed
-Letting them destroy cities when a criminal is killed and loot during a hurricane
-Ignoring that they have committed more interracial crime and rape than anyone in the country at a far greater rate.

I’d say we are even.
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Reparations have already been handed out. It’s called-

-Affirmative Action
-Race-based admissions
-Public housing
-Professional sports
-Entertainment industry
-The media trying to bury their race when a crime is committed
-Letting them destroy cities when a criminal is killed and loot during a hurricane
-Ignoring that they have committed more interracial crime and rape than anyone in the country at a far greater rate.

I say we are even.

Good grief, This dude is the biggest piece of shit on this board. And you’re gonna tell me it’s cool to hold these views and still somehow cheer for Kentucky basketball and football?

Like, these downright racist views get suppressed when Snell gets handed the ball?

@KingOfBBN said he actively avoids black people. Crosses the street when they’re on the same sidewalk. Spends more than he can afford just so his kids can be sheltered at a private school.

And y’all let this pussy post here all day, but I’m the only one who calls him out? I knew this reparations thing would bring out the worst from you guys, but this dude takes the cake every time. Sad.
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