What about a midget? Ever do one of those?Well your sexual experience is greater than mine. Never did it with an alien. At least I don't think I did.
Wow! What a hypocrite.
We will not forget but it appears most people have. Enough time has passed for the history revisionist to begin their work. By the time they get through rewriting historical facts America will get on it's knees and beg Allah for forgiveness. That is the way it works now.The fact that a terror plot was in motion to blow up Notre Dame and that wasn’t big time headline news says a lot about the current state of our media.
Things have changed so much since 9/11, but we will not forget.
I would venture to guess old black women widows in South Mississippi give a greater share of their income to charity than this avowed socialist. Bernie is a pathetic excuse for a man.
I'm just reposting to point out that he is making less every year under Obama until he monetizes his socialism crusade.
A true believer.
A thousand year old building burns down - no deaths, no injuries - and everyone loses their damn minds. Worse things happened in Lexington today, and nobody cares.
What a world we live in.
House in Lexington getting riddled with bullets is a common thing in Lexington neighborhood as report on local news today. Neighbors are scared to allow their kids out. Sorry ass cops are more worried about issuing citations for not wearing seatbelts. I don’t give two shits about that cathedral fire unless it was intentionally started.
Bernie Panders wants you to give up your money, but wants to keep his sports car and his 3 houses. Biggest grifter ever
Tough guys over here from the mean streets of Lexington. Look out Paris, you rich white mfers with your fancy old buildings. You don’t know Lexington problems man! We got panhandlers man! Applebee’s closed! People don’t wear seatbelts in my mfn neighborhood!
Applebee’s closed!
His boxes of porn weren't worth $h!t. Who wants DVD's of porn when you can find all the porn you can handle on the interweb for free.
A very good point.His boxes of porn weren't worth $h!t. Who wants DVD's of porn when you can find all the porn you can handle on the interweb for free.
House in Lexington getting riddled with bullets is a common thing in Lexington neighborhood as report on local news today. Neighbors are scared to allow their kids out. Sorry ass cops are more worried about issuing citations for not wearing seatbelts. I don’t give two shits about that cathedral fire unless it was intentionally started.
His boxes of porn weren't worth $h!t. Who wants DVD's of porn when you can find all the porn you can handle on the interweb for free.
His boxes of porn weren't worth $h!t. Who wants DVD's of porn when you can find all the porn you can handle on the interweb for free.
Obviously , hard copy is always greatYou aren't considering sentimental value...
Building a mosque will show the world France is not islamophobicParis police will investigate the disaster as "involuntary destruction caused by fire" and have ruled out arson and potential terror-related motives for starting the blaze, officials said.
This is before fire investigators have stepped foot on the scene, btw. Apparently they have a lot of evidence and facts they are not sharing with media and public.
Applebee's closed? Heaven forbid what do you mean Applbee's closed. That can not happen.Tough guys over here from the mean streets of Lexington. Look out Paris, you rich white mfers with your fancy old buildings. You don’t know Lexington problems man! We got panhandlers man! Applebee’s closed! People don’t wear seatbelts in my mfn neighborhood!