I would have given this post a like, but that might be intepreted as pro abortion of black babies by some, so I didn't.
So who wins this bad hair battle?
Boom! I wonder how much Miguel just affected Dumbodies' BS rant.Here's a link that specifically states the question yall had about per population. Scroll down to the first graph if you don't like reading. (Relevant feature: Note: Rates are per 100,000 residents in each subpopulation.)
Here's another angle:
This equating socialism with fascism is all branding from the right. Just more of the "both sides are the same" bull. Fascism and socialism are completely separate political philosophies. They just want to mention them in the same sentence as much as possible to associate them in impressionable peoples' minds. Marx was an academic writer who never hurt a soul. Hitler was a violent dictator who murdered over 17 million people under his influence, not even counting the war effort that ultimately led to over 70 million people on this planet losing their lives.We have socialists and communists postng in this thread. Never seen a single person support the nazis. Other than platinums rant about the jews having too much power.
This equating socialism with fascism is all branding from the right. Just more of the "both sides are the same" bull. Fascism and socialism are completely separate political philosophies. They just want to mention them in the same sentence as much as possible to associate them in impressionable peoples' minds. Marx was an academic writer who never hurt a soul. Hitler was a violent dictator who murdered over 17 million people under his influence, not even counting the war effort that ultimately led to over 70 million people on this planet losing their lives.
Just ignorant!
Orange Man’s “Executive Time” at work. His babysitters always leave the most important tasks to him.
Marx specifically stated that socialism's formation should be natural, just like the other economic systems before it, not artificial, i.e. revolution. Stalin just wanted power and associated himself with a popular idea to attain it, he wasn't an actual proponent of Marx. Hitler and Mussolini were integral to the formation of fascism. Marx had been dead for decades when revolutionaries tried to associate themselves with his ideas to appear legitimate.Marx was an academic who never hurt a soul!!! Yet dictators used his ideologies to slaughter over 100 million. Dion just rose to the dumbest poster of the day. With Fuzz and Bro joining in that is quite an accomplishment.
Hitler and his Fascist regime:
Banned guns...socialized healthcare...ripped down all statues and remnants from their past....nationalized the media....hated jews....sided with Muslims during WWII.....
Man that sure sounds a lot like the repub...oh wait. Dion knows exactly which side of our political spectrum Fascist Germany is equal to.
What was the population of the US at that time? That number is much better than it appears.KA-BOOM!
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969.
- The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits dropped to a more than 49-year low last week.
- The data pointed to sustained labor market strength despite slowing economic growth.
- Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped to 202,000 for the week ended March 30, the lowest level since early December 1969, the Labor Department said.
You are again dismissed.
More proof that the left wants to destroy this country. No way could our economy survive a $40.00 an hour minimum wage. Yeah I know votes right? Then what? No real plan.
I would say beheading but, she lost her head already in the rant.
oh no she's gonna wear a turbin...
What's the appropriate islam punishment for a woman who goes crazy like that disrespecting men?
First off.......I am not your F'ing bro..................I like the illegal immigrants want a better life........giving away my tax dollars to illegal immigrants is hindering my attempt at a better life......let me keep my money and let the new S. American welfare class stay in their "shit hole" countries...........feel free to give all the money you want to these people....just make your check out to the US Treasury....
Human factor and greed without willingness to achieve goals through hard work=liberalism/socialism/communism. IT CAN NOT AND WILL NOT WORK! It is this blind faith to a system that has failed throughout history that defines people on the left as lunatics. Also shows how really uneducated you people really are.Marx specifically stated that socialism's formation should be natural, just like the other economic systems before it, not artificial, i.e. revolution. Stalin just wanted power and associated himself with a popular idea to attain it, he wasn't an actual proponent of Marx. Hitler and Mussolini were integral to the formation of fascism. Marx had been dead for decades when revolutionaries tried to associated themselves with his ideas to appear legitimate.
False with no proof what so ever to back up your claim. One will affect you if they go on the government dime. How many can we take before we become taxed more than we can handle? Do you have those numbers?You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?
