she comes across exactly as you would expect.
he is dumb even to approach this garbage but she is insufferable
Conservatives in the last two years have had speeches canceled because of "security" Berkley Antifa set fires and stop a conservative speaker........Ann Coulter got death threats before a speech at a university......How about the guy that got beat up because he was handing out conservative Berkley.....the home of "free speech".....The Left is only interested in the 1st Amendment if it suits them.......just like they do the rest of the constitution........good reading......
Who's the snow flake here? He gave you examples and this is all you have? People like you are a dumb as rocks. Once proven wrong you change the narrative because you have no intelligent answer. No one is defending anything, only proving that left wing nut jobs set it up.Wait, are people in this thread defending Charlottesville
Cry me a river. In the words of BCG, it looks like conservatives need to get....”5% tougher.”
Do you even snowflake, bro?
Why? You blowing out more hot air again?Make sure you guys watch out for all those cancer windmills!
You know, after spewing all that utter crap over the past couple years, you really should compensate us for the privilege of posting anything else in this thread. Seriously.Make sure you guys watch out for all those cancer windmills!
Wait, are people in this thread defending Charlottesville
Cry me a river. In the words of BCG, it looks like conservatives need to get....”5% tougher.”
Do you even snowflake, bro?
And likewise with GOP candidates. If Adolph Hitler ran as a GOP candidate 95% of Republicans would vote for him and if you say otherwise then you know you're a liar.
Climate change will be used as a dozen other reasons for the Western World to be replaced by a different population
When I started school we were less than 5 years from the end of WWII. And we were taught in the classroom that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler was socialist. And why were we taught that? Because he and his party were socialist. He was not a conservative. Winston Churchill was a conservative. As time has passed history revisionist have changed the narrative and now try to tie Adolph Hitler to conservatism. Just another lie from the left. If Hitler were alive today there is no doubt which American political party he would associate with. We all know that. .LOL- like the stone monument in Germany that quotes Hitler being a socialist. I see you re-writing history again. How about paying your bet you GD bet squelcher
When it comes to the electoral college, the states do vote thru their representatives.States don’t vote. People do. If it were reversed Repubs would be doing the same thing
This is utter BS. This is from Britannica:When I started school we were less than 5 years from the end of WWII. And we were taught in the classroom that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler was socialist. And why were we taught that? Because he and his party were socialist. He was not a conservative. Winston Churchill was a conservative. As time has passed history revisionist have changed the narrative and now try to tie Adolph Hitler to conservatism. Just another lie from the left. If Hitler were alive today there is no doubt which American political party he would associate with. We all know that. .
When I started school we were less than 5 years from the end of WWII. And we were taught in the classroom that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler was socialist. And why were we taught that? Because he and his party were socialist. He was not a conservative. Winston Churchill was a conservative. As time has passed history revisionist have changed the narrative and now try to tie Adolph Hitler to conservatism. Just another lie from the left. If Hitler were alive today there is no doubt which American political party he would associate with. We all know that. .
And yet those countries that have heavy dose of Democratic socialism today are at the top of the list of happy and content populations far ahead of the USA. Just the facts of can't really put the fuhrer left or right in the context of our modern american political spectrum because once you get to those extremes the distinctions are blurred; if hitler hated anyone more than the jews and capitalists it would've been the communists.
the real problem is the american right is willing to disassociate itself from its extreme, while the american left is not. this neoMarxist bs that is somehow weaseling its way to being acceptable is every bit as evil as racial fascism
KA-BOOM!Make sure you guys watch out for all those cancer windmills!
How is that a fact when it cannot be measured in any meaningful way? I want you to prove that.And yet those countries that have heavy dose of Democratic socialism today are at the top of the list of happy and content populations far ahead of the USA. Just the facts of it.
BTW Neo marxism is such a broad term used by faux intellectuals it defies definition.
First off.......I am not your F'ing bro..................I like the illegal immigrants want a better away my tax dollars to illegal immigrants is hindering my attempt at a better life......let me keep my money and let the new S. American welfare class stay in their "shit hole" countries...........feel free to give all the money you want to these people....just make your check out to the US Treasury....Wait, are people in this thread defending Charlottesville
Cry me a river. In the words of BCG, it looks like conservatives need to get....”5% tougher.”
Do you even snowflake, bro?
thank you.First off.......I am not your F'ing bro..................I like the illegal immigrants want a better away my tax dollars to illegal immigrants is hindering my attempt at a better life......let me keep my money and let the new S. American welfare class stay in their "shit hole" countries...........feel free to give all the money you want to these people....just make your check out to the US Treasury....
They are trying to see what a liar smells like..........(SIC)Vietnam vet my ass.........
Why? You blowing out more hot air again?