How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You forgot Mime.

A pseudo intellectual who didn't know shite from shinola.
He’s awful, for sure. But at least he Didn’t pretend to be something other than a far left twat. And he definitely thought he was the smartest person in this thread (or any thread for that matter).

He’s still around, just not in here thankfully.
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Also of note: "trump 41%" is trending on Twitter. Yet there is a slew of numbers. So it's pretty clearly a bot op otherwise they wouldn't target that figure in the middle of the poll

Breaking, Trump not popular. Liberals are popular. Based on the numbers any liberal will beat Trump.

Thanks for tuning in, we'll continue to monitor this situation and keep you informed of any new developments.
IDK, sounds more like the sweet spot to me. Plus retirees like me need interest income. Do you hate us?
Yes, you should be Solyent Green by now lol.

BTW, I'm 56 and will be joining you soon... at which time interest rates need to go to 10%.

Ladder your fixed income; you'll be fine.
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Remember that time a Bernie supporter tried to assassinate an entire group of sitting US Congressmen?

*checks media*

Sorry, I meant, remember when that guy with 8 followers on twitter said he flies a confederate flag? Now that's the news!
yep and...."criticizing media puts us in danger! Also after the break let us tell you why you should hate FoxNews"

The Legion of Doom is forming. Seriously, these evil f*cks are straight out of the comics. The politicians are the puppets and the billionaires are the puppet masters.
The 60 Minutes on Brad Pascale was very interesting. The guy was a nobody pretty much before the campaign but is a social media wizard. The platforms are doing what they can to prevent that again.

Sidenote, saw a tweet from him that they were thinking of putting resources in Oregon.
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Obama used the same base for the same purpose in 2014...headlines different though


Obama used the same base for the same purpose in 2014...headlines different though


Good nothing wrong with that. Would you expect us to take them to the Waldorf Astoria? They are invaders into our country and the media says they are coming from very poor living conditions in a 3rd world country. Army barracks will be like a 5 star hotel to them.
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He’s awful, for sure. But at least he Didn’t pretend to be something other than a far left twat. And he definitely thought he was the smartest person in this thread (or any thread for that matter).

He’s still around, just not in here thankfully.

My favorite was Kate Steinle was not murdered but Michael Brown was. I wasn't smart enough to understand.

I got that going for me.
Despite the fact Obama used the same base for migrant doesn't stop the over the top Trump reaction...

There is thousands more just like it, these aren't normal people spreading a lie because they don't know any better. Many of these are reporters and elected officials purposely trying to misinform.
It’s very sick that Trump is sending troops into Mexico to round up these innocent children and bringing them to a Japanese internment camp in Oklahoma. #orangemanbad
Despite the fact Obama used the same base for migrant doesn't stop the over the top Trump reaction...

There is thousands more just like it, these aren't normal people spreading a lie because they don't know any better. Many of these are reporters and elected officials purposely trying to misinform.
@mustnotsleepnow, are you having vaginal squirts fantasizing about how you think this propaganda makes orange man look bad?
Despite the fact Obama used the same base for migrant doesn't stop the over the top Trump reaction...

There is thousands more just like it, these aren't normal people spreading a lie because they don't know any better. Many of these are reporters and elected officials purposely trying to misinform.

This is honestly what I hate most about the media and politicians. The over the top crap like "Trump committed treason" or "Trump is a puppet of Putin" is so over the top you know its just them spinning an obvious narrative.

For some reason its crap like this that really bugs me. When you can see something done by both Trump and Obama and you get too see the obvious differences. I never heard about Obama doing this, the media didnt treat it like a major story. But the few that did report it, spinned it to Obama doing this great deed for illegal children.

Trump does it and now its him just adding a new place where he can imprison children, the fact he is doing at a former interment camp shows the complete lack of American history and his hatred of Asians.

Its not just the media, but its the politicians too. The issue I have is for probably every 1k people who see these headlines, probably 5-10% if that will end up finding out Obama did the same exact thing and he was praised for it. This is straight up propaganda.