How many $7 bottles of beer ya gonna buy?ottled beer at @AOC’s old bar went for SEVEN DOLLARS A PIECE![]()
Yet the bar still went out of business when NYC implemented a $15/hour minimum wage law![]()
Universities are total endoctrination zones for communism , I am proud to say I almost got kicked out of college and not for gradesSince when is it the University's responsibility to worry about food or housing for ADULTS who WILLFULLY CHOSE to apply, and subsequently enroll, in school there?
No one is forcing you to be there.
There is no hope for this country's future.
No way that’s his last name lmaoStudents end protest after UK president concedes to demands
Eli Cuckilouto caved to these people. "Food insecurity" even though there is already an open God's pantry type arrangement for students in need. But, shockingly, that isn't enough. Students sleeping in their cars? They don't have a single friend who will let them stay in their luxurious resort style dorm?
And the biggest concern? A painting which shows black people as slaves. I wish their ancestors depicted in that mural were still alive so they could smack these brats for being so ungrateful and brainwashed.
About 10 years ago I stopped my annual alumni funding at the University of Kentucky. Like most UK grads I received phone calls and letters from every fund raiser hired at UK. Since graduation in 1965 I sent thousands of dollars to the university. Then I realized all I was doing was funding nonsense like this. Tuition is sky high and way over priced. Conservatives are treated like second class citizens. The entire establishment at UK is like every other liberal university in America so I had enough.Students end protest after UK president concedes to demands
Eli Cuckilouto caved to these people. "Food insecurity" even though there is already an open God's pantry type arrangement for students in need. But, shockingly, that isn't enough. Students sleeping in their cars? They don't have a single friend who will let them stay in their luxurious resort style dorm?
And the biggest concern? A painting which shows black people as slaves. I wish their ancestors depicted in that mural were still alive so they could smack these brats for being so ungrateful and brainwashed.
"Senator from Hawaii. She's a highly....nice woman"
Students end protest after UK president concedes to demands
Eli Cuckilouto caved to these people. "Food insecurity" even though there is already an open God's pantry type arrangement for students in need. But, shockingly, that isn't enough. Students sleeping in their cars? They don't have a single friend who will let them stay in their luxurious resort style dorm?
And the biggest concern? A painting which shows black people as slaves. I wish their ancestors depicted in that mural were still alive so they could smack these brats for being so ungrateful and brainwashed.
Don’t try to understand their logic they are mentally diseasedWait a minute, kids are starving and without shelter but their biggest concern is a painting?
I agree with the idea that colleges are a racket and that it is expensive beyond anything remotely reasonable, however, if you're a poor minority, you nor your parents are paying for college.
I would like to have the food "insecurity" explained in more detail. The common cafeteria on campus, as well as the other UK food service places, is fairly inexpensive The commons was all you could eat when I went through. The university doesn't set the price of the corporate/chain type restaurants that are on campus.
As far as housing, all the new dorms they've built over the past handful of years cost something like a half billion. So, yeah it's going to cost some money to stay on campus but like with tuition assistance typically you get a break if you're below a certain financial threshold.
My first question if I were president Cap would be "how many of you are getting any kind of financial assistance already, secondly, how many of you are working at least part-time?"
As far as housing, all the new dorms they've built over the past handful of years cost something like a half billion. So, yeah it's going to cost some money to stay on campus but like with tuition assistance typically you get a break if you're below a certain financial threshold.
It disgusts me how much these same people who are tweeting praises of Joe Biden's character were out for blood on such weak evidence against Kavanaugh.
Normal people: Wait so maybe climate change not as bad as some thought
Progressives: Oh my god learn the difference between weather and climate!!!
A hot week or a hurricane
Progressives: Oh my god see climate change is killing this earth.
Normal People: I thought you said weather and climate were different?
Progressives: Science denier!!!!
This is essentially the climate debate now.
Oops, too late.
Free Speech in Education (FIRE) maintains ratings of about 450 colleges for free speech.
wrong forum..
Two years ago Matt Jones and Adam Edlen, who is currently running for Governor as a Democrat started a political group in Kentucky which was designed to "save politics in Kentucky." It has now dissolved. Matt has a lot going for him as one of the most visible leaders of Big Blue Nation. He has parlayed fan interest in UK sports into a very lucrative career. However, as a general rule business and politics don't mix well together. They both often wind up suffering because of the mix. I've never met Matt Jones but my unsolicited advice would be to dump poltics and stick with what has made you successful. Kentucky is much too of a conservative state for you to have a reasonable chance of statewide election or even a Congressional election.
Saw snow on pine needles of trees on the morning of Derby Day here in NKy. Believe it was 1987 or 88.Normal people: Wait so maybe climate change not as bad as some thought
Progressives: Oh my god learn the difference between weather and climate!!!
A hot week or a hurricane
Progressives: Oh my god see climate change is killing this earth.
Normal People: I thought you said weather and climate were different?
Progressives: Science denier!!!!
This is essentially the climate debate now.
more like sad dayI really like KSR and Hey Kentucky... its going to be hilarious when everyone's children become liberals by learning politics from Matt.
who's triggered ???
States don’t vote. People do. If it were reversed Repubs would be doing the same thingSave politics in Kentucky from what? It's the height of arrogance if he believes it's in trouble simply because he doesn't agree with the outcomes. That's like national Democrats wanting to do away with the Electorial college simple because 40 of the 50 states will never vote for them. If the issue is people won't vote for what you want then the issue is you not politics in general.
What if your business is politics?“Politics and business don’t mix well” lol