How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The personality types common to the left and right are just different in this regard. The leftist equivalent to a cheering Trump rally goer is a slogan chanting Women's March participant. Huge crowds in vagina hats or MAGA hats, so glad the intricacies of our political discourse can be neatly distilled into head wear form...

Everything that I have prognosticated is coming true. Trump is already well to the left of Hillary on multiple issues. Hillary is picking up all the Republican neocon money and the Wall Street crowd is staking their claim to her rather profoundly. They desperately want Bernie out of the way so they can flaunt it. For a brief time the veil has been lifted and you can see the illusion of choice the American people are presented with.
Hahaha. I miss Z.
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Neocons running a 3rd Party Republican is nothing less than an endorsement of Neocon Hillary Clinton becoming the next President.

Seriously, if you don't give the entire political system a huge middle finger by voting for Trump then you don't give a flip about American sovereignty. Bernie, Trump... both big giant F YOU's to the political parties. The American people get that. That, simply, is what they are saying.
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Portman (+7.5), Rubio (+5.7), Ayotte (-1.0), and Toomey (-1.2) are all out-performing Trump ( -3.8, -2.7, -9.3, and -8.0, respectively) in their respective states; the WI senate race is really the only one that makes Trump look like a net-even addition to the ticket. While we can certainly hand-wave things like media coverage, etc., the fact remains that there's no data to support the argument that Trump is doing as well as Generic Republican X in the states that will determine the election.

also, I don't think many people are saying that he's "the only candidate who would NOT beat Hillary"; I think most are saying that he had the worst starting position (maybe Christie would've been worse due to his unfavorables, but Christie knows how to run general election campaigns)
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POLL: Biden leads Trump by "landslide proportions"

NYTimes says Hillary has a 96.7% chance of winning 2016.

Man, Biden's getting old man sunken eyes and thin skin. Like 6-18 months away from the nursing home old man.

How long before he's breathing through his mouth exclusively?

I enjoy that the brainwashed bitches in the Democrat Party who blame whites and push hatred of whites to easily-manipulated minorities, are going to put out an “old evil white male” as their candidate.

Zero self awareness.

What’s even better, is the #MeToo scum are going to put this guy in there after crucifying Kavanaugh. How can anyone with a functioning brain with critical thinking, ever vote for this party?
If Trump hadn't spent his entire campaign race baiting then he wouldn't be in this immigration mess. It has always been easy for Presidents D or R to get money for barrier construction and border security. But he as an egomaniac had to make it all about him being the guy that was going to kick out all the browns. So like what the GoP did to Obama, the Dems aren't going to give Trump anything he wants. So all his rhetoric managed to do was cause border crossings to skyrocket to levels we haven't seen in decades. He could be quietly chipping away at the problem but his loud dumbass mouth won't ever STFU. Obama built about 200 miles of barriers on the southern border and didn't brag about it once. It was just part of the job and it got done quietly. Trump just constantly tanks his agenda because he can't live without all the attention being on how bigly greatest he is.

HRC collapses in the Midwest, GOP House gets slaughtered, McMullin carries Utah. All those lame duck RINO congressmen then cross the aisle to forge the Grand Bargain of all grand bargains: McMullin becomes POTUS.

(I'm gonna keep drinking)

I mean, the take-home point is that a lack of Trump would've led to a split government at worst and a clean sweep (legislature, POTUS, and SCOTUS) for conservatives if HRC collapsed against any qualified Republican.

Instead, it is shaping up to be a total bloodbath, esp with all of this Trump-led rhetoric about GOP House members/down-ballot candidates.
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At this point, all of the Wikileaks stuff, the Trump tape/accusers, etc, are just noise. This election was over the minute the fringes of the GOP decided a reality TV star was their best choice as a presidential candidate.

Now that Trump sees the writing on the wall (even though it has been there for months) that says he can't and won't win, he is coming completely unhinged. It is dangerous and unacceptable for a major party candidate to be calling an election rigged and stolen. 98% of reputable pollsters show Hillary with a sizable lead in the popular vote, and the lead is basically insurmountable the way the EC is set to line up. A Trump supporter at his rally in Cincinnati the other day openly called for a coup, revolution and bloodshed and said that if Hillary is in office, she should be jailed or shot. Trump is fanning those flames, and if one or more of his crazy supporters actually attempt something like this, you are damn straight I would consider Trump complicit.
She is going to win the election...let's stop kidding ourselves.

Back to Utah - We are about three weeks from the election and we are discussing whether or not the Republicans will be carrying Utah... freaking Utah.

Every single second that goes by where the right is talking about anything other than sliming Clinton is a lost second. And last time I checked, your boy is way down in polls. Way down.
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Except 538 doesn't poll at all. They just take an aggregate of polls and use those, along with recent trends, to form a statistical range of likely outcomes.

If you are one of the Alex Jones or Roger Stone whacko conspiracy theorists who think 98% of the polls are fake and the 2% that show Trump has a shot in hell of winning this election are accurate, then you should dismiss Silver's analysis - but none of the numbers his site uses to generate predictive models are his own.

Those Infowars guys have been wrong so many times in the last 6 months I can't believe their brain dead followers still listen to them. Stone has said numerous times that "Hillary is finished," even assigning dates, none of which have happened - and he claims to have an inside source that has assured him of her being indicted. They have the redneck population so wrapped around their fingers it's pathetic. I guess it's smart of them to target the biggest block of idiots as their base though.
Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
Talk about a cold take. That whole ‘FBI Working with Trump’ part did not age well.
Seriously - if you're an actual intelligent Trump supporter - do you get tired of his block of voters being referred to as "uneducated white males?"

Trump's block is basically the mouth breathing simpletons that everyone outside of Appalachia makes fun of. Go buy another 12 pack of ****ing Kodiak and sit on your front porch reminiscing about the times when idiots could make a living doing monkey work.
Good luck with your job search.
Honestly it's embarrassing as a Kentucky resident to be surrounded by such stupidity . It's a good thing that Fayette County is highly educated and is the most Democratic county in the state, but once you venture outside the city, it's nothing but gun obsessed religious zealots. Make America White Again should be Trump's mantra. It would be honest if nothing else.
Never forget.
I'm not going back through for the "I'm welching" posts I made as a joke......but they went more like "even if I pay I'll never admit it and here is my email so jamo can email me and I can tell him personally to F off" but yea I get it coming from LEK and the like.

He offered me a chance to go half at that point and I didn't take it, but sure I'm going to Welch. You people crack me up sometimes.

Anyway, jamo I never did get an email. I'll post it again on Election Day but it's just an email set up for online posting which once I get an email I'll forward it to my real email.

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I'm staying home today.. But my wife voted trump....... I dont believe in divorce but if she's so stupid that she believes he'll put big pharma on the stand for vaccines.... then I dont need to be with her.

Im not kidding... thats the only reason she voted. Should of dated the smart one but no i had to go with the one my junk wanted.