How will they rule ??!

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And the Left, by wishing to eliminate the Electoral college, would like those little smattering of blue areas to call the shots for all that red.

I get that many of those red sections aren't the most dense populated areas. But this right here is why the electoral college works. Without it, you would basically have 4-5 big cities dictating how the country is run. The electoral college gives the people in the middle states a chance to have a voice.

You would think in an ideal world, everyone would want the electoral college and stronger state rights and control. Life on the California coast has very little in common with someone living in Idaho, the daily needs of the citizens vary greatly.
Joe Biden is a dope and a dinosaur, but his candidacy will be interesting:

He'll demonstrate whether it is even theoretically possible for a straight white male who professes mostly mainstream American values to be part of the Democratic Party leadership. My prediction: He gets totally obliterated for not pandering sufficiently to the gay, black, feminist, Hispanic, communist wings of the party. And after that exercise in self-immolation I doubt the party has a serious contender for its nomination who is a straight white male for the next 20 years.
Somebody correct me if I missed it, but has any Dem/Liberal on here voiced anything about one of the Dem candidates?
Nope. I've asked the libs on here several times to talk about how any lib candidate would be better on certain issues. They never respond. Their own party is garbage but Orange Man bad is all they can think about.
The 60 Minutes on Brad Pascale was very interesting. The guy was a nobody pretty much before the campaign but is a social media wizard. The platforms are doing what they can to prevent that again.

Sidenote, saw a tweet from him that they were thinking of putting resources in Oregon.

Saw that same thing....huge part of Trump winning. Even right now, democrats have still not figured out how to combat Trump's internet presence.

Joe Biden is a dope and a dinosaur, but his candidacy will be interesting:

He'll demonstrate whether it is even theoretically possible for a straight white male who professes mostly mainstream American values to be part of the Democratic Party leadership. My prediction: He gets totally obliterated for not pandering sufficiently to the gay, black, feminist, Hispanic, communist wings of the party. And after that exercise in self-immolation I doubt the party has a serious contender for its nomination who is a straight white male for the next 20 years.

Yep, and then the democrat party will have no choice but to nominate the most qualified candidate of all time....

Somebody correct me if I missed it, but has any Dem/Liberal on here voiced anything about one of the Dem candidates?
The only thing I know that they stand for is 1) killing babies in or out of the womb and 2) taking money from one person and giving it to another. Since all of them have these beliefs you can put them in a bag and draw a name. That would be their candidate of choice.
Since illegals don't vote, can someone 'splain almost every border county?
Having visited most of these border towns and counties I was struck by signs in some of the store fronts that read "We speak English". Well I went into one of the shops and no one could speak English. I guess the person who could was out to lunch.
Joe Biden is a dope and a dinosaur, but his candidacy will be interesting:

He'll demonstrate whether it is even theoretically possible for a straight white male who professes mostly mainstream American values to be part of the Democratic Party leadership. My prediction: He gets totally obliterated for not pandering sufficiently to the gay, black, feminist, Hispanic, communist wings of the party. And after that exercise in self-immolation I doubt the party has a serious contender for its nomination who is a straight white male for the next 20 years.

He’s also a total creep.
His nickname should be Joe “Badtouch” Biden.

Btw you are right. They are already heading that way with lunatics like Ocasio-Cortez.
The only thing I know that they stand for is 1) killing babies in or out of the womb and 2) taking money from one person and giving it to another. Since all of them have these beliefs you can put them in a bag and draw a name. That would be their candidate of choice.

Hey look, another redneck dumbass painting everyone with a broad brush. Stay in shithole Florida, assclown. They deserve you down there.
Someone explain to me how the Obama administration deleted 12 years of history on the ICE website in the 11th hour and it is just now coming to light via some obscure non-partisan watchdog group???

True journalism is dead.

That’s what happens when both sides of the aisle are liars. Democrats gladly Everything swept under the rug as the Republicans sat on their hands and watched.
Remembering the time Donald Trump hit a hole-in-one at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

More from the truth is stranger than fiction department.

The scene: the 1993 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, a February event that pairs celebrities with actual PGA Tour golfers. Trump, back then a gossip-column-starring, 47-year-old New York City real estate developer with everything from “The Apprentice” to the White House decades in his future, accepted an invitation to play in the Pro-Am.

Trump stepped up to the 180-yard par-3 12th hole, gripped a five-iron, swung, and ... what do you know, the ball bounced twice and disappeared into the cup....

Waiting patiently for certain heads to explode....
Hey look, another redneck dumbass painting everyone with a broad brush. Stay in shithole Florida, assclown. They deserve you down there.
How many pro-life democrats are there in congress? How many aren't for some form of government wealth redistribution? I can't think of any, but since it's your party maybe you can.

If you're going to call yourself a sewer rat, don't get offended when somebody says they smell like shit.
Hunter Biden has been busy, first he leaves his wife for his dead brother's widow and then quickly on to this.

In all honesty, he is a democrat and a Biden so would should be happy he isn't like Joe... Hunter at least sticks to adults.







Hey FrontRunner, how about this for a campaign song?

The Lawrence welk E-Type versions might be better for your campaign.
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Hey look, another redneck dumbass painting everyone with a broad brush. Stay in shithole Florida, assclown. They deserve you down there.

Where is he wrong other than you don't like his tone?

They were talking presidential candidates, not even members of congress.

This broad brush says Sawnee was correct.

There isn't a Dem in any position of leadership out there that isn't proud to have those points of view.
Somebody correct me if I missed it, but has any Dem/Liberal on here voiced anything about one of the Dem candidates?
The media hasn't told them which one to vote for yet.
Hey look, another redneck dumbass painting everyone with a broad brush. Stay in shithole Florida, assclown. They deserve you down there.
Well, it was a good run. Time to put John on ignore like I did his other username. Can't say I didn't give him a chance. Y'all let me know if he ever stays consistently medicated.
Where is he wrong other than you don't like his tone?

They were talking presidential candidates, not even members of congress.

This broad brush says Sawnee was correct.

There isn't a Dem in any position of leadership out there that isn't proud to have those points of view.
I have so many libs on ignore I missed who it was that thinks I misspoke about Dems. Who was this person? Every Democrat has to be for baby killing and wealth redistribution. All of them, including Matt Jones when he runs for the U.S. Senate. He has to be to get one dime for his campaign. There is no freedom of thought for a Democrat. They must toe the party line.
Ok, so I’m in NYC for a training class this week.... Seeing lots of virtue-signaling [poop] that’s making me nauseous [sick]

About 30 minutes ago I saw something that just about sent me over the top.:angry: A clearly able-bodied dude was sitting on the sidewalk with a cardboard sign that simply said “F*ck Trump”. He had a cup in front of him, and stupid-ass people had put money in it.

He was getting up as I was walking by, and I wanted nothing more than to stomp on his f*cking sign and get in his face - and I probably would have if I had had a fellow Paddock poster as a wingman instead of having my wife with me.

I’m not even that big of a Trump fan, and it still pisses me off. I’m glad I’m getting out of here and heading home tomorrow.