How will they rule ??!

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That list of bumper stickers is actually pretty funny, and probably mostly accurate. Who did you steal it from?
It's amazing to watch people's opinions change so drastically.

Tillerson 2 years ago - badass, hugely qualified, best SOS ever.
Tillerson now - dumb ****, insane, couldn't run a lemonade stand.

Lindsey Graham a year ago - McCain's gay lover, worthless, good for nothing.
Lindsey Graham now - ****ing killer, best senator in history, would take a bullet for him

Amash last month - great conservative mind, up and comer, future badass POTUS
Amash now - piece of shit, wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire, soy boi.

I could keep going but my fingers would get tired.
Do you even have one single post complaining about the government spying against Trump? Because you can't claim to be a libertarian but support government spying on innocent Americans.

I care about *my* life, bro. That’s first and foremost. Let me do my thing and we won’t have any problems. I don’t give a damn about Trump’s life. Spa treatment, spy treatment, media treatment, whatever. Until he gets out of my way, and stops dictating how I should live my life, I won’t be voting for him. Democrats and Republicans are the absolute worst.

You guys never seem to get anything accomplished these days.
I understand the point you are trying to make and your position better than you do. I can and would summarily refute any link you decide to post, any research and content you deem worthy for "understanding" from prejudiced think tanks, should I find it to be a proper use of my time.

You radical leftists only research to confirm your own biases and prejudices. You lack the intellectual fortitude to come to your own conclusions, so you defer the thinking to such intellectuals you deem worthy... you borrow their intellectual acumen and then credit it to yourself, thinking it makes you intellectually and morally superior to those rednecks around you who vote conservative values. You aren't better than those people, and those intellectuals you hero worship are taking advantage of your naivete. If you want to hero worship intellectuals, then find better ones, read better books than Das Kapital if you want to be so proud of yourselves for reading.

Let's rewind a bit, back to where this all started. Only someone profoundly misled could think that the rich don't pay taxes, or their fair share of taxes. I googled the exact number quickly, according to the WSJ the top 20% of income earners pay a whopping 87% of the total income tax burden 2018, so no they aren't often paying zero taxes, at least not that often. I could go line by line, everything you state is demonstrably ignorant or willfully dishonest. There's no lack of social mobility, other than it's hard to do and takes hard work. You get no where by blaming others for your problems. The only thing you accomplish is wallowing together in your own misery. spend the top portion of your post critiquing research...only to fire up the old google machine (after stating that leftists borrow intellectual acumen) to research the topic altogether? Lol, can’t make this up!

You all blame everyone (leftist) everyday, but provide advice that “you get no where blaming others?” And end it by saying “the only thing you accomplish is wallowing together in your own self pity!” I could not think of more accurate words to describe this board, President Trump, and the entire Trumpublican Party (no offense to the legit Republicans).

Who said the rich don’t pay taxes? What is rich to you? It’s been explained the numerous loopholes used by the rich to avoid taxes, Hell the President campaigned on it.

Did you actually read the article? Here it is?
If you looked harder, you might also find, in the google machine, that lower income folks also pay a higher effective tax rate than the rich. But, who reads? And who here isn’t in the top 1%?

I’ll end it as I did previously. Below is a partisan study conducted regarding taxes. It has pictures too. Print it out, highlight it, etc. get one of your buddies liking your post to help you sound out the big words.
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The Brexit people in England need to crack a few skulls. If some soy boy threw a milkshake on me it wouldn't end well for him. I don't see why no ones gotten their ass kicked yet.

I’m sorry, I can’t, your saying...thats the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard?! Nothing like a terrible dad joke every now and again.
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Reactions: WayneDougan spend the top portion of your post critiquing research...only to fire up the old google machine (after stating that leftists borrow intellectual acumen) to research the topic altogether? Lol, can’t make this up!

You all blame everyone (leftist) everyday, but provide advice that “you get no where blaming others?” And end it by saying “the only thing you accomplish is wallowing together in your own self pity!” I could not think of more accurate words to describe this board, President Trump, and the entire Trumpublican Party (no offense to the legit Republicans).

Who said the rich don’t pay taxes? What is rich to you? It’s been explained the numerous loopholes used by the rich to avoid taxes, Hell the President campaigned on it.

Did you actually read the article? Here it is?
If you looked harder, you might also find, in the google machine, that lower income folks also pay a higher effective tax rate than the rich. But, who reads? And who here isn’t in the top 1%?

I’ll end it as I did previously. Below is a partisan study conducted regarding taxes. It has pictures too. Print it out, highlight it, etc. get one of your buddies liking your post to help you sound out the big words.

So then what are we arguing here? That 2 million dollars doesn't place you in the top 1% because it does. Everything else you say is as equally demonstrably false.

You are wrong all the time so far, full stop. Your partisan study, they claim nonpartisanship lol, doesn't take into account the myriad of taxes the rich do pay that the poor don't and it doesn't account for the effective 0% rate many poor can get. Your study basically says it's unfair for the poor to pay the same 35 cents tax on a king sized snickers bar that the rich do, so we should charge the rich 20 dollars for a snickers bar and give 20 bars for free to poor. I'm telling you that's nonsense, you don't need a snickers bar and what actually happens under your socialist dreams is everyone has to pay more taxes on snickers bars and gets to eat less of them, not just you.

Top 20% in America is rich, puts you in the top 1% of the world and the top .1% of history, living better than the kings of old. The rich guy might pay 50k effective tax on his new mercedes SL, which might be 30% of his income right there and even more as it depreciates 100k in value in 5 years.

I am not concerned by your insults, you're a petulant 25 year old. amirite? yes ofcourse i am.

You believe what you want to believe, you want to believe the system is what keeps people down.... show me the mathematical evidence that you are right and I will buy my Che Guevara t shirt at Urban Outfitters and join you in protest. I am not conservatve, or interested in your left vs right nonsense, just make the case mathematically and stop wasting everyone's time.
I care about *my* life, bro. That’s first and foremost. Let me do my thing and we won’t have any problems. I don’t give a damn about Trump’s life. Spa treatment, spy treatment, media treatment, whatever. Until he gets out of my way, and stops dictating how I should live my life, I won’t be voting for him. Democrats and Republicans are the absolute worst.

You guys never seem to get anything accomplished these days.

How is Trump dictating how you live your life?

There’s a lot of laws that dictate our lives.
I care about *my* life, bro. That’s first and foremost. Let me do my thing and we won’t have any problems. I don’t give a damn about Trump’s life. Spa treatment, spy treatment, media treatment, whatever. Until he gets out of my way, and stops dictating how I should live my life, I won’t be voting for him. Democrats and Republicans are the absolute worst.

You guys never seem to get anything accomplished these days.
Nice dodge to the question.
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Tweet Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi's gain in office.

How about Obama gaining 400% in wealth.

Trump as lost money as president

I dunno - I don’t think he’s bankrupted any companies since he got elected, so in a way he’s probably done better.
Interviewer: You believe he faked a disability?

Buttigieg: Do you believe he has a disability?


Buttigieg: Yeah, I mean at least not that one.

LOL holy shit that's a good burn.