How will they rule ??!

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These last few remarks from people here illustrates exactly how poorly educated Kentuckians really are. They just throw all the bad people in the world along with anyone they do not care for into a bag and call them socialists.

Maybe you've never ran across this in your meager education:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller
You might want to do a little more reading yourself before you proclaim others to be poorly educated. This would be a good place to start if you are truly interested in why the Nazis were socialists. Although many companies remained in private hands, the government controlled the means of production in every meaningful way.

did she really make a video while squatting on the floor haha


You might want to do a little more reading yourself before you proclaim others to be poorly educated. This would be a good place to start if you are truly interested in why the Nazis were socialists. Although many companies remained in private hands, the government controlled the means of production in every meaningful way.

Wow, thanks for that. Learned a lot.

The left today are literaly Nazis.

De facto government ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.

^ This is exactly what these nazi children cry for.
LOL- like the stone monument in Germany that quotes Hitler being a socialist. I see you re-writing history again. How about paying your bet you GD bet squelcher

Hmmm...yet all the modern day Nazi's support Trump.

It is times like these that I do realize how our education system has failed us. Simpletons like yourself are so easily swayed by the use of words and fail to look at the actions or context. You're so f'kn stupid that you think that "socialist" and "communist" are synonyms but fail to realize that Hitler saw no greater enemy than the communist.
I guess you also think that the GDR... the German Democratic Republic was well as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea...yet both were/are communist dictatorships.

Let me just leave this here for you..

Nazism is a form of fascism and showed that ideology's disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system, but also incorporated fervent antisemitism, scientific racism, and eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism came from Pan-Germanism and the Völkisch movement prominent in the German nationalism of the time, and it was strongly influenced by the anti-Communist Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I, from which came the party's "cult of violence" which was "at the heart of the movement."

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class conflict, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization.

Perhaps you should try reading Mein Kamph. In fact, do so and then get back with me on how "socialist" Hitler truly was.
Wow, thanks for that. Learned a lot.

The left today are literaly Nazis.

De facto government ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.

^ This is exactly what these nazi children cry for.
Yet actual Nazis vote and run as Republicans.
These last few remarks from people here illustrates exactly how poorly educated Kentuckians really are. They just throw all the bad people in the world along with anyone they do not care for into a bag and call them socialists.

Maybe you've never ran across this in your meager education:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller

First, they came for men

Then they came for businessmen

Then they (James Comey) came for Martha Stewart

Then they came for comedians

Then they came for NFL, NCAA sports...both of which have done so much for African American Communities...

Then they came for the working class

Then they came for guns

Then they came for your right to speak

Then they came for an Ivy League Globalist who employs immigrants, women, and is married to a foreigner who speaks 7 languages...

Then they came for Ivy League Educated Liberal Canadian Professors (Jordan Peterson)

Then they came for the Chinese on college campuses

Then they came for jews (Ohmar, AOC, Tlaib)

Then they came for "moderates", by liberal standards anyway, like Schultz and Bloomberg

Then they came for Uncle Joe...Obama's right-hand man...

Then they came for Beto because he's rich and his wife didn't talk in an ad...

Then they came for our borders

Then they came for blacks and other minorities who bailed on the party (Candace Owens, Kanye, Lexit, Blexit, #Walkaway)

Then they came for babies in and outside of the womb...

Now they're coming for liberal Hollywood rich people who give too much to the universities...
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Senator Cory Gardner (R): Trump said he would sign pot bill.

Sen. Cory Gardner said Thursday that President Donald Trump told him he’d sign legislation to ensure states can decide for themselves whether to legalize marijuana, but that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs some more convincing.

The Colorado Republican, along with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), reintroduced their bicameral bill Thursday.....

#MAGA. :americanflag: :pimp:
Trump finally got sick of watching Fox & Friends and instead called in and made a complete fool of himself. They actually cut him off and ended the call after he admitted he wanted to exert control over the DOJ to end the russia investigation.


LoL, as soon as Fox hung up on Trump the SDNY amended their case against Cohen using Trumps own words.
+ [laughing]