How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I hope all these POS liberal hypocrites on here body-shaming a female get doxxed, lose their job, their house, their family, develop a substance abuse problem, start tricking themselves out for their next fix, contract butt aids, then die a slow, painful, lonely death.

That's how it's suppose to work, right SJW's?

I mean, hypocrisy runs rampant on both sides, but ain't nothing compare to liberal PC police. Ain't nothing compare to that. Not even close.
I am really going to miss her. I hope on her last day she steps down from the podium and whips Jim Acosta's ass. Right on national TV
This literally made my day when I heard this earlier.... it needs to happen much more often..... (successful lawsuits, not the libel that proceeds it).

Still, no one is getting fired over this. These people at Oberlin wanted so badly for their version to be true. Like a notch on a gunslingers belt, they wanted a gotcha.

Nothing the **** ever happens in Oberlin,OH. What do they think they are, Elizabethtown?

They had to invent a problem to solve a problem.

I love it when little libs think that the rules for Hillary and Obama apply to them and that little libs will prevail in the same manner.
And some wonder why so many do whatever is illegally/legally possible to avoid paying taxes because we know there are a ton of slime ball politicians chopping at the bit to waste it on some entitlement to pander for votes.
Then there is @Platinumdrgn who does it all: brags about cheating on his taxes, bitches about the deficit, and then cheers on these grifters.
Follow up from the Bakery v Oberlin College. Last week Gibson's Bakery was awarded $11M in compensatory damages. This week the jury awarded them $33M in punitive damages.

"Gibson's lawyers spent considerable time going over Oberlin College's IRS Form 990, showing over $1 billion in assets and numerous employees earning over $100,000,

They also got the Vice President and General Counsel of the college to admit to some of the content of the blast email she sent out soon after the compensatory verdict, including that she felt the jury disregarded the "clear evidence,
" though they were not permitted to show the jury the letter itself under a prior court ruling."

The school claims they only have $50M liquid.

Tough shit. Take out a loan or sell an asset toots.
I hear Nelnet will give out as many loans as you need, even if you can't repay them. Maybe Oberlin should fill out a FAFSA
Pretty much vote buying promise with taxpayer money.

Just like when democrats buy votes with affirmation action & with their constant talk of reparations for blacks. Nothing but legalized vote buying. Speaking of reparations, I'm seeing that Danny Glover as big a racist as ever lived. Is testifying before the house about reparations for blacks. House democrats talking about this, will be as happy as pigs wallowing in their slop. Come to think about it, there's not much difference between a democrat & a pig. One smells about as bad as the other.
Boy this story from The Root aged well. Also, Deadspin has an article up that mentions Winslow's behavior of watching porn and masturbating in public along with bring sex doll torsos with him on roadtrips. But any suggestion that porn abuse is related to deviant sexual behavior is just finger wagging conservative propaganda. Protect the sexual revolution at all costs. We need the abortions to continue

#HouseHuntingWhileBlack: Ex-NFL Player Arrested in California After ‘Overreactive’ Neighbor Calls Police

Kellen Winslow Jr. Convicted Of Forcible Rape, Indecent Exposure, And Lewd Conduct