How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Dude, the cases in NY were started by someone who caught it in Brooklyn and carried it back to their community.

To act as if immigrants coming in illegally from third world nations that aren’t screened for diseases isn’t a SERIOUS threat to bring in diseases is ignorant.
We aren’t blaming it all on illegal immigrants, but it’s beyond dumb to just blow it off. Especially with the uptick in cases since families became a huge number of illegal entries.

I don't disagree with you that illegal immigrants could bring in diseases... I was responding more to that insanity guy who blames everything solely on illegal immigrants. The CDC indicates that the majority of the recent outbreaks has been linked to travelers (Americans) who brought the disease back from Philippines, Israel and the Ukraine. That explains the outbreak in the Orthodox community in New York. Those countries have high outbreaks in recent years. Additionally foreign travelers are bringing it in. I honestly don't know how the hell you stop it. About 75 million people visit the US every year. Not even close to feasible for screenings to take place for that amount of people. Bottom line is that everyone should have their kid vaccinated and ignore all the propaganda that is out there saying vaccinations are bad for you.
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Do you have proof they are all applying and are under the reasons/guidelines needed to get asylum? Are you privy to information about all of these refugees/illegals that the rest of the nation is not? If so, should you not be headed to the border to help these people? Perhaps you can take some dope/drugs/alcohol and party with them while they wait. is a little secret, some of them are smuggling drugs and illegal sex slaves for you to party with so, just go with some money and you will be alright.

Uh...if they qualify for asylum, we as a nation are helping them already. Your lowbrow notion that everyday Americans should be rushing to the border to “help these people” is beyond absurd, but it’s no surprise to me.

Feel free to offer me some “proof” that a significant number of these immigrants are strictly coming to wreck our nation with drugs, violence, and prostitution. I can point you to plenty of proof that “real Americans” have had that market cornered for hundereds of years. I already know what your response will be, so save your stinking breath.

Oh and as for the whole “partying” thing that you can’t wrap your brain around - it just makes me wonder...

Do you even pa...


Enjoy your television programming, my bro. Apparently you should be thankful we’re not powered by wind.
Yep, just because the article said so without any real proof. it seemed speculative.

Shocking that Warrior Cat calls a medical journal which specializes in infectious diseases for children "speculative." Too much of that yucky science. I tried looking on Fox News for you, but they aren't reporting it. Weird. I did find an article on Breibart for you though. They used the CDC (again science based) as their source and indicated that more of the outbreaks are due to American travelers bringing measles from the Philippines, Ukraine and Israel. Mexico and Central America weren't mentioned at all. Weird
Shocking that Warrior Cat calls a medical journal which specializes in infectious diseases for children "speculative." Too much of that yucky science. I tried looking on Fox News for you, but they aren't reporting it. Weird. I did find an article on Breibart for you though. They used the CDC (again science based) as their source and indicated that more of the outbreaks are due to American travelers bringing measles from the Philippines, Ukraine and Israel. Mexico and Central America weren't mentioned at all. Weird
Yes, it is weird, and that should raise a red flag with you lemmings to understand that agendas are real. Are you saying that nothing is coming across the southern border? If so, shocking is not the word I would use to describe your dumb ass.
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Yes, it is weird, and that should raise a red flag with you lemmings to understand that agendas are real. Are you saying that nothing is coming across the southern border? If so, shocking is not the word I would use to describe your dumb ass.
You are too far gone with your beliefs to have an intelligent conversation/debate. Facts don't matter to you because they go against your beliefs
Uh...if they qualify for asylum, we as a nation are helping them already. Your lowbrow notion that everyday Americans should be rushing to the border to “help these people” is beyond absurd, but it’s no surprise to me.

Feel free to offer me some “proof” that a significant number of these immigrants are strictly coming to wreck our nation with drugs, violence, and prostitution. I can point you to plenty of proof that “real Americans” have had that market cornered for hundereds of years. I already know what your response will be, so save your stinking breath.

Oh and as for the whole “partying” thing that you can’t wrap your brain around - it just makes me wonder...

Do you even pa...


Enjoy your television programming, my bro. Apparently you should be thankful we’re not powered by wind.
Your only response earlier was is asylum still legal? There are hundreds of thousands coming in each year. I ask you do you have proof they are all seeking asylum and you deflect which is the norm for people who really have no clue what they are talking about. Your response should have been no but, that would have made you look like an idiot. Too late for that. It has already been proven that most DO NOT QUALIFY. You had no real answer so in typical moronic form you chnage the original point.

My point is still valid, if you have proof that they indeed qualify for asylum, you should go down there and help them get taken care of since you care so much. If you don't, you are simply the hypocrite we all think/know you to be.
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We are labeled Nazi's for simply having a difference of opinion. Simply because we believe in the rule of law and the constitution we are either racist or Nazi's. The real fascist/Nazi's live in the liberal world.

The guy used the term final solution when discussing on what should be done with illegal immigrants. Are you blind or dumb?
We are labeled Nazi's for simply having a difference of opinion. Simply because we believe in the rule of law and the constitution we are either racist or Nazi's. The real fascist/Nazi's live in the liberal world.

I’ll point out that the rule of law is what allows virtually unlimited illegal immigration.
well I jokingly said Trump couldn't take back his comment about Russia no longer targeting us because he answered no twice. ..

What’s to guarantee they stay there?

Talk about a goalpost move. From “build the wall” and “stop illegal immigration” to “let them all into the US where they can freely roam and do whatever they want to.”

Art of the deal in action.

Tell them if they come out they’re deported. and never let them vote.

Elegant, really.
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I’ll point out that the rule of law is what allows virtually unlimited illegal immigration.
No actually it does not allow illegal immigration. Public opinion brought on by a false narrative and a disingenuous/lying fake news media has brainwashed a large mass of people in this country. Illegal entry into this country for first offense could bring 6 months in jail. Second offense 10 years or more depending on what else they have done. Problem is what I stated above has allowed disregard and non enforcement of the law.
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They could be considered in violation of federal law simply by non enforcement but, their claim is they don't know where they are in the city and cannot/will not use their resources to round them up. Don't have the funding nor the man power defense. So, the federal government has since suggested they could be gotten on harboring laws but once again they are going with the not knowing they are there or where they are in the city defense.
Here it is folks, most of us in these threads think they should come in the legal way. Those who do not should be immediately deported but since they are not, those awaiting court hearings should wait in sanctuary cites pure and simple.
Send them to the sanctuary cities, build temporary camps for them ,paid by the sanctuary city administrations local tax money. When it hits the libs in the pocketbook we'll see how enthusiastically they back uncontrolled immigration. HELP THEM WITH YOUR EFFIN MONEY. NOT MINE!!!!!!!
They could be considered in violation of federal law simply by non enforcement but, their claim is they don't know where they are in the city and cannot/will not use their resources to round them up. Don't have the funding nor the man power defense. So, the federal government has since suggested they could be gotten on harboring laws but once again they are going with the not knowing they are there or where they are in the city defense.
Considered a violation & successfully prosecuting are miles apart. Next.
Who cares as if he broke some sort of rules of proper ness , eff that and your sensitivity... freaking words on a damn message board
You're sick. That statement is as bad as the N word & I don't see that being thrown around here. And those that support him are just as bad.