Newsflash, bro - these people will not affect your day-to-day life at all. Whether they stay here illegally or eventually gain permanent citizenship. You won’t notice a single difference.
You just like to feel outraged about petty stuff. You feel like your outrage is justified...just because you were born here. You’re a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Let these people live their lives and keep on voting red every two years. That’s all you can do about it.
False with no proof what so ever to back up you claim. One will affect you if they go on the government dime. How many can we take before we become taxed more than we can handle? Do you have those numbers?
You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?
Newsflash, bro - these people will not affect your day-to-day life at all. Whether they stay here illegally or eventually gain permanent citizenship. You won’t notice a single difference.
You just like to feel outraged about petty stuff. You feel like your outrage is justified...just because you were born here. You’re a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Let these people live their lives and keep on voting red every two years. That’s all you can do about it.
You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?..
oh no she's gonna wear a turbin...
What's the appropriate islam punishment for a woman who goes crazy like that disrespecting men?
Lmao, one of the all time dumbest posts in political thread history. Congrats.You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?
Newsflash, bro - these people will not affect your day-to-day life at all. Whether they stay here illegally or eventually gain permanent citizenship. You won’t notice a single difference.
You just like to feel outraged about petty stuff. You feel like your outrage is justified...just because you were born here. You’re a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Let these people live their lives and keep on voting red every two years. That’s all you can do about it.
Good lord, I can’t tell if you’re serious or trolling.
Lmao, one of the all time dumbest posts in political thread history. Congrats.
You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?
Newsflash, bro - these people will not affect your day-to-day life at all. Whether they stay here illegally or eventually gain permanent citizenship. You won’t notice a single difference.
You just like to feel outraged about petty stuff. You feel like your outrage is justified...just because you were born here. You’re a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Let these people live their lives and keep on voting red every two years. That’s all you can do about it.
Hell no you wouldn't want facts to get in the way of your liberal views............You are not bringing anything to the table but stupidity......make out your check to the US Treasury..........they will accept you help..........You liberals don't want to spend your money.......you want to spend everyone else's money.........screw you......Wanting me to “back up” every single thing I type with “numbers” is RICH, coming from you. This is a thread filled with opinions. Most are similar, but then you have me. You know what I bring to the table.
That good ol’....
wait for it.....
Start linking “evidence” with literally everything you post on here, and then I’ll hit you back with some. Until then, keep typing “fake/false” and being lame.
Do you even party, bro?
You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?
Newsflash, bro - these people will not affect your day-to-day life at all. Whether they stay here illegally or eventually gain permanent citizenship. You won’t notice a single difference.
You just like to feel outraged about petty stuff. You feel like your outrage is justified...just because you were born here. You’re a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Let these people live their lives and keep on voting red every two years. That’s all you can do about it.
You get scared by the idea of “caravans” of people approaching our southern border, don’t you?
Newsflash, bro - these people will not affect your day-to-day life at all. Whether they stay here illegally or eventually gain permanent citizenship. You won’t notice a single difference.
You just like to feel outraged about petty stuff. You feel like your outrage is justified...just because you were born here. You’re a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Let these people live their lives and keep on voting red every two years. That’s all you can do about it.
Yet actual Nazis vote and run as Republicans.
Muslims killing people in the UK almost weekly.
Cop out response. You have no stats that support open borders or just taking in all who wish to come being the right thing to do. How much is enough and how much is too much? Where do you draw the line before it destroys our economy and country? You and the dumb asses from the left do not know. In any endeavor one begins it is wise to plan and figure what steps to take in relation on how to begin and what avenues to take. How much money it will take to support the endeavor and what the end result will be. It is insanity and dangerous to advance without some sort of idea as to what will happen by your actions without assessing the possible outcome first.Wanting me to “back up” every single thing I type with “numbers” is RICH, coming from you. This is a thread filled with opinions. Most are similar, but then you have me. You know what I bring to the table.
That good ol’....
wait for it.....
Start linking “evidence” with literally everything you post on here, and then I’ll hit you back with some. Until then, keep typing “fake/false” and being lame.
Do you even party, bro?