If I didn't think Dan Crenshaw was a solid upstanding married American, I'd say there'd be 1-1 odds he bangs AOC. Literally, not just figuratively like he does on Twitter every day.
I must then assume you are a hateful, spiteful b!tch.
When you're used to being in charge equality feels like oppression.
Notice: they go straight to identity politics.
Cant have rational discussion bc this us what they go to. The hierarchy of victimhood.
But yeah, the lady with all the traits of an authoritarian dictator- notice shes never wrong, it's all someone elses fault, and it's just bc of her identity---is a true champion of the working class..so much so she cost her district 25,000 jobs. Feeeliings... a central planner will be the one to control, er I mean help you!
This was probably incitement tho, right? Oh wait, only liberals shoot up baseball fields of congressman after working on Bernie's campaign.
Hows gubner Ralph Northam? When Steve king came out with blackface and racist BS..the GOP forced him to resign. Still waiting on the left.
You dudes crack me up . . . absolutely obsessed with the brown girl first term legislator . . . constantly talking about her appearance and intelligence . . . while making the combover orangutan who thinks windmills cause cancer your messiah and Mensa poster boy.
U crazy? Other than wendys chicken nuggets they are the best.
This is one of the most racist posts we have read on the political board. You should be ashamed and apologize. Shameful display of racism.You dudes crack me up . . . absolutely obsessed with the brown girl first term legislator . . . constantly talking about her appearance and intelligence . . . while making the combover orangutan who thinks windmills cause cancer your messiah and Mensa poster boy.
I’m sitting here watching the Masters and at the same time trying to figure out how people like AOC and the Muslim lady actually won elections.
At this point I see 2 outcomes 1) this rush to the far left eventually runs out of steam and Dems move back toward the center or 2) it keeps gaining steam and the dem party becomes a full blown socialist entity.
If #2 happens, and I hope the hell it doesn’t, I’ll never refer to myself as a Democrat again. Where are the sane Dems? None of them want to speak out. Bill Clinton’s political stances when he was president were a quantum leap to the right of the current state of the Democratic Party. I guess he doesn’t have the stroke anymore to be influential.
Nah it's those orthodox Jews that suddenly fell victim to measles
---- random lib poster
Nah, it's some ignorant people that can't look into things on their own and realize that certain groups don't believe in science and put their kids lives in danger. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-new...-booklet-spread-anti-vaccine-messages-n993596
As I told you last time, most cases are from unvaccinated Americans (idiots) traveling outside of the US and picking it up and bringing it back or tourists coming in and unvaccinated people (idiots) picking it up. Quit blaming everything on illegal immigrantsEven if they're the ones catching it - where'd it come from? It was eradicated.
As I told you last time, most cases are from unvaccinated Americans (idiots) traveling outside of the US and picking it up and bringing it back or tourists coming in and unvaccinated people (idiots) picking it up. Quit blaming everything on illegal immigrants
You dudes crack me up . . . absolutely obsessed with the brown girl first term legislator . . . constantly talking about her appearance and intelligence . . . while making the combover orangutan who thinks windmills cause cancer your messiah and Mensa poster boy.
As I told you last time, most cases are from unvaccinated Americans (idiots) traveling outside of the US and picking it up and bringing it back or tourists coming in and unvaccinated people (idiots) picking it up. Quit blaming everything on illegal immigrants
You dudes crack me up . . . absolutely obsessed with the brown girl first term legislator . . . constantly talking about her appearance and intelligence . . . while making the combover orangutan who thinks windmills cause cancer your messiah and Mensa poster boy.
Lol wow. And let me guess, you think Trump supporters are the real racists right? Might want to take a look in the mirror.absolutely obsessed with the brown girl
We really need a #F*ckOmar hashtag. True story.#IStandWithIlhanOmar is trending on twitter.
I’m no Beto boy, but LMAO at the notion that the generic question “what do you think about taxes?” deserves anything but a generic answer, especially for an 18 year old.
Teenagers are the worst when it comes to talking about, well...anything. Followed closely by the college/freshly-graduated morons who feel entitled to talk with authority about everything. Because, you know...college.
Nobody should be taken seriously until they’ve spent at least five years 100% supporting themselves in the real world. Not parroting mommy and daddy’s political views, not feeling enlightened after a drunken political debate at a college party, none of that shit. You provide your own insurance, housing, and transportation for a few years, then maybe we can talk about your policy opinions.
That’s my problem with AOC. She still sounds like the annoying know-it-all at the Thanksgiving table who’s about to graduate with a liberal arts degree. Quit giving her attention that she doesn’t deserve.
How did David Brooks ever get the "title" of conservative. As a writer for the New York Times he can't be conservative. It wouldn't last until supper time.
Yep, just because the article said so without any real proof. it seemed speculative.So Americans get it from foreigners? But foreigners don’t bring it here?
Is that what you’re saying?