How will they rule ??!

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How is Trump putting illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities a good thing?
Because it will force the democrats to come out and say why they are against it. Which is funny because its exactly what the dems say they want. It will show hypocrisy (they have already came out against it)

These cities claim that they love illegals. Well if so we should send bus loads of thousands of them into these cities then.
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How is Trump putting illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities a good thing?

Is the other option deport? If so, I agree, fly them to the tip of South America and drop them off rather than San Francisco.

If it's between release them anywhere in the US, or release them in the cities that claim illegal aliens are a good thing, well let them reap what they sow.
How is "let them in" an option? Are these special illegal immigrants? I honestly don't get it at all. I thought there were immigration laws.
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Is the other option deport? If so, I agree, fly them to the tip of South America and drop them off rather than San Francisco.

If it's between release them anywhere in the US, or release them in the cities that claim illegal aliens are a good thing, well let them reap what they sow.

So you’re a proponent of just letting a bunch of unvetted illegals into the US, at which point they’d be free to move around anywhere they want to?

Just because you dump a bunch of people in Chicago doesn’t mean they will all stay there. If they head a few hours south we could end up with another Bowling Green Massacre. If you claim to be a nationalist (I’m not saying you do,) you should be vehemently against allowing illegals into any city or area of the US.
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How did David Brooks ever get the "title" of conservative. As a writer for the New York Times he can't be conservative. It wouldn't last until supper time.

He could buy a pair of cowboy boots, a Stetson hat and a horse but that would not make him a cowboy. Saying your are a conservative does not make it so.
Don’t call him a cowboy till you seen him ride....
In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in a statement "We would welcome these migrants with open arms, just as we welcomed Syrian refugees, just as we welcomed Puerto Ricans displaced by Hurricane Maria and just as we welcome Rohingya refugees fleeing genocide in Myanmar."

How is "let them in" an option? Are these special illegal immigrants? I honestly don't get it at all. I thought there were immigration laws.
No the liberals use the illegals to replace the electorate in order for the illegals to depend on government thus keeping dems in power , they say we are racist for wanting a wall but democrats will happily build walls around their home and call the police if illegals bother them , rules for thee not for me , as long as dems do t have to suffer the influx of people it isn’t important , which in a nutshell is why libs are total pieces of shit
It's really not hard to say "don't let them in, they are here illegally" you all are being ridiculous

It’s the Trump effect. Had a dem senator proposed this, the resident peanut gallery here would be calling that person a traitor. Since it was Trump’s idea, it’s basically gospel.
It's really not hard to say "don't let them in, they are here illegally" you all are being ridiculous
We aren't saying we want illegals lol Jesus dude. Its the left who is constantly talking about how awesome illegals are and how awesome their sanctuary cities are.

Well if they are so awesome than they can go ahead and take all of them.
So you’re a proponent of just letting a bunch of unvetted illegals into the US, at which point they’d be free to move around anywhere they want to?

Just because you dump a bunch of people in Chicago doesn’t mean they will all stay there. If they head a few hours south we could end up with another Bowling Green Massacre. If you claim to be a nationalist (I’m not saying you do,) you should be vehemently against allowing illegals into any city or area of the US.

So what is Trump supposed to do? The party you support won't let Trump kick their sorry pathetic asses back to the 3rd world shitholes they came from.

So. Best option is to stick them in the cities that love them. Let them vote in cities that are never going to vote Republican.
So what is Trump supposed to do? The party you support won't let Trump kick their sorry pathetic asses back to the 3rd world shitholes they came from.

So. Best option is to stick them in the cities that love them. Let them vote in cities that are never going to vote Republican.

What’s to guarantee they stay there?

Talk about a goalpost move. From “build the wall” and “stop illegal immigration” to “let them all into the US where they can freely roam and do whatever they want to.”

Art of the deal in action.
This is so simple only a liberal wouldn't understand it, or pretend not to.

Of course we don't want them in the country. We want the laws changed so they can be immediately deported. Who's against that? The leftists who run the sanctuary cities. OK, so maybe they need to face the consequences in full force.

What do you bleeding heart hypocrites suggest? That we use logic and reason with the leftists? We've tried that for the past 2 years.
So you’re a proponent of just letting a bunch of unvetted illegals into the US, at which point they’d be free to move around anywhere they want to?

Just because you dump a bunch of people in Chicago doesn’t mean they will all stay there. If they head a few hours south we could end up with another Bowling Green Massacre. If you claim to be a nationalist (I’m not saying you do,) you should be vehemently against allowing illegals into any city or area of the US.
Why do u just now pretend to give a shit
This is so simple only a liberal wouldn't understand it, or pretend not to.

Of course we don't want them in the country. We want the laws changed so they can be immediately deported. Who's against that? The leftists who run the sanctuary cities. OK, so maybe they need to face the consequences in full force.

What do you bleeding heart hypocrites suggest? That we use logic and reason with the leftists? We've tried that for the past 2 years.

That’s why I’ve been saying all along that building a wall without changing the laws is stupid. Now it seems the solution is just to say **** it, let them all in, let’s even give them free transportation!

Unless Trump plans on building walls around all of these sanctuary cities to keep all the illegals in, this seems like a terrible plan to me.
What’s to guarantee they stay there?

Talk about a goalpost move. From “build the wall” and “stop illegal immigration” to “let them all into the US where they can freely roam and do whatever they want to.”

Art of the deal in action.
Stop pretending to be stupid. The wall isn't fully built yet and the laws need to be changed. The goalposts haven't moved at all. We're stuck in a shit situation and this is simply a move to awaken the idiots who vote for this insanity. Still waiting to hear your suggestions.
You don’t have to deport them if you don’t let them cross the border! It’s not like we turn a blind eye to it, we open our arms and tell them “hey come on over! We’d love to have you!”.

I don’t understand any of it.

How is the Mexican government persecuting citizens? What groups of people?

Ideally, if we weren’t so crooked and corrupt ourselves, we would march down their and wipeout those cartel terrorists.

But first we would have to acknowledge that cartels are one of the most powerful terrorists in the world, and allowing them free reign is not good for Mexico or America.
Stop pretending to be stupid. The wall isn't fully built yet and the laws need to be changed. The goalposts haven't moved at all. We're stuck in a shit situation and this is simply a move to awaken the idiots who vote for this insanity. Still waiting to hear your suggestions.

Don’t let them in to begin with. That’s a pretty simple solution. I couldnt just walk across the Ambassador bridge from Windsor to Detroit and be let in with no passport. They would laugh at me and send me back across. Why is it any different at the southern border?
When you're used to being in charge equality feels like oppression.

That’s why I’ve been saying all along that building a wall without changing the laws is stupid. Now it seems the solution is just to say **** it, let them all in, let’s even give them free transportation!

Unless Trump plans on building walls around all of these sanctuary cities to keep all the illegals in, this seems like a terrible plan to me.
Yes to cities who are in direct violation of the law they are called sanctuary cities that house violators of the law, and if they will not comply then we will take you at your word and give you more of them , you are a completely full of shit
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We spent 2 years taking about a wall, losing, and now we're talking about bussing illegal immigrants to Chicago as if it's some sort of victory on immigration. I definitely still support the wall, this is completely insane.
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What’s to guarantee they stay there?

Talk about a goalpost move. From “build the wall” and “stop illegal immigration” to “let them all into the US where they can freely roam and do whatever they want to.”

Art of the deal in action.

Lol. Every step to curb illegal immigration is stopped by the party you support. Every. Single. Step.

Not sure what you are talking about moving goal posts when your party stops every single step to fix the problem.
Have you read any of my posts? I fully support increased border security and am not a proponent of illegal immigration. I’ve made that extremely clear.
I fully support exposing the liberal double standard of open arms we will take your poor but don’t put them near me thy are disgusting , you people take them and if you don’t you are a racist and hate brown people. Do you understand that calling people racist and quoting scripture to guilt others and then when they come to you you say piss off is a bit ****ed up